Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2144: Jungle world

"Food ship?"

Abel couldn't believe it, so he asked, "Is it all?"

The Ming army sergeant who came to inform nodded, and then said: "The fleet will set off right away, and the father-in-law will give an explanation. Within a quarter of an hour, no matter who falls, we will not wait any longer."

The sergeant turned and went back, after finishing the translation, he waited for the decision of these people.

For him, it doesn't matter whether he goes or not. If he doesn't go, at least he doesn't need to take risks.

That route is very difficult. Someone has gone through it before, but I haven't seen it back yet.

But the barren Tessie needs a way out, and if he wants to be strong, he must find a new world!

What Henry wanted to find most was this route. He used the prince as his envoy, and the taste in it was worth remembering.

So he was the first to walk towards the food ship.

Abel said to Doc: "This is your strategy, this is your neglect, and you use cavalry to test people's guts. Now their revenge is coming, how do you feel?"

Doc nodded and smiled: "Do you think we can go to the warship to check it carefully? Then you really want more Abel, well, I want to get on the ship, and you decide for yourself."

"They are all on board."

Hong Bao couldn't help but shook his head and said, "It's all for good, no good, let alone a grain boat, even if it is a palace-like boat, they won't get on it, so if you know this, you can manipulate them at will."

Zhang Wang looked at Hong Bao admiringly, and said, "Father-in-law, you are no worse than the important minister in the court!"

Hong Bao shook his head, his eyes flashed tired, and said: "Temple people are not allowed to do politics. This is the rule set by Emperor Taizu Gao. Emperor Wen used Zheng Gonggong and our family. Anyway, we can't ruin our reputation and reputation... Emperor Wen..."

Perhaps after a long time away from Daming, Zhang Wang saw tears flashing in Hong Bao's eyes. But he was more willing to believe that this was the outpouring of Hong Bao's miss for Emperor Wen.

"Set sail!"

The sails gradually rose and gradually caught the wind.

The fleet slowly left the pier, and a group of people smiled and waved on the pier.

These are superfluous people.

The missions of the three countries exceeded the standard, at least according to Hong Bao's view, so each mission had a maximum of more than ten people, and the others were left in place.

This is a messenger who refuses to compromise.

With this impression, they watched the fleet drift away.

Not long afterward, a group of cavalry rushed to the dock.

The leading officer looked at the empty dock and asked, "Where is Mingren's fleet?"

The person who has not left said lazily: "Walk far."

Someone laughed and said, "Did you change your mind and want to kill them all? Then you can send the fleet now!"

The officer gave the Frank a cold look and said, "Go back to your side!"

He rode his horse back with his subordinates, with an angry expression on his face.

Da Ming's scout sneaked into the inland to check the news, and then they realized that when they caught the tail of the Ming army scout and wanted to pursue it, it was too late.

This matter has reached the ears of the officers, causing a wave of anxiety and quarrels.

Some people say that such a big Ming is hostile to gorse, so he simply leaves the fleet behind and learns the skills of Ming man-made boats.

Of course, firearms technology is what they desire most, and they are willing to pay for it.

Ke Ming's fleet is too vigilant, and there are Franks and Lisboners, and the three are constrained, but it is not easy to start. Otherwise, the family will poke the news out, and the consequences will be terrible if you think about it.



In the cabin, Hong Bao closed his eyes and rested his mind.

A plainclothes man said: "Father-in-law, gorse occupies a lot of places, and they are aggressively levying. The Franks’ lives are miserable... We saw them robbing things..."

"...After the armistice between the two countries, the Frankish nobles began to enjoy again. They were talking, drinking and banqueting..."

"...They have a lot of craftsmen..."

"and many more!"

Hong Bao suddenly opened his eyes and asked, "How is their artisan life?"

"Fortunately, there are a lot of food, and the clothes are okay."

Hong Bao nodded, and said with some emotion: "Xing He Bo has been thinking about improving the status of craftsmen, but I didn't expect Taixi to get started first."

He didn't know that this was the result of the great epidemic: after the epidemic, the wilds withered, and the small population was scary. As a result, labor, especially skilled craftsmen, has become a scarce resource, and salaries have naturally increased a lot.

"Gorse are aggressive. They are like wild dogs, looking for new prey. This place must be paid attention to."

Hong Bao began to dictate his views. If he died on the road, these views would be of great help to the DPRK and China.

So he tried not to add his own feelings, but simply described his views on Tessie.

"The Franks like to dream and think a lot, but most of them don't deal with it until the end... but they are not sure that they will get better in the future."

"Lisbon is a small place, a small place that doesn't seem to match their huge ambitions..."

Hong Bao was a little confused. If he was in the east, as long as he was ambition in a small place like Lisbon, the surrounding powers would teach him how to be a man.

"Their ambitions are more fierce than Gorse and Frank, and they just want to look outside for expansion. Their prince... That Henry, he is a key figure. Keep an eye on him. With the help of him, we can know the future of Lisbon. What will it be like..."

"The strait on the edge of Lisbon, there are several countries in there, among them there are meat fans, meat fans and Tessie are constantly at war, so this is the reason why they haven't been visiting for a long time, not because they are afraid of Da Ming."

"Meat fans..."

Hong Bao thought cautiously for a long time, and finally said: "It is very far away. If meat fans have ambitions for Daming, they must conquer all the way and annex Halle, otherwise they will starve to death in the middle of the road... "

"So Harley will be the key. If Daming can win Harley, no, then we will directly confront the meat fans, and the unpredictable Taisi people are likely to become their allies. Daming will face unprecedented A mighty enemy..."

Hong Bao was a little confused. He felt that it might not be a good thing that he found this route.

This is his third day in the cabin. He has hardly been out and has been summing up.

"Open the door."

He felt a bit astringent in his eyes.

The hatch opened, and almost white sunlight poured in.

Hong Bao covered his eyes, lowered his head slightly, and muttered, "Is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

The two little officials are not very tired ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can't help but start to hear these words, do not know whether to record.

Hong Bao slowly adjusted to the sunlight, blinking his eyes and said, "Be careful of the Taisians. They are straightforward and unpretentious, so they appear wild. This is a group of hungry guys. They are looking for prey, Daming..."

He got up and walked outside the door, blocking most of the daylight, most of the cabin is dark, and a small part of it is bright...

"Da Ming must beware of them, and...be careful, don't do it. Once you do it, you must relieve their outward ambitions, otherwise it will be our big trouble sooner or later..."

On the grain ship, three envoys moved around on the deck at will.

This is a special permission from Daming. The three messengers can do it, but the others can't.

"Very confident Daming."

Doc's eyes were a bit solemn.

But Abel felt very relaxed. He felt that Frank had found an ally who could effectively contain the gorse.

Henry stayed silent for a long time, and suddenly said: "Meat fans..."

Doc and Abel smiled ambiguously at the same time.

"Meat fans..." Abel smiled and said, "This world is crazy, otherwise how could someone find us? So be crazy...what do you think?"

Doc looked at the trail left by the warship ahead and nodded: "Yes, then go crazy, I think this is a good idea."

Henry felt that his vision could sway these two people ten streets, so he was reluctant to communicate with them in depth.

But Abel became interested. He looked around and whispered: "The first thing is the route. We can't find the route. Then we are blind. They come if they want, and leave if they want, which makes people uncomfortable."

Doc said coldly: "I bet that after Lisbon, we won't have a chance to come out again. This will continue until Daming's place."

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