Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 802: The Sibo family wishes to regard Daming as the ancestor

The maid brought up a cup of fragrant tea, and Sibo Yoshimoto said with a smile: "I missed the good tea from the uncle's house again."

Fang Xing smiled kindly: "Can you get used to it in Jinling? Everything else in Jinling is good, but the summer is too hot, and most people can't stand it."

Spo Yoshimoto looked at the two ice basins on the side, smiling unchanged and said: "Thank you for your care, Jinling is good. If you don’t care about the family oppressed by the shogunate, Yoshimoto would rather stay in Daming forever in this life, and use loyalty to prove it. The Sibo family’s enthusiasm for Daming."

"The cruel reign of Ashikaga Yoshichi will inevitably lead to dissatisfaction and resistance from the people of the country. Daming hopes that someone can stand up and save the people of the country from the darkness. For this reason, Daming is willing to provide assistance within his capacity and wider support..."

Sibo Yoshimoto was happy, "Uncle, a letter from the family, the Sibo family is willing to regard Daming as the ancestor..."


Nakagawa refused the kind invitation to enter the gatehouse to rest, and stood irritably outside the gate.

The summer in Jinling makes people feel suffocating. For Nakagawa Masa from the Japanese country, he would rather live in the slums of Kyoto than stay in this country that shows a powerful country everywhere.

Uneasiness has recently become the norm for Spo Yoshimoto and Nakagawa Masa. Although the letter from the family did not make too many accusations, it was them who personally sent the **** pupae away.

——The reproduction speed is amazing! The gnawing speed is amazing! The speed of expansion is amazing!

Damn bugs! Damn Daming!


A group of children were yelling from a distance, and Nakagawa Ya suppressed his irritability and looked.

A hare that strayed into Fangjiazhuang was rushing in a panic, and behind him were a few dogs chasing him with tongue out.

Sabie! Those dogs are chasing hares!

Nakagawa Masa and the two guards both showed mockery on their faces.

"Master, in the villain's hometown, those children can catch hares barefoot in winter. Daming's children are too weak."

"Yeah! Our kids are persevering, they... uh!"

Just when a few people were disdainful, the group of children suddenly divided their troops, as if they were on a battlefield, separated two groups of people, and went round from the left to the right.

Ya Nakagawa blinked and said blankly: "What is this?"

The guard's expression was straightened: "My lord, you can see that they cooperate with each other tacitly, who will encircle and who will pursue, this...is the method of battle formation!"


Seeing that poor rabbit was surrounded and chased by a group of children, and finally fleeing towards this side desperately, Nakagawa felt only a chill in her back.

"Over there, get out of the way!"

A commanding child saw Maji Nakagawa standing by the door, worried that the rabbit would be scared away, so he screamed.

Nakagawa was taken aback for a moment, before he could react, a dark figure rushed out behind him.

Bell looked at the hare coldly, and did not pursue it, but looked back at the courtyard

"Little uncle, look at the hare."

Following the soft voice of a woman, Zhong Chuanya quickly stepped aside, and then Mother Qin came out holding the potatoes, and Mother Deng followed behind with a thin maroon stick on her waist.

This is Fang Xing's son?

Regardless of etiquette, Nakagawa glanced up quietly.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Big..."

The little uncle spouted out a series of ambiguous words like a machine gun, and swung his right hand vigorously toward the front, as if he was a general commanding thousands of troops.

"Little Uncle..."

When the children saw the potatoes, they shouted in excitement, cooperating to block the hare.

Under the panic, the hare rushed over in a sharp turn, and was about to rush to Mother Qin.

If the child is shocked...

Shot? Still pretend not to see...

Several options appeared in Nakagawa's mind.

The guards nearby looked at the hare unkindly, and Mother Qin was just a weak woman in their eyes.

If Fang Xing's son was thrown, it would be lively today.

The big family valued the protagonist the most. It was their transmission body and blood extension. If they were not well taken care of, let alone the responsibility, it would be nothing to die silently.

The hare rushed between Mother Qin's legs without thinking.


Little Uncle Tudou was excited, he waved his hands, but didn't know that this would cause trouble to Mother Qin.

It's fun!

Nakagawa, who was too late to shoot, concealed a smile and squeezed out a trace of tension.

Those bear kids panicked when they saw this scene.

"Little uncle avoid..."

In the noisy shouts, Bell's body leaped out, and the sharp teeth in her open mouth were shining.

The hare's body was twisted as hard as possible, but the bell's head swayed, biting the hare's neck accurately.

The white light flashed, and then the sound of teeth clenching.

Zhongchuanya took a deep breath, and then looked at Mother Deng who had retreated behind Mother Qin, only to feel that her teeth were sour.

What happened just now?

The two guards rubbed their eyes and looked at the hare whose neck was bitten by the bell.

It stands to reason that the hare should be struggling violently now, but there is no, it just trembles slightly.

"My lord, look at the head of the hare."

The guard whispered behind him ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Nakagawa Masa took a closer look, and immediately felt that the whole person was not good.

A thin line of blood was flowing out of the hare's forehead, and a tiny wound could not be seen without careful attention.

"Who is that woman? What weapon did she use?"

"It's too fast to see clearly."

At this time, Fang Xing personally sent Sibo Yoshimoto out, and both of them were smiling. Obviously, the conversation just now has been rewarded.

Fang woke up and saw that the hare was bitten by the bell, and he smiled: "The hare was delivered to the door. It seems that Yoshimoto's signs are good, and the prosperity of the Sibo family is bound to be expected."

Seeing his strange face, Sibo Yoshimoto said, "The Sibo family will obey Daming's will, and I beg your uncle to tell your majesty."

Fang Xing said with a squinting smile: "My uncle will have a memorial later, and your Majesty will be delighted."


Tudou didn't know anything about the situation just now, and when he saw Fang wake up, he grinned and stretched out his hand to hold him.

Fang Xing took the potatoes with a smile, and apologized to Sibo Yoshimoto, "I won't give it away, Yoshimoto walks slowly."


Tudou happily slapped Fang Xing's face with his hand, and then pressed his face against Fang Xing's face, arching his body.

Spo Yoshimoto was stunned by the warmth in Fang Xing's eyes at this moment.

"Thank you for the hospitality, Uncle Yoshimoto said goodbye."

Sipo Yoshimoto bowed to say goodbye, and Fang Xing couldn't bear to move his face away, so he waved with one hand, and walked into the house with potato.

After leaving Fangjiazhuang all the time, Nakagawa Yacai asked, "My lord, how about Xinghe Bo?"

"It's very kind. Of course he will be happy to see the Spoel family hooked!"

Sibo Yoshimoto said in a flat tone, even if Fang Xing set up a pit in the farmland of the country, but he was still flat.

If you fail, behave, otherwise the winner won't mind cleaning you up again.

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