Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2083: The small abacus before the general trend

The atmosphere was so tense that Xin Laoqi had already grasped the hilt of the knife, and then the murderous intent was revealed in his eyes.

He doesn't care about your father-in-law, he will kill Fang Xing if he threatens him.

Zhu Yong's family was jealous of him, and suddenly became nervous.

And Xin Laoqi is not far from Zhu Yong, right beside Fang Xing, remembering how he once killed many criminals on a rainy night in Jinan, a soldier couldn't help but shouted: "Protect the Lord of the Country..."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhu Yong laughed suddenly, and the atmosphere of tension between the two sides was diminished.

Fang Xing smiled slightly and said, "Drinking?"

Zhu Yong nodded, and cursed: "What's the matter! I've been exposed to death all the way, eat all the dust, get some good wine to relieve fatigue!"

Fang Xing took the lead, and the two entered the lobby.

"Old Qi, ask someone to get a hot pot, put more chili, it doesn't count if the soup is not red."

Xin Laoqi responded, and Zhu Yong sat down and said, "Eating hot pot and making chili in this weather, don't you feel too hot?"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Those who like hot pot know that the best time to eat is in summer. The hotter you eat, the more you sweat, and it feels... hearty!"

Zhu Yong untied his waist knife and threw it to the incoming soldiers, then moved his neck and asked, "What's the situation over there?"

Fang Xing said: "A gentry probably was reluctant to give up the fields, he killed the small official, and then brought many people into the mountain, claiming to be the king of Chu."

"King Chu?"

Zhu Yong smiled: "What **** King Chu, this is because he wants to kill himself! He is dead!"

Fang Xing nodded and said, "Yes, I've already let people go, I'll cut it when I see you!"

"Liwei? Shocked? Good!"

The hot pot came up later, steaming hot, and immediately made Zhu Yong no time to speak.

There are so many ingredients in this season. The cook made a chicken, two lamb legs, chicken soup, and sliced ​​lamb.

There was a small clay pot in the middle of the table, and the pot was steaming.

There are a few large plates of lamb slices on the side, as well as seasonal vegetables.

Wine is a good wine. Zhu Yong took a sip first, then sandwiched a piece of chicken, looked at the red soup, and said helplessly, "I'm afraid I will walk with my **** in my hands tomorrow!"

"Have hemorrhoids?"

Fang Xing asked with a smirk.

Zhu Yong said embarrassingly: "Yes, after eating chili, it will be **** the next day. It's so hot and painful!"

Fang Xing couldn't help laughing, Zhu Yong was a little angry, and gradually laughed too.

The atmosphere gradually improved, and the previous clouds seemed to have disappeared.

Fang woke up a few slices of lamb into the pot, then found a piece of chicken kidney to eat, and drank contentedly.

Zhu Yong waited, then put a slice of lamb out, looked at the red soup on the slice, and said with a sad face: "I really want to eat it, but I will suffer tomorrow. Why did Dehua teach me."

Fang Xing scooped a spoon of red soup in the bowl, then blew it a few times, took a sip, and enjoyed it.

Zhu Yong's cheek twitched. It was made from chicken broth. It was delicious, but it was not too spicy, so he couldn't enjoy it.

Fang Xing drank a few sips of soup and said, "Bitterness...everyone eats, and some pains are worth eating..."

Zhu Yong said faintly: "The suffering is naturally edible, but he is afraid that he will have to bear the blame if he suffers."

Fang Xing said with a smile: "That is to think too much. If you want to make people work hard, it is not just punishment and threats, but also encouragement. For example... I heard that someone went to the place where Ming Pao was seen, but fortunately, the Lord of the country made a decisive move. , This has avoided a disaster, Fang Mou would like to thank him a lot."

Fang Xing got up and arched his hands.

Zhu Yong's eyes were brighter, and he pressed his hands down and said: "It's a matter of raising your hand, Dehua is too acclaimed."

