Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 803: Dead in a foreign country

"The life and death of the shogunate has nothing to do with the Sibo family. It is okay for the people to die, so that there will be more cultivated land. After the catastrophe, the people will feel that the Sibo family is good. Rejoicing like a fool, worshipping the Spoel family..."


   Sibo Yoshimoto saw a beggar hiding under the eaves, lazily handing out the broken bowl, and a pedestrian threw a copper plate in. Fire? Ran the text?? www?www?w?. ?ran?wena`com


The copper coin and the porcelain bowl knocked with a crisp sound. Spo Yoshimoto smiled and said, "Da Ming also has beggars, which reminds me of Kyoto. I felt a little sad, until the winter of that year, I saw the snow bag. From then on, I knew that compassion is a luxury. Before you have the ability to change, you should fight first..."


   Spo Yoshimoto said and looked to the other side.


   Nakagawa feels that her lord has a calm temperament, can stretch and bend, and has a compassionate heart.


   Such a lord can inherit the Sibo family, and he is the best leader of the Japanese country!


   But such a person was actually half-exiled to Jinling by the family and was not allowed to participate in family affairs.


   Fortunately, I met Fang Xing, and Sibo Yoshimoto was included in the inspection list again by the family.


   It was also unfortunate to know Fang Xing. He caused the future of the Wa Kingdom to be devastated, and the Sibo family also lost their way of retreat.


   This person! Is he a devil or a god?


   "The Devil..."


   Nakagawa Ya shook her head and smiled bitterly, then looked up, her complexion changed drastically.


  The beggar took advantage of the cover of pedestrians, and at this moment, he had walked to the side of the carriage. The porcelain bowl in his hand was missing, replaced by a sword.


  A thin and long sword!


   reminds Nakagawa of the rapier with the wound on the forehead of the hare!


   is the first fresh food ahead, even if the weather is hot, the flow of people there is still endless.


   "Not bad! If only there could be a restaurant like this in Kyoto, there must be cherry blossoms, sitting under the cherry trees, drinking fine wine, then..."


   "Lord Lord!"


   Spo Yoshimoto's thoughts were interrupted by a panicked scream. He lowered his head and just saw the rapier pierce his outer garment, and then a sharp pain came from his lower abdomen.


  'S hideous face was full of ecstasy after success. The beggar held the hilt with both hands and stirred it, then let go, his body quickly retreated, and quickly rushed into a restaurant.


   Nakagawa Ya stared blankly at the beggar disappearing, and then looked down at the rapier that penetrated Spo Yoshimoto's back and was only one palm wide from his waist.


   The two guards were already stupid. They were assassinated in a safe place like Jinling. No one had thought of it, let alone any plan.


   Spo Yoshimoto's brows frowned, then he looked up at the sky and squinted: "I seem to...remember, that...the white beard beggar is...my...uncle...he is an illegitimate..."


   The surrounding pedestrians fled in a panic. At this time, the two guards woke up. One went after the beggar, the other rushed over, kneeling on the side of the carriage with a sad expression on his face.


   Not only blood came out of the wound, but also yellow liquid came out.


   is out of help!


   Spo Yoshimoto thought of the cute appearance of potatoes, and couldn't help but smile: "I...want to go back to Kyoto..."


   The man fell down, but his eyes looked outside without joy or sorrow.


   "The law of law!"


   The horse pulling the cart hissed, and in the distance, people from the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses were trotting over.


   Everything is frozen in this sunny morning!




   "Spo Yoshimoto is dead?"


   Fang Xing was lying on the recliner holding potatoes. Potatoes had fallen asleep on his chest, and his saliva wetted his breasts.


   Fang Xing picked up the potatoes cautiously, handed them to Zhang Shuhui on the side, and got up and went out.


   The knife rejoiced and said, "Not long after they entered the city, they were assassinated by a beggar, and Sibo Yoshimoto died alone."


   He thought that Fang Xing would probably laugh, but Fang Xing said with a solemn expression: "It makes you look good at home, I'll go to the palace."


   Regardless of public or private, it is impossible to get out of this matter.


   Yu Gong, Fang Xing had many contacts with Si Bo Yiyuan; Yu Shi, Si Bo Yiyuan was assassinated outside of Fang's house, Fang Xing must give an explanation.


   When passing by the assassination scene, even the blood on the ground was washed away.


   There are still people coming and going on the street, no difference from yesterday.


   Outside the palace, Sibo Yoshimoto's eyes were no longer bright, and his face was pale, but Fang Xing believed that this face would soon become swollen and become a paradise for microorganisms.


   Nakagawaya knelt on the side, and when he saw Fang awakened, he knocked on his head and choked hard to speak.




Fang Xing bowed his hands and said: "Don't worry about the news that Uncle Ben has just gotten. Ben will go to see your Majesty immediately. Your Majesty will make a serious investigation. If you don't catch the murderer or find the culprit behind you, Uncle Ben vows not to let it go! "


   "Xing He Bo..."


   Nakagawa Ya was heartbroken, but only bowed her head.


   Fang Xing furiously said: "Yoshimoto and I are quite agreeable. This is a provocation to Ben! This is a provocation to Daming!"


   The sergeant guarding the gate couldn't help straightening his waist, feeling that the instigator behind the scenes was dead this time!


   Dare to provoke Daming, who is in the midst of the sky, that is really playing a lantern in a cesspit to die!




   "Look! Go and find! I have to dig the ground three feet to get that person for me!"


  Zhu Di was very angry and furious!


   But he was not angry at Spo Yoshimoto's death.


   "The dignified capital, the land of the first good, actually kills in the street, shame!"


   Seeing Fang Xing coming in, Zhu Di said solemnly: "What is Sibo Yoshimoto looking for you today?"


   The pain on Fang Xing’s face was gone, and he said, “It’s a letter from the Sibo family, saying that they want to show loyalty to Daming, so that in the future, only Daming’s head will be the leader.”


   Zhu Di snorted coldly: "It's just a wild dog who wants to take advantage of it! But it's useful. Where do you think this happened?"


   Fang Xing saw that the faces of Hu Guang and the others were pale, and he knew that they had been sprayed by the boss just now.


   "Your Majesty, the minister feels that the possibility of the Japanese people doing this is unlikely."


Fang Xing analyzed: "Even if Ashikaga Yoshimoto knew the effect of Spo Yoshimoto, his reaction was not so fast~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if he wanted to kill Spo Yoshimoto, it would take at least half a year later. NS."


   Hu Guang nodded and said, "Yes, it won't last more than half a year."


   Regardless of whether there is anyone going to report to Ashikaga Yoshimochi, even if there is, under the strict census registration of Ming Dynasty, where can Ashikaga Yoshimochi find a channel for smuggling?


   Zhu Di stroked his beard and said: "I also think it should be North Korea. Li Fangyuan was worried that Sibo Yoshisun was the contact of the shogunate, so after learning that he was close to Daming, he simply came to an assassination, then..."


   "Li Fangyuan is about to do it!"


Yang Rong said with excitement: "Your Majesty, when Li just left, Sibo Yiyuan was assassinated. This is a clear proof! At the same time, it also shows that Li Fangyuan's position is quite high in Li Fangyuan's eyes. Maybe he might replace his current son. "


   Jin Youzi also said: "Your Majesty, you have to think of a way to eliminate the grievances of the Sibo family, otherwise there will be a lack of internal response on the Japanese side in the future."


   Thailand’s busiest female anchor is brand new and exciting _ love video is exposed and the male lead is so hungry _ thirsty!! Please follow the WeChat public account to watch online: meinvgan123 (long press for three seconds to copy)! !

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