Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2145: Zhuozhou

"Remember to find work when you go home, don't sit and eat!"

Gu Gao carried a baggage and dressed in plain clothes, standing in a daze outside the camp.

In the camp, the robes who used to make him feel that everyone would live together for a lifetime were waving at him enviously.

He was a little sad, but more helpless emptiness.

I am going home!

He looked down at the plain clothes on his body, thinking it was a dream.

Yes, he would rather not have this dream.

He once complained with those Paoze about Daming's military policy, so that their children and grandchildren were military households and had no early days.

Later, they prayed that the army would be cancelled and everyone could go home and live freely.

At that time he couldn't help but let out a fart, and was scolded by everyone, saying that he was blasphemy. In the future, he was certain that his descendants were all soldiers and could not get relief.

So he was anxious, and gradually forgot about it.

So he thought that the gods did not hear their prayers, and the so-called blasphemy was naturally impossible to talk about.


He looked at those fellow robes blankly, opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

I blasphemed the gods!

Why can I go home and you still have to stay in the army?

Could it be that the gods...

He was taken aback by his thoughts, and then he looked at the robes around him who were arranged to be disqualified from the military. They were also at a loss.

"Gu Gao, live a good life!"

His little banner officer yelled at him from inside, and then sternly called away the sergeants.

Seeing them go in, Gu Gao was a little flustered, he murmured: "My lord, I don't know how to live..."

He was a little flustered, so he picked up his wife and children first, and then hired a car.

His home is in Henan, but he was called to Zhuozhou to join the army. The long journey home made people scalp numb.

Fortunately, one of his subsidies is travel expenses, and the money is calculated based on the distance.

"Father, where are we going?"

The six-year-old girl, wearing a cotton-padded jacket, asked in her daughter-in-law's arms.

There were also three men in the cart. They looked at the family curiously, and then they all smiled.

Gu Gao's panic disappeared immediately, and he said, "Let's go home."

"Father, isn't our house right there?"

The girl is very curious. She was born in Zhuozhou and has become a northerner.

His daughter-in-law hugged her tightly and said, "We are going back to our hometown."


A passenger probably knew something and asked, "Brother, is this...retired?"

Gu Gao nodded, and said sadly, "Yes, I have retired."

Suddenly, the car became lively, and someone squeezed into it, asking him to sit looser with a family of three.

"Where are you going back?"


"Then take the boat! Now it's cleared to the other side, how convenient it is for you to take the boat!"

A middle-aged man was dumbfounded, then slapped the car and shouted: "Stop and stop. Someone went wrong, stop!"

The carriage stopped, and the coachman got out of the carriage to the back, and asked unhappily: "I haven't left Zhuozhou yet! Who uses the car as a trifling matter? I don't refund the money!"

Gu Gao was a little worried. He had never experienced this in the military, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

"Father, I'm afraid."

His daughter cowardly rushed into his arms, and Gu Gao's eyes suddenly became a bit more violent.

The middle-aged man saw the violence. He hurriedly got out of the car and pulled the coachman to the side. He explained in a low voice, "That's the sergeant from Zhuozhou who retired and went home. You dare not refund the money? Be careful of your carts and horses. The people in smashed, and the yamen dare not control it!"

The coachman was not convinced. The middle-aged man pointed to the carriage and said, "That's a sergeant. What does the sergeant do?"

He stroked his neck with the edge of his palm, and the coachman shuddered, but said helplessly: "But they are getting on the car in the city and want to refund the money... I have to follow back to the city..."

The middle-aged man persuaded: "It's not far after I got out, then go back to the city. Anyway, I did a good deed."

So the carriage turned around again, and the middle-aged man re-planned the route for the Gu Gao family.

"Big Brother, do you often go out?"

Gu Gao felt that there were still a lot of people in this world, so he relaxed a little, and that bit of hostility gradually dissipated.

What he didn't know was that a sergeant who had retired before returned to his hometown, and then was bullied by the gentry in the countryside. As a result, the sergeant did not rise up, but rather weakly chose to give in.

The gentry became more and more proud, and he often said outside that the thief and the army were only worthy of kneeling in front of me.

As a result, more than three months later...

It was naturally found out later, but the incident also alarmed the military.

Fang Xing's advice at the time was that the local government should treat these returning sergeants kindly and severely punish those who seek trouble.

Therefore, the kindness of the middle-aged man resolved a conflict. Gu Gao returned to the city smoothly. The shopkeeper, who knew about the incident, scolded the driver and returned the money to Gu Gao.

"It's a good deal."

Fang Xing witnessed the whole process outside the carts and horses, and felt that this was also good.

There are a few more foreign visitors in Zhuozhou City.

It was almost noon, Fang Xing took the family to find a place to eat noodles~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then slowly searched in the city.

They walked from the prosperous area to a place that looked like an old house.

This place has probably been glorious once, and the big houses are very big.

But now these big houses are a bit dilapidated, and the outer walls even collapsed.

The wind blowing in early winter just wanted to find a place to have a fire, but a group of children crawled in and out of the collapsed wall, yelling nonstop.

This is the joy of childhood!

Fang Xing saw a seven or eight-year-old boy slipping down from above, and then cheered and continued to climb up. He couldn't help but laughed: "The potatoes are not wild enough for them to play."

The knife said in a puzzled way: "Master, these are all children from the people's family. Little Uncle and the others can't do this, they will be ashamed when the time comes."

"Throwing a shit!"

Fang Xing grew up like this when he was a child. He went up and down the mountains, climbed trees and caves, fished and touched birds... it was really omnipotent.

A group of people stood by and watched the children playing around. After a long time, those children felt that something was wrong. An older child came over and asked aggressively: "Who are you looking for?"

Fang Xing pointed to the inside and said, "I'm looking for someone from Fang's family."

The child frowned and said, "The Fang family... Fang Mouse's family?"

The knife was furious, and tried to clean up the eldest child, but was held back by Fang Wu.

Fang Xing smiled and asked, "Why do you say it's Fang Mouse?"

The child proudly said: "Timid! The adults are timid, and the children in his family are also timid. They dare not play with us, and dare not make noise after being beaten."

Xin Laoqi thought Fang Xing would be angry, but Fang Xing just smiled.

"Where did you come from?"

The child was guilty of Fang Xing's smile, he looked back at the little friend behind him, and asked boldly.

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