After Fang Xing sat down, Zhu Yong said: "I have been in the capital for a long time, and I feel a little uncomfortable when I come out. However, your majesty is in front of you. No matter how uncomfortable you are, you have to do the things that your majesty explained, otherwise you will have no face to go back."

Fang Xing praised: "Duke Cheng is loyal and loyal. Your Majesty must be looking forward to it, just waiting for the good news here..."

There was a lot of smile in Zhu Yong's eyes, and he toasted: "So I will go back tomorrow and stare at Jinan."

"It should be so."


"Xing He Bo, what does Cheng Guo Gong mean?"

After eating, Fang woke up and took a cold shower, then came out and saw Wang He.

The sky gradually turned orange, and the setting sun was burning on the horizon.

Fang Xing went out, followed by Wang He.

"Duke Cheng has already settled in the city, and none of his staff have gone out..."

Wang He was testing.

Fang Xing stood in front of the hall, feeling the heat from the breeze, and said: "They are sitting in Jinan, but I suddenly came to Yanzhou. What is he worried about? Isn't it a scapegoat?"

Wang He was horrified, and said, "Then he is unfaithful! What a big matter of canceling the gentry's preferential treatment, he is still afraid of this and that. Isn't he afraid that his Majesty will deal with him?"

Some scattered clouds in the sky were smudged into orange, strands, like cotton wool.

"Everyone is afraid, understand? This is Shandong. Who dares and who wants to destroy the long-formed dams? Who wants to be the public enemy of the world?"

Fang Xing turned around and asked indifferently. As the setting sun shined behind him, his body seemed to be reflecting the light, full of sacredness.

Wang He was taken aback, and then remembered how much he had to fear even Zhu Yong, and asked, "Uncle Xinghe, could it be that the family came forward?"

When he wanted to come, no one except the family could influence Zhu Yong.

Fang Xing shook his head, "Impossible. As long as the family is not stupid, they should stay behind closed doors at this moment, otherwise Your Majesty will not tolerate it!"

Zhu Zhanji was staring at Shandong, as long as the family dared to confront, Fang Xing would dare to win!

As for the opposition from North Korea and China, Zhu Zhanji will naturally suppress them one by one!

No matter how powerful the family is, it is useless at this time. After the Meng Yuan people's rule, the original aristocratic families have long been wiped out.

The only remaining family naturally knows the strong relationship, so they have a strong sense of proportion.

"What is that? If it's our own thinking, then our family feels that Cheng Guogong is going to be finished."

Wang He didn't have much favor with Wu Xun either.

At least they have not shown a firm stand in previous battles.

This made Wang He, who regarded himself as a royal slave, disapproved.

So naturally he will not be polite.

Fang Xing burped, feeling that there was still a smell of wine.

He asked: "Are the gentry in the city disturbed?"

Wang He shook his head and said, "You and Bo are here, who dares to be restless? That's death!"

Thinking of Zhu Yong's soldiers being terrified by Xin Laoqi, Wang He couldn't help but laughed, making Xin Laoqi frown uneasy.

Fang Xing looked at the eaves illuminated by the setting sun, brilliant.

He slowly said: "Under the general trend! How will these people choose?"

Wang He covered the side of his eyes with his hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ squinted and said, "Who dares to block?"


"Who dares to stop?"

Zhu Yong drank a lot while eating, but his drink was not small, just pretending to be drunk.

The room was very hot and he couldn't stay any longer, so he went out and sat down on the steps outside.

The stone steps were icy, so Zhu Yong couldn't help groaning comfortably.

A person walked to the right and asked, "Master Guo, shall we go all out in the future, or..."

Zhu Yong looked up at the setting sun and murmured: "That day...the person who set himself on fire, although I was not afraid, but I saw those eyes...Hate, ruthless, Xu Jingchang was the chief in charge, regardless of the details, Fang Wake up cruising on the periphery, just I run around, the offending thing is what I am doing, this kind of layout... how can it not be frightening?"

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