Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2202: I'm wrong

The leading doctor said: "Your Majesty, you are full of joy and anger, exhausted..."

His voice was low, and Yu Jia and the eunuchs lowered their heads to the lowest point, almost to their chests.

Seeing that Zhu Zhanji's eyes were calm, the imperial doctor just looked out the window and boldly said, "Your Majesty, you should... rest for a while now."

Zhu Zhanji's eyes moved slightly, and he shook his head slightly, but he refused to speak.

The imperial doctor glanced at Yu Jia, but Yu Jia was just looking at her nose, pretending to be stupid, how dare she raise her head.

Zhu Zhanji waved his hand, and Yu Jia shouldn't have seen it logically, but he raised his head and then took the imperial doctors out.

The Queen Mother will get the news later.

"To recuperate?"

There seemed to be a few fine lines on the face of the queen mother, but her tone was still calm, as if Li Bin was talking about the emperor and the empress just now and began to be cold again.

Li Bin felt a little worried, "Yes, my majesty, she said that your Majesty has been upset too much, after all, she can't get away from it, she cares too much, hurts the mind, hurts the body..."

The queen mother loosened her body and asked, "Can Duan Duan sleep with the corn?"

"Okay, the princess and His Royal Highness slept very well."

Mother Yu knew that something was going to happen today, so all the big and small things in Ningshou Palace were in her eyes.

The queen mother actually laughed, and Mother Yu felt relieved, and said amused: "Mother, the princess is not honest in sleeping, she always kicks the quilt, your majesty is better, watching... the old slave wants to stay there and loves all. not enough."

The queen mother smiled, and then suddenly there was more coldness between her eyebrows.

"Spreading a message, Uncle Xinghe..."


Fang Xing hid his anxiety in his heart, looking like he was looking for fault.

At lunch, Meng Ying came to him as usual, but Fang Xing refused, only saying that he was waiting for his Majesty's summons.

Xia Yuanji smiled and cursed when he came out, saying that he was faceless and skinless.

After Ma Su came out, seeing Fang Xing's appearance made him feel a little uneasy.

"Teacher, is there something in the palace?"

Fang Xing shook his head, looked at the officials who came out, and whispered: "Don't worry, don't talk, don't ask, as usual."

Ma Su was shocked, then nodded, then bowed to leave.

"Master Ma, what is Xing He Bo doing?"

After he returned to the staff department, a familiar official came to ask him.

Ma Su smiled and said: "Teacher and Your Majesty..."

The person immediately made a sudden realization, and then pretended to be mysterious: "This is..."

He pointed to the palace, and said ambiguously: "This is a mutual benefit between the monarch and the minister!"

Ma Su frowned slightly, and said perfunctorily: "It's hard to tell, it's hard to tell behind the scenes."

The man immediately arched his hand and said: "It's the officer who is reckless, reckless!"

This is Hong Chen, whether you are bored or disgusted, you have to accept it.

And this promise is to roll in the red dust.


Fang Xing is tired of rolling in the red dust, whether it is now or in the past life, what he likes is the leisurely under the east fence of picking a chrysanthemum. It's just that I have too many desires, and I have to struggle in the red dust.

The previous life was survival, but now it is...

He was thinking about the country and home until Li Bin appeared in front of him.

He looked up and saw Li Bin sweating profusely, he smiled, but his eyes were brighter.

"I want news from your majesty, don't give it...I dare to break into the palace!"

Li Bin panted, then looked around, and immediately all his eyes turned away.

Fang Xing’s eyes were sharp, and Li Bin felt that it was suffocating. If there was no news from the emperor, Fang Xing would definitely dare to do something and go directly to the palace, and then...

"Your Majesty is a little troublesome..."

Fang Xing was stunned, then relieved.

Li Bin said with a stern face: "The lady has something to say."

Fang Xing got up, and Li Bin continued: "The emperor is not easy. It's all about the alienation of the officials. Why does Kexing and Uncle want to quarrel with the emperor?"

