Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2135: Signal, suppress (thanks to ‘s mouse eating elephant s...

"Grandma, want to drink."

Facing her granddaughter's acting like a baby, the queen mother was a little bit unstoppable.

She smiled and asked people to bring a light wine, and gave the two children the amount of chopsticks for each.

"Well, no more."

Hu Shanxiang didn't know anything, and could only watch with a smile.

Sun glanced at his daughter, but her daughter is now almost corn, and they are all foodies. Apart from playing and crying, she knows nothing.

It's useless!

Sun looked down slightly and looked at his belly, but he remembered the words of a certain imperial doctor in his heart.

"Niangniang, it must be your Royal Highness, if it is wrong, the minister is willing to make a thousand cuts."

Yes! As long as she is a boy, her dormancy now becomes meaningful.

She raised her head and smiled and said: "The child should be more happy. If you get some fruit wine, it won't hurt your body."

Hu Shanxiang smiled kindly: "Exactly, what the queen asked people to take is fruit wine."

Sun smiled and said: "It's a pity that Yue'er is a little younger, otherwise you can be with Duan Duan."

Hu Shanxiang was startled, and then kindly responded: "It will be fine in a few years, and then let Duan Duan take his sister to play."

The Sun family happily said: "Okay! Niang Niang, then..."

This queen is still kind...no, she's still stupid!

The mother behind looked at this scene expressionlessly, and quickly analyzed the two people's thoughts.

Hu Shanxiang started from the overall situation and wanted to improve the relationship between the harem.

The Sun is hitting a snake and climbing along the pole, or hitting a shot if there is a date or not.

One is stupid, one has many thoughts.

At this time, Li Bin came in again and walked to her side and said in a low voice: "My Majesty, let Xing He uncle mobilize Jubao Mountain Guard, and he will enter the imperial city to take turns from tonight. Xing He uncle has already left the palace."

The queen mother glanced at worry-free, who was whispering to Duan Duan, and said: "So this palace can rest in peace at night."

She glanced at Li Bin, the deep meaning in her eyes instantly comprehended Li Bin, and then whispered: "Don't worry, maidservant, the slave and maid will call someone to go right away."

The queen mother nodded, seeing Duan Duan and Wuyou walking out sneakily, and shouted: "You two are monsters! Not coming back!"

The two children were caught back reluctantly, causing everyone to laugh.

Fang Xing didn't laugh, he stood outside the imperial city and waited.

The three fireworks had already sent the signal all the way, and he was waiting to earn face for Zhu Zhanji.

Zhu Zhanji was premeditated today, Du Qian knew in advance, An Lun did not know, but was arranged to wait for arrest...

Who else?

Fang Xing thought about the look of the ministers today. Xia Yuan Guitar didn't think he knew that he was a technical official.

The expressions of the officials flashed in his mind like a horse lantern, and finally fixed on Yang Rong and Yang Shiqi.

The two of them were bored all the time, Yang Shiqi even looked at the officials who were on duty one by one, which was probably a record, and then looked back and cleaned them one by one.

As for Yang Rong, that was a ruthless character. Fang Xing believed that if he hadn't suddenly turned his head, Yang Rong would also interrupt the performance of those people and scold them one by one.


A thought flashed through Fang Xing's mind, and finally dissipated.

Jubaoshanwei has entered the city!

Every time they enter the city, it represents a signal: someone is challenging the royal family!

So when they saw Jubao Mountain Guards rushing into the city in neat rows, the people couldn't help looking worriedly at the direction of the imperial city.

Good day, but, who is going to get the moth?

Jubao Mountain Guard quickly entered the imperial city, Fang Xing confessed the matter, and then took his family and waited for his daughter outside the imperial city.


Fang Xing, who was squatting on the edge of the wall in a daze, got up when he heard the sound, and ran over happily without any worries. The two mothers behind him woke up and nodded each other, and then Fushen went in.

Fang Xing picked up Wuyou, and then was slightly angry, and asked Mother Qin, "Worry did you drink?"

