Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2082: You’re just going to reincarnate

Fang Xing sat in the Yanzhou Mansion, staring at the parties to clean up.

If the two grandfathers of Jinan were Dinghai Shenzhen, then Fang Xing would be stormy.

He was sitting in the government office, and Yanzhou government from the prefect Tao Li to the small officials was exhausted.

The work of clearing acres was carried out in an orderly manner, and as the information was summarized, a chart was slowly taking shape.

Fang Xing was looking at this table, and the data on it was superimposed, constantly improving.

Tao Li felt that he was definitely out of bad luck, that's why Fang Xing's evil **** came to come.

He was a little panicked. After seeing Fang Xing's decisive handling of various abnormal situations, he began to panic.

He stood in the hall and watched Fang Xing casually order people to take his capable men and pass the sentence to Zhou Wen.

"Don't worry about anything. Clean up the fields and cancel the preferential treatment. It means to clean up the officialdom of various places. Otherwise, how to implement the one-tax system?!"

Fang Xing stood in the hall and said calmly.

Tao Li respectfully said: "Yes, it's just Xinghe Bo. There are so many government officials everywhere, it's difficult to make a distinction."

He had accumulated courage for a long time when he said this, so after he finished speaking, he glanced at and woke up.

Fang Xing was slightly surprised by the frankness of what he said, and nodded, "The shelter between local officials is normal. This is not a scourge, it is just human nature. So clean up is one thing. Strict testing is the law and strict inspection is the only thing. right way."

Tao Li secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fang Xing arrived yesterday, Tao Li stayed up all night, all kinds of fantasies, the most thought about was being locked up in Beijing, the family was locked up in a large prison, and after the interrogation, he boarded a boat and exiled to a deserted island overseas, and Those savages are in the company.

So he didn't have a good impression of the gentry who made trouble, and felt that these people were always lucky, and felt that he could escape the guilt.

The human heart is always so full of fluke, always no tears without seeing the coffin...

"Uncle, a small official in Feixian County was killed. The murderer took the farmer into the mountain and called himself King of Chu."

The scout came in and reported a piece of news that Tao Li looked like was bad news.

He looked pale and said: "Uncle Xinghe, Xiaguan...this matter has nothing to do with Xiaguan, Xiaguan is willing to take people to the purge..."

Fang Xing stared at him and said seriously: "As long as you fulfill your duties, please trust your majesty. Your majesty will not wrong a competent official, just be yourself."

Deterrence and suppression are only one side. It is impossible for Chao Zhong and Zhu Zhanji to only know the cold suppression. Even though they surrender, the hearts of the people are scattered.

Daming didn't need a shuddering officialdom. Zhu Zhanji was a little moved, but Fang Xing told him firmly that this was just a strong pressure, and without supervision, it would cause a more intense rebound.

Tao Li bowed his hand and said gratitude: "The subordinates must perform their duties faithfully and protect this Yanzhou mansion for your majesty."

"Yanzhou Mansion..."

Fang Xing said dissatisfied: "This is Daming, a peaceful and prosperous Daming, no need to guard!"

Tao Li was agitated, and hurriedly remedied, "You must be under the official..."

His words were interrupted!

It was interrupted by the coldness that suddenly appeared on Fang Xing's face!

"King Chu? Interesting!"

Fang Xing said coldly: "Go to a hundred households, Ben will see the head of King Chu!"

There was a loud promise from someone outside the door, and then there was a shout outside, and the sound of horseshoes gradually faded away.

Tao Li is like a chill!

"King Chu...Da Chuxing, King Chen Sheng..."

Fang Xing stood in the hall, looked outside, smiled and said: "Daming's government is unreasonable and people are not in harmony, but it is still not the end of Qin. Your Majesty is in the capital, and Ben is in Yanzhou. Let's see who wants to be Chen Sheng!"

Tao Li bowed and said, "Uncle Xinghe, the subordinates dare to kill the thief with a knife!"

Fang Xing shook his head and walked out of the lobby slowly.

