Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2203: I don’t want to be left alone

The Prince Young Master is a false title, basically a useless position.

But for Fang Xing, it is a position that can exert a powerful influence on Daming's future.

So he understood Zhu Zhanji's suffering and wandering.

"I regret."

Fang Xing sat next to Zhu Zhanji, almost a violent act.

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "Why?"

Fang Xing leaned back in the chair and murmured: "It's too harsh for you, but I myself hide in Fangjiazhuang to enjoy the blessing."

Zhu Zhanji smiled, and slowly said, "The family, the country and the world, one person bears it..."


"Can't I have a woman I like?"


"Then why is she giving birth to a child and you are all facing enemies?"


"Worry I will let that child become a prince?"


Fang Xing looked at him and said seriously: "Yes."

Zhu Zhanji's eyes grew colder, but Fang Xing refused to shrink.

"She is yours, but Daming is ours. Yours is yours. Ours must work hard together and watch it grow."

With his eyes facing each other for a long time, Zhu Zhanji sighed slightly and said, "Can't I let you trust me like this?"

"You are an emperor, if you want to do whatever you want, how can you stop it? So it's better to limit something before."

Outside the door, Wanwan wanted Yu Jia to report, and shook her head when she heard the voice.

Yu Jia looked at her awkwardly, feeling that these words were not what she should listen to.

"I said that when you sit in this position, you will gain something. But the world is fair, and you will lose some things at the same time. For example, if you want to like a woman freely, that...impossible. ."

"I taught you the balance of everything, gaining and losing, is actually a balance."

"I never said to lift that child!"

"Yes, so I apologize... Seriously."

"Has anyone borrowed from outside?"

"Yes, a lot, and there are a lot of people who want to see Ming chaos."

"Yes! For many people, chaos is an opportunity, but for Daming, these people are the source of chaos..."

"You shouldn't think about this now, you should rest."

"It's just tired, it's okay."

"No, I don't want to see the second Emperor Ren."

There was silence inside, and Fang Xing's voice said: "We...I am older than you, I don't want to be left alone..."

Wanwan was a little flustered. She held her cuffs and wanted to go in, but couldn't move her steps for some reason.

"Well, I will definitely survive you, and then I will see the crown prince ascend to the throne with my own eyes."

"Okay, remember to help me watch Tudou when the time comes."


Friendship between men is often regarded as incomprehensible by women.

So when there was more laughter inside, Wanwan was a little confused, but she felt very happy.

The curtain was lifted, and the first time Fang woke up, he saw Wanwan.

Wanwan lowered her head and pinched her cuffs with her hands, her fingers were white and tender.

"I have seen the princess."

Wanwan was taken aback for a while, she raised her head, and her white, excessive face was filled with joy, and after a short while, she became indifferent.

"Xing He Bo."

She avoided her, Fang Xing frowned and looked at her, and said, "Be more in the sun and don't be afraid of getting tanned."

Wanwan bowed her head, nodded insignificantly, and gave a hmm.

Yu Jia watched this scene awkwardly from the side, thinking that the princess hadn't hired a messenger yet! Xing He Bo, is it really good for you to talk like this?

Fang Xing strode forward, and Yu Jia went in to report.

He came out again later, and then went in with Wanwan.

"Brother Emperor...Listen to them that you are sick."

"It's okay, just sleep more, but you, looking listless now, are you bored in the palace?"

Zhu Zhanji couldn't help but feel guilty looking at this sister, and then began to wonder which young handsome Yan could be worthy of Wanwan.


Fang Xing went out of the palace, and then someone went to spread the word, postponing the original arrangement of meeting the Three Kingdoms envoys.

"Ming people don't talk about credit!"

Doc walked back and forth like a tantrum rooster.

Henry didn't care about this. For him, it didn't matter whether he saw the Emperor Ming or not. The important thing was that he could get the method of building Ming army warships and firearms.

Abel is also a little anxious, he hopes to break the current deadlock as soon as possible, and then Frank can find his way out.

The way out lies in Gorse's attitude and internal integration.

His Royal Highness is using the war against the gorse to sort out the various forces within Frank, and it has already achieved initial results, but there are still many forces that are drifting, even opposing, and surrendering.

Yes, Frank’s internal chaos was like China’s Warring States period, when the invasion of foreign enemies gave them a chance to reintegrate.

The current armistice is not permanent. If you want to get it done once and for all, you must first have an enemy, a powerful enemy.

This enemy must be so strong that the gorse feels unsure, then peace between the two countries will come for a long time.

And the only possibility at the moment is...

"Go ask!"

Abel said angrily: "Where is Chen? Let's ask."


"...Where are your wife and children?"

Outside the imperial city, Fang Xing was waiting for the empress dowager's confession, and called out Chen Mo by the way.

Chen Modui smiled and said, "The lower officials' wives and children are in their hometown."

It is not easy to be an official in these years, but it was even more difficult before~www.wuxiaspot.com~ During the Hongwu period, the salary of an official was too low. Many people left their wives and children in their hometowns while serving their parents. By the way, they could also reduce expenses.

But even saints have children, which shows that everyone has desires.

With Chen Mo's practice, there is no woman around him, so it is naturally convenient for him to dip into the flowers.


Seeing Fang Xing frowned, Chen Mo hurriedly explained: "Xing He Bo, there are parents in the lower official's house. Someone needs to look after them!"

This reason is very powerful. There are indeed quite a few officials who leave their wives to do housework at home and support their parents. However, the officials themselves were outside and unrestrained. When the child was brought up by his wife, he turned into a strict father and taught him by his side.

In this case, the wife is almost like a nanny and a fertility machine.

This is customary, and Fang Xing didn't stand to warn him, so he changed his angle.

"You hang out with those women all day, and some people think it's suspicious."

Chen Mo said in amazement: "Xing He Bo, go under the official... under the official..."

His face gradually changed, and his heart was flustered.

Although Fang Xing didn't say what was staring at him, Chen Mo thought about it, and in the end only two yamen were suspicious.

Dongchang and Jinyiwei.

He panicked and said, "Uncle Xinghe, you can't find a man for the next official."

Damn it!

Fang Xing didn't expect the taste of this servant to be so heavy, and when he was about to scold him, Chen Mo continued to speak his truth.

"Men...Although it's okay, but Xing and Uncle, now those charming men are hard to find!"

He looked at Fang Xing pitifully, but Fang Xing was angry.


His face changed, and his prestige suddenly appeared. Chen Mo didn't dare to talk any more, but he showed his determination.

"Xiaguan must be clean and self-conscious, must, must..."

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