Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2134: Assault, threat

The person who stood up was named Cao Gang, who was Du Qian's deputy.

Du Qian was promoted too quickly. Cao Gang, who was staring at the throne of Dali Temple Qing, squeezed aside, and then made a disgusting appearance that I really didn't want to be such an official.

Grabbing an official position is really more hateful than killing a parent.

So he gave Du Qian faceless.

After Du Qian took the position, he immediately stabbed him with a soft knife, which was regarded as revenge, making him almost unable to breathe.

This is the emperor's confidant, and you have to hold back if you are not convinced.

He was dissatisfied and didn't want to hold back, so he was manipulated several times by Du Qian as a hand-practicing tool, and it became a joke in Dali Temple.

Don't share the truth!

So after Du Qian started the shot today, he was waiting for the opportunity.

Now everyone is silent. This is not okay. How can you show Du Qian's stupidity if you don't make this matter a big deal?

So he came out and continued to enter the admonishment with his neck.

When people's anger reaches the limit, they will have the desire to destroy everything, and Cao Gang obviously offended the emperor with this desire.

He hoped that he could lead everyone to attack together and make the emperor at a loss, and finally blamed Du Qian.

As for safety, compared with the official position robbed by Du Qian, it's a gross!

"Fuck Nima!"

Just when he made up his mind, there was a roar on the side, and then Cao Gang felt that his right cheek had been hit.


A small bowl smashed to pieces on his face, and then a dark figure rushed over and kicked him over.

Zhu Zhanji didn't expect Fang Xing to do it either.

Du Qian, who was sneering, also didn't expect Fang Xing to do it, and immediately felt passive.

The civilian officials were even more unexpected, so they watched Fang Xing punching and kicking there, without any reaction at all.

As for Wu Xun, Zhang Fu has been in a bowed posture for quite a while. He has a memorial in his hand, obviously he has come prepared.

There was a sigh in the middle of Xun Qi, and he felt like an afterthought that he should go first.

The two fans who came in were helpless watching Fang Xing beating Cao Gang, not knowing what to do.

Zhu Zhanji let out a dry cough, and Yu Jia hurriedly shouted.

"Quickly, quickly! Uncle Xinghe is angry, please hold on, hold on!"

The two fans went over, and the Wuxuns helped together, finally pulling Fang Xing away.

Fang Xing gasped and pointed at Cao Gang lying on the ground and cursed: "Your Majesty has said that you still don't stop. Is this trying to seek rebellion?"

Cao Gang's footprints are sloppy, but he will never step on it alone. He was like a weak woman who had just been ravaged, lying there helplessly.

But the group of officials stood by hand, no one dared to talk any longer.


Your Majesty has clarified the source, and he has to come out to make trouble. This is treason.

And the fanzi of Dongchang has been waiting in full battle, which shows that the emperor has been prepared.

"Take it down!"

The emperor above gave a chilling order without hesitation.

Since enthroned, Zhu Zhanji and the officials can be regarded as a compromise with each other, even if the emperor compromised more, they have never done anything.

Today is an exception!

And set a bad precedent!

Someone wanted to intercede, but he could see Zhu Zhanji's expression indifferent, he was clearly on the fire.

The two fans dragged Cao Gang out. Cao Gang looked at Du Qian and suddenly shouted, "Du Qian, you villain, you must die!"

Du Qian was still stupid. After the people were dragged out and the shouts were getting smaller and smaller, he went out of work and said: "Your Majesty, the ministers are not strictly restrained and guilty."

Zhu Zhanji did not pay attention to him, nor did he go to see Zhang Fu, but the other side woke up and said, "I am worried about the safety of the imperial city. From tonight, Jubao Mountain Guard will enter the imperial city for one month.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Fang Xing promised loudly, with clarity in his heart.

Zhu Zhanji is acting!

They are a group of insurgents and thieves, I can't sleep at night! I'm afraid you rebels will rebel...

This is a gesture, but it is very useful.

Fang Xing has seen many people shrinking.

Chrysanthemum was messed up a lot when he beat Cao Gang just now, but most of them were still intact.

Fang Xing didn't like chrysanthemum very much. He always felt that chrysanthemum looked too ordinary and ugly.

But at the moment, the yellow and white chrysanthemums appear extraordinarily vivid in the dim environment.

The breeze blows the petals, sending a subtle floral fragrance.

The courtiers lowered their heads, and Zhang Fu's memorial was read aloud.

"...Be wary of garrison troops everywhere, the minister proposed to send Yushi to inspect all parts of the north, and give them the right to deploy troops..."

This is a draw from the bottom of the pot!

Zhang Fu has been silent, and everyone habitually thinks that Xunqi will be silent and will not interfere with these things. But who knows that when he shot it, it was a life-killing suggestion.

Fang Xing was quitting, he walked out of the hall slowly, and then looked around.

Yu Jia arched his hands and said: "Xinghe Bo has worked hard."

An Lun arched his hands expressionlessly and said nothing.

Fang Xing looked at Cao Gang who was being dragged away in front of him, and said, "Be more cautious in the palace, especially your majesty and your majesty..."

Yu Jia's heart was tense, and she hurriedly responded, ready to turn back to ask Zhu Zhanji for instructions.

"I just said it casually."

Fang Xing nodded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then glanced at An Lun, leaving the palace alone.


"Niangniang, Xing He Bo has done it and beat an official of Dali Temple."


Li Bin brought the latest news, and he thought the Queen Mother would be happy.

Sure enough, after the queen mother called out, she toasted: "The emperor worked hard for the country, and you didn't cause trouble in the harem. You have worked hard."

The Queen Mother is very interested, of course everyone has to join in, but after raising the glass, it is inevitable that the Queen Mother will be embarrassed by what she said just now.

No trouble!

We are not children!

Everyone toasted and drank together. After the Queen Mother put down the glass, Wuyou and Duan Duan were clinking the glasses. The two children also tried to drink them.

The queen mother was shocked and asked, "What are they drinking?"

The mother who was standing behind the two children smiled and said, "Niang, it's sweet wine, something to make your mouth feel."

"It's wine! It's wine!"

He held up the empty cup and yelled unconvincedly, his face blushing.

Worry-free frowned and whispered: "It's sweet wine, don't be ashamed."

Putting down the glass in frustration, he pleaded with the queen mother: "Grandma, give me some bars."

Upon seeing Dale, the queen mother said, "Give them some light wine to moisturize their lips."

Hu Shanxiang smiled and said: "Mother, when the son was a child, my father would also give some light wine, and he said that if you taste it, you will know that wine is not a good thing, so you are not allowed to learn to drink in the future."

The queen mother couldn't help laughing. The mother went over to beat her back, ran up to flatter her, and then muttered to ask for more wine.

"No nonsense!"

Hu Shanxiang glared at him and walked down with his mouth slumped.

"What to scare her into?"

The Queen Mother unswervingly said: "That's adults coaxing children! Our family doesn't need to learn this, naturally someone is staring at them."

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