There were people coming and going in the palace, and the sergeants looked at these people with muskets and knife hilts in their hands.

No one is completely innocent!

Therefore, everyone is suspicious!

Fang Xing walked out of the lobby slowly, and casually commanded: "Ma uploads the order everywhere, some people have conspired, and they have been the leader of the king. The family will go overseas, everywhere in the miasma..."

"Fang Xing! Dehua!"

There was noise outside at this time, and then someone stepped in.

"Master Cheng?"

Fang Xing greeted him and said, "Why did Master Cheng Guo come to Yanzhou?"

The visitor was Zhu Yong. He scanned the lobby and said, "The scout said that you suddenly went deep into Texas and rushed all the way to the Yanzhou Mansion. I just wanted to come and have a look and help you."


Fang Xing glanced at Zhu Yong and said with a smile: "I can't talk about rushing, just wandering outside is a bit boring, so I want to come over and see the situation here, the result is good, at least there is no big problem on the government side."

This is Daming's land, and the raiding is only Zhu Yong's eager words to fight.

"Just saw the cavalry set off, what's the matter?"

Zhu Yong asked suddenly.

"There is rebellion."


The two stood in the middle, and everyone on the side hid.

There was something wrong with the atmosphere, Tao Li walked over and stopped ten steps away.

He felt that it was the center of the storm and could tear himself to pieces.

Zhu Yong frowned and said: "We want to destroy them..."

Fang Xing smiled and said: "That's right, so I sent a cavalry, a hundred households, enough to clean up the rebels."

Zhu Yong fixedly looked at Fang Xing, Fang Xing smiled, and the two of them were silent for a moment.

In the end, Zhu Yong spoke first: "You said it was cruising outside."

"Yes, it's just that there is a commotion in Yanzhou Mansion."

The two looked at each other, Fang Xing kept smiling, but Zhu Yong's eyes drifted a little.

Calmness and embarrassment are spreading!

"I... didn't mean to grab merit or interfere."

Fang Xing finally explained: "I said that in this life only Xing He Bo and Cheng Guo Gong, understand?"

He looked directly at Zhu Yong, very calm, without the low self-esteem or panic.

Zhu Yong's eyes were a little annoyed, and he said, "But you are outside, and Dingguo and I are included. This is set by your majesty. As for the Yanzhou government, the three teams of scouts are patrolling everywhere, and the news is reported every two days..."

"You...Even if the credit is not small, you still need to respect me and Dingguo..."

Zhu Yong was a little embarrassed when he said this, but it was a reaction after being provoked. He just said it plainly, which was already suppressing his temper for him.

Tao Li's body trembled slightly, and he regretted it.

A national duke, an earl, if they make any contradiction, his potency will be cannon fodder.

And hearing the cannon fodder of what happened, the situation will be much worse than without knowing it.

He glanced at Fang Xing, worried that Fang Xing would be furious over Zhu Yong's words.

But Fang Xing was still smiling, but said indifferently: "If I want to, I am also the Duke of the country now!"


Tao Li felt that he was probably dead, so he hissed: "The official didn't hear it!"

If you dare to regard the title of the country as an ordinary thing, it is probably only Fang wakes up.

But Zhu Yong is here!

If I want to, I am also the Duke of the country now!

This is Fang Xing's counterattack!

What's your great pen?

You still have to attack the Jue~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as a good reincarnation, and then you have got a national duke.

But we just don't want to wake up, otherwise I will be on an equal footing with you, Zhu Neng!

The most humiliating thing here is Xi Jue's suggestion!

You are the dude!

You are a reincarnation!

Humiliation, the most powerful thing is this hint!

Zhu Yong's complexion was a little blue, and his eyes became more stern.

Don't care about me!

Tao Li slowly backed away, just wanting to get out of this vortex.

The surrounding people all retreated, leaving only the sergeant who gathered at Baoshanwei, Fang Xing's family, and the personal soldiers brought in by Zhu Yong.

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