Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2162: Xin Jian, have you cleaned your butt? (grateful"…

Many people were taken from the capital, Zhu Gaoxu couldn't hold back when he heard it, and immediately went into the palace to find Zhu Zhanji's trouble.

He has been going crazy at home recently, training his son all day.

Unable to practice tactics in the city, he took his guards and a group of sons to practice outside the city.

Yu Shi has been staring at him, and of course he will follow him when he sees it, and he wants to wait for impeachment after seeing the trampling on the field.

But Zhu Gaoxu took a group of people to practice in Jubaoshanwei.

Yes, this guy is smarter now.

The Jubao Mountain Guard assigned a thousand households to enter the imperial city for rotation, and there was room for the place, which was more than enough to accommodate his family for training.

Yu Shi was unwilling and felt that Zhu Gaoxu was suspected of treason, so he wanted to sneak in, but was caught by the patrol sergeant and directly tortured for questioning, making Liu Guan furious and furious.

Both check the courtyard... At least Liu Guan and Fang Xing are allies. The allies go to check their allies. Isn't this fighting in the nest?

Liu Guan had already returned, and the emperor praised him a lot, and he also rewarded many things.

This renchen!

Liu Guan's original impression in everyone's mind was not good, it was probably greedy and contemptible.

After he turned to the emperor's side, his greed and contempt suddenly turned into cunning, and his character immediately fell invincible.

If Duchayuan were completely controlled by the emperor, it would be a disaster for the officials.

When the time comes, the emperor will see who is not pleasing to his eyes, and if he keeps a hint, Yushi will naturally rush to bite.

So when Zhu Gaoxu came out of the palace cursingly, those yushis didn't know, and no one wanted to get a bullet.

"Too Tuo Tuo! I know how to plan carefully all day long, this is like an emperor, it's purely a vendor!"

In the world, probably only Zhu Gaoxu dared to scold the emperor like this. He left the imperial city, and the sergeants who guarded the gate pretended not to hear his scolding just now, and only hoped that the plague **** would leave sooner.

"Xing He Bo is back!"

Someone shouted from a distance, and Zhu Gaoxu cursed: "That beast, lie to the king with the emperor, where is he?"

Some guards went over to ask, and came back and said: "His Royal Highness, Uncle Xinghe has gone home."

Damn it!

The flesh on Zhu Gaoxu's face was tangled together, and he cursed: "Is this afraid of meeting this king? Go, go to his house!"

The sergeant guarding the gate was delighted when he heard it, and they all shouted: "His Royal Highness, go, somehow catch him while Xinghe doesn't know the news."

Jubao Mountain Guards entered the city to be on duty, and they were naturally separated from the original imperial city guards, so if they could watch the excitement below, these people would naturally advocate vigorously.

But at this moment, a memorial quietly entered the imperial city and reached Zhu Zhanji's hands.

He looked at the memorial and said, "Xing Hebo's trip is interesting, but it disrupted some of my arrangements. It's fine, it's a good thing."



When Fang Xing returned, Zhang Shuhui waited with the children in the inner courtyard. When she saw Fang Xing, Wuyou rushed over.

When the result was halfway through, she stopped again, looked at the girl who was led by Fang Xing, and said aggrieved: "Father..."

This daddy contained grievances, and Fang Xing was also amused secretly.

But Zhang Shuhui and others, who had received the news in advance, greeted her, which was rare.

"This is Zhuzhu, look at this round face, you can be dear if you look at it!"

This was the first visit by the relatives of the Fang family in many years, so it was very precious, and even Mo Chou came with his children.

Zhuzhu was taught by Fang Xing on the road, but she was a little shy, so she bowed her head to make others call.

When they met one by one, Zhang Shuhui asked people to take Zhuzhu to take a bath and change clothes, worry-free but no jealousy, just curious.

"It's your sister, you have to remember from now on, there are relatives in Zhuozhou, the closest."

Fang Xing led her around the yard, talking about relatives in Zhuozhou.

Children are always curious, but their curiosity is not lasting.

After Zhuzhu came out, Wuyou was called to accompany him, and Fang Xing had time to find Huang Zhong.

"It's actually him?"

Huang Zhong was a little surprised, and sighed: "He is considered to have a reputation in the staff, and he must be the successor of Jianyi in the future, but this is... Uncle, are you sure that the old man wanted to continue?"

Fang Xing took a bath and drank a cup of hot tea. Hearing that, he said: "That Yang Er...I won't kill him, but his life will be worse than death for the rest of his life. He explained at that time that my father wanted to find a continuation, and then he fell in love with a woman. It was... privately. Yes, and then both of them have some concerns, so the mind does not belong to..."


This can be regarded as a clown story, but thinking that Fang Hongjian had been widowed for a long time, this incident was at best criticized as being impolite, but it did not harm his official position.

"The adversary case was finally verified to be false. My father was inexplicably involved in that year, and was let out inexplicably, but the official position was gone."

Fang Xing asked with a smile, "Do you know who replaced my father?"

There was a guess in Huang Zhong's mind, but he felt a little absurd.

"Could it be... Xin Jian?"

"Is it weird?"

Fang Xing smiled, without any intention of hatred, and said: "Officials are arrogant, using false accusations, this is not uncommon, isn't it?"

He said lightly, but Huang Zhong felt chilly.

False accusations are not uncommon, but the false accusations caused Fang Hongjian to end in depression, Fang Xing almost went away from illness, and Fang's family was oppressed for many years...

Xin Jian, have you cleaned your butt?

Huang Zhong inexplicably remembered what Fang Xing said last time: let him wash his **** and wait to go to jail.

"Uncle, how about Jian Yi's side? If there is insufficient evidence, Jian Yi is afraid that he will stand firm, and it will be another storm when it spreads out! After all... an eventful autumn..."

Fang Xing is now Zhu Zhanji's first confidant and important minister, and many things are left to him.

But he was also a thorn in the eyes of many people. Huang Zhong dared to guarantee that if there was an accident in Fang Xing, not to mention other places, in Beiping City, it is estimated that at least a few hundred family members were cheering.

Fang Xing put down his tea cup and smiled, "Why should I go to Jian Yi?"

Huang Zhong was startled, and immediately exclaimed: "Uncle, are you planning to count as a private vengeance?"

This.... If Fang Xing really planned to do that, Huang Zhong felt that Xin Jian would better escape immediately.

Fang Xing nodded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said, "My father was falsely accused of being ill. This is the enemy of killing my father. I'm arguing. Who dares to stop me?"

Thinking of those deeds in the Han dynasty that avenged his father, Huang Zhong felt that this kind of atmosphere was not good.

But Fang Xing's eyes were filled with his familiar evil spirit, and he had to smile wryly: "Uncle, you have to breathe with your Majesty about this matter."

"This is natural."

Fang Xing said: "The memorial has already entered the palace. Xin Jian has a mean character. Your Majesty will not use him. After Jian Yi, someone else will take over, and Xin Jian..."

"Fang Xing!"

At this time, a loud shout came from outside, and Fang Xing said helplessly: "It is the King of Han who is here. He is suffocated. He has to find something to do."

"Your Highness is down."

Jiading outside shouted, Fang Xing got up and Huang Zhong greeted him.

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