Mother Qin smiled and said: "It is the wine that the young lady and the princess asked the empress dowager for, and they will moisturize their lips alone."

Fang Xing's complexion was slightly dark, but worry-free but excited: "Father, the wine is delicious!"

Fang Xing watched her blushing, frowning and said: "The wine is not good, it is uncomfortable to drink."


"taste not good!"

The father and daughter struggled until Fang Xing took Wuyou into the carriage, put it down in the carriage, and said, "Go home and let your mother take care of you."


When he arrived in the city, Wuyou was very interested and insisted on coming out.

Fang Xing didn't care about anything, so he sat in front of the horse holding her, and then told her about the fun places in the street.

After buying a bag of fried peanuts and holding it to her daughter, Fang Xing couldn't help being furious when she heard someone talking about the queen mother.

Things in the palace can gossip, but Fang Xing can't tolerate the queen mother.

A white-faced man with a hat was bragging with an old man selling straw sandals, and his rhetoric was gimmicky.

"The empress dowager is afraid of her old people! You said that the current courtiers are similar to those of the eunuchs in the former Tang Dynasty? They don't put the emperor in their eyes, and if they are not happy, they will change to another emperor, and then do their own masterpieces. blessing……"

The old man selling straw sandals was a little frightened. He picked up his burden, looked at the left and right, and said, "The little one doesn't know what he is talking about, I don't know!"

He turned around and ran, the white-faced man turned around and saw everyone shrinking back, he smiled awkwardly, and then he saw Fang Xing and his daughter.

"Father, Niang Niang is not afraid of them! Before, Niang Niang said that anyone who is not obedient will clean up him."

The white-faced man has recognized Wuyou, he secretly scolded himself for being stupid, then Duan smiled and nodded, then turned and went to another place.

Wuyou looked at him angrily, turned his head and said, "Father, he lied!"

Nima! Is there anything more tragic than an **** who came out to spread the news and was met by an insider?

The amateurish means of spreading the news also made people spurt blood.

"Well, he lied, and Dad turned around and asked someone to clean him up."

Fang Xing is not good at destroying the Queen Mother's plan, so he can only fool the girl who is gradually getting tired of it, and then go home.

What does the queen mother mean?

Fang Xing felt that the Queen Mother was helping Zhu Zhanji and putting pressure on the officials.

Even the queen mother feels uneasy to sleep, what are you?

The eunuchs of the former Tang Dynasty didn't have a good reputation.

To tell the truth, Zhu Yuanzhang forbade eunuchs to interfere in political affairs, probably because he was frightened by those eunuchs in the late Tang Dynasty, for fear that his children and grandchildren would become pig dogs in the hands of the eunuchs, so he treated the eunuchs harshly and was killed.

When he got home, Fang Xing found that Wuyou was asleep, so he carried her into the backyard.

In the backyard, Tuo He Ping An is playing with two big dogs, and Huan Huan is studying beside him.

Zhang Shuhui and the others sat under the eaves, watching the children play.

"Fell asleep?"

Seeing Fang Xing came in carefully holding Wuyou, the three children stopped playing, and the two big dogs just circled around Fang Xing's side without barking.

"This girl and Duanduan drank some fruit wine~www.wuxiaspot.com~ not much, just sleep."

After the girl was placed, Fang woke up and coaxed away the three sons.

"Go to the village and play with those children."

So Tudou took them and two big dogs and ran away.

"Your Majesty is angry today, the Queen Mother cooperated, the officials have bowed their heads."

Fang Xing briefly talked about the Chongyang Feast today, and finally vaguely mentioned that the Queen Mother asked people to spread the news outside.

"Master, this is an eventful season!"

What Mo Chou likes most is stability, and any factors of instability will make her feel uneasy.

"What are you afraid of!"

Xiao Bai said nonchalantly: "With the young master, how can those people dare to cause trouble."

Zhang Shuhui looked at Fang Xing with a smile, and said: "Our family does not cause trouble, but we are not afraid of others looking for trouble..."

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