Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 813: Break through

The guard stared blankly at the gunpowder position in the distance, then reached out and wiped a hand on his face, then lowered his head and saw the blood on one hand.

The ears were buzzing, looking around for a week.

Everyone, almost everyone, was lying on the ground, and even a small group of deserters appeared, running into the city.

The gun smoke in the distance gradually dissipated, and the guard saw someone raising a knife. He immediately gave initiation and suddenly shouted: "Get down!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"


The guard lay on the ground and saw a battlement collapsed by bombardment, and the flying bricks lifted a sergeant's sky spirit cover.

Can you hold it?

The guard crawled to the side and cautiously lay on the battlements to look out.


"The city gate is open!"

After a loud shout, Zhang Fu shook his head and said, "Blam up for a few more rounds to press down the enemy taxi."

So