Fang Xing said blankly: "That's...that's the emperor, that's Daming!"

Li Bin said coldly: "People say that the people betrayed their relatives and left, and when they arrived at the emperor's place, they became lonely. There used to be a Xinghe Uncle who could speak to your Majesty. Who else is there now?"

Fang Xing felt a shock, and then asked some eagerly: "What's wrong with your Majesty?"

Li Bin is still repeating the words of the Queen Mother: "All are forcing the emperor. I hope that the emperor will become countless. Is this a courtier? Is this a friend? Or what..."

Fang Xing lowered his head and said: "Please tell your mother, the minister knows that you are wrong."

Li Bin felt that Fang Xing was perfunctory, but the words of the queen mother had been relayed, so he had to go back quickly.

When he returned to Ningshou Palace, he told Fang Xing’s reaction, but the queen mother said with satisfaction: “Xing Hebo talked back to Emperor Wen and Emperor Xian, but refused to admit his mistakes. Now he says he knows he is wrong. It must be true that I knew it was wrong."

Li Bin was puzzled, but he was not qualified to let the queen mother solve the puzzles, so he could only figure it out slowly.

"At that time, he only accepted the truth. My palace thought that after a long time, he should change..."

The queen mother seemed extremely happy, "It doesn't matter whether you admit to death or you are tired and lazy, after all, it is the uncle Xinghe who is not cunning after all!"

Li Bin was shocked, and finally knew the origin of the Queen Mother's joy.

The emperor has confidantes, but those are only courtiers, and the unbelievable things are just state affairs.

The only person who can talk freely is Fang Xing. This is the exception of the lonely family, and it is very precious.

The relationship between teachers and friends, many years of friendship, like-minded...

Li Bin understood, so when Xing Hebo's request to see your majesty was transferred here, he agreed without hesitation when he saw the queen mother, and he was not surprised.


Zhu Zhanji was sitting under the eaves, just like the earliest time, looking at An Ran and leisurely.

When Fang woke up, Zhu Zhanji just raised his eyelids, and then forced a smile: "Sit down."

Yu Jia immediately asked someone to lift the chair and put it on the side, but Fang Xing did not sit down.

He glanced at Yu Jia, Yu Jia hesitated, and finally left with someone.

There are only two people here now.

Zhu Zhanji was a little stunned, but in the end he squinted his eyes indifferently and looked at the sun outside.

Fang Xing stood on the side, looking at that tired face, guilt surged up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I always thought that the emperor should be the emperor for Daming's problems, even if I was involved in it. effect. "

"Yes, that's right, I am Daming."

"No, that's a zombie."

Fang Xing smiled, but his smile was a little stiff.

"Since a long time ago, I didn't want to see you make mistakes, I just wanted you to be a perfect emperor, but I...forgot that even I can't bear it..."

This is too bold. If someone else is on his side, he can take it out anytime later as evidence of waking up.

But Zhu Zhanji didn't move much, as if Fang Xing's words were just talking.

"National affairs will make you overwhelmed, and you have to..."

"Brother Dehua..."

Zhu Zhanji suddenly looked at Fang Xing.

"I am here, I said before, I will always be there."

Fang Xing felt that he had put all the virtues of the world on Zhu Zhanji's body, and then he did not consider whether this is the pressure that humans can bear.

So he felt guilty.

"Brother Dehua, Sun is just mine..."

"I know."

"Do you really understand?"

"Really, if you like it, you like it, and if you don't like it, you don't like it."

Zhu Zhanji smiled slightly, and Yu Jia and others below saw that they couldn't help but rejoice.

Sure enough, it is Xing He Uncle to make your Majesty rejoice!

"The Sun..."

"That's just one of your women, and I just want to see Daming's stability."

Fang Xing stated his position without hesitation.

"I understand you are one thing, but Daming is another thing. When it comes to Daming's national fortune, I will not give in."

Zhu Zhanji smiled bitterly: "I know I know, otherwise how could you be given the title of Prince Young Master?"

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