Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2163: Your Majesty Wise

Zhu Gaoxu didn't get angry when he saw Fang Xing, and punched him on the shoulder.

According to Zhu Zhanji's hand strength, Fang Xing took such a punch, and for half a month, he didn't want to move his left arm. He had to find a good doctor.


Before Fang Xing had time to escape, a hand came to the side and grabbed Zhu Gaoxu's wrist, and then Zhu Gaoxu punched in the backhand.

In the dull sound of meat, Xin Laoqi stole Zhu Gaoxu's punch with his shoulder.

When Zhu Gaoxu saw him, he said angrily: "I have a sense of measure. What block?"

Xin Laoqi didn't speak, his eyes were a little cold.

He doesn't care about King Zhao, and if he dares to attack Fang Xing, he won't be polite.

Zhu Gaoxu didn't pay attention to his eyes, frowning and asked: "I just confiscated the strength, can my shoulders move?"


Xin Laoqi waved his left arm, no problem at all.

"Unloaded? So fast, not bad, not bad."

Zhu Gaoxu was full of praise for Xin Laoqi's force, but he actually forgot his original intention of coming to Fang's house, and finally wanted to discuss with Xin Laoqi.

But Fang Xing was worried about Xin Laoqi's shoulders, so he took the initiative to pick things up.

"What is your Highness looking for?"

Then it was a violent spray.

"Don't be afraid, I come here often."

Just at the back of the study, Wuyou hid there with a nervous Zhuzhu, and looked at the front spookyly.

"...What the **** are you and the emperor doing? Overseas, if you don't go overseas, you will be taken over!"

"Good morning, Your Highness."

"Fart early! What if I can't wait to die?"

"Listening to your breath, you can live at least another 30 years, and you can go to sea in at least five years, with your family going to sea."

"you said?"

"I said."

"This king can live for thirty years?"

"Sure, I guess more than that."

"The king has brought the dragon meat jerky, bring some good wine."


The roar in front disappeared, and Wuyou saw Zhuzhu a little scared, so he patted his chest and said, "Don't be afraid, that is His Royal Highness, that is fierce, but never beats people."

You see, those who have been beaten up by Zhu Gaoxu don't know who to talk to.

The knife was sitting on the roof, listening to the two girls muttering.

"Seven brother, is it all right?"

Old Xin Qi stood silently outside the study, Fang Wu was worried, so he asked.

Xin Laoqi shook his head and said, "I have always felt that I could be better and faster in recent years, but I didn't find that opportunity. Just now, the Royal Highness of Han punched me. I thought of something and my body broke through. It's just But didn't hide."

Fang Wu was dumbfounded, and asked, "Seven brother, why didn't you hide?"

Old Xin frowned and said of course: "I don't think I need to hide, I didn't hide."

Fang Wu looked at the sky speechlessly, only thinking that Lao Qi and Xin were not in the same world.

"Seven brother, then...what if it's a knife?"


Xin Laoqi slammed into a short body, as if avoiding a long knife that was hacked at his shoulder.

Fang Wu felt a flower in front of him, and then grabbed his throat with one hand.

With just a hard effort, he would stop breathing, and then he couldn't die anymore.

He was restrained almost without an effective response.

Xin Laoqi released his hand, then thought for a while, and said, "You can hide and fight back. You can also fall back, kick, and then stand up and fight back... Come on, yes, take a knife..."

Outside Xin Laoqi had a feeling, and was using the miserable Fang Wu as a test product, and Zhu Gaoxu inside was also asking about overseas affairs.

"...Hong Bao, now we are all waiting for Hong Bao."

Later the wine came, but Fang Xing didn't want to eat the jerky dragon meat, but got dried fruits.

"Hong Bao..." Zhu Gaoxu frowned and said, "What does Hong Bao have to do with overseas entrustment?"


Fang Xing pointed to the map on the wall and said: "Taisi...you want to think about the greed of the Rank's messenger. There are many countries in Taisi. They all want to go overseas to find wealth. Envelope."

Although Zhu Gaoxu is not smart, he is very sensitive to these things. He asked, "Do the Taixi people still dare to have ambitions against Daming?"

Fang Xing shook his head and said: "No one knows this, but the impression given to me by the Frankish mission is ambition and wildness. They are beasts in the jungle, and Daming must guard against being bitten by them."

Zhu Gaoxu understood that the meat on his face, especially the meat on the corners of his mouth, were all gathered together, making him look extraordinarily cold.

"Those **** dare to come?"

Fang Xing nodded and said seriously: "As long as they find a route, they dare to come."

Zhu Gaoxu looked at the map, and the front of the meat fan was blank, or blank, and Taixi was far away, and the meat fan had to pass.


Zhu Gaoxu pointed to the left side of the sky and the wood bones and said: "How far is it? Where is it leading to? They said it is leading to hell..."

"It may be hell."

Fang Xing thought for a while, and said, "It might also be the abode of gods."

Zhu Gaoxu said leisurely and fascinated: "Fang Xing, how about my king going to see Taixi?"

Fang Xing said with a black line: "His Royal Highness, there...it is said to be very smelly."

Zhu Gaoxu became interested as soon as he heard it, and after a few moments, he fainted Fang Xing, and induced to ask about Tessie.

"...Smelly unscented! It's all beasts..."

"There are more beasts! There is no shortage of food."

Zhu Gaoxu realized that Taixi was a jungle, and it was his place to play, so he woke up from the bottom and went into the palace again to find Zhu Zhanji, wanting to change the fief over there.

Of course, Zhu Zhanji flicked the past, only saying that Taixi's side was too dangerous, and he might not be able to come back if he went.

After Huyou left Zhu Gaoxu, Zhu Zhanji said helplessly: "Uncle Han can't wait, just want to... Only... King Zhao entered the memorial, saying that everything is in charge of me, two uncles, one bold and timid, the other as timid. Rat, what should I do?"

The fief is not a joke. If the people do not make a living, the people will hesitate to move forward overseas, and no amount of publicity will be worth a blow to bad news.


The common people thought that the emperor ate all meat, without rice or flatbread, and no vegetables. All he ate from morning to night was meat, all kinds of meat.

So they thought that the emperor must have nothing to worry about.

But the emperor had more troubles than ordinary people, and it was more complicated and troublesome.

"How about Xin Jian?"

Yu Jia said: "Xin Jian talked to Master Jian, and then Master Jian asked Guo Yan to take over a lot of his affairs. The staff has already started to discuss, saying that Master Jian thinks Xin Jian is unreliable. Guo Jing is better and can be cultivated."

"Who leaked it?"

In an instant, Zhu Zhanji's face was as cold as frost, and he did not hide his murderous intentions.

Yu Jia shuddered and explained: "Your Majesty, they said it was Xin Jian who went to Master Jian to speak, and then this change happened."

Zhu Zhanji was relieved, he said coldly: "What did Xing He Bo say?"

Yu Jia said embarrassingly: "Xinghe Bo drank too much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Said that it was your majesty wise."

Zhu Zhanji looked weird and said: "He won't say I am wise, you guys...what did he say?"

Yu Jia didn't dare to conceal any more, so she said bitterly: "Xing He Bo said... let the guy rest assured that he won't cause trouble for him, and it can make people scared."


Zhu Zhanji spouted a sip of tea, and Yu Jia hurriedly delivered a towel, and then, without calling anyone, cleaned up the tea on the ground.


Zhu Zhanji said helplessly: "Just go home and drink, doesn't he never drink at noon?"

Yu Jia straightened up and said, "Your Majesty, the King of Han has gone down, and he also carried some dried dragon meat."

Zhu Zhanji asked some more things, and finally his face gradually became cold, and said: "The human heart is unpredictable, like a loyal and treacherous person, I will look at them and see them all appear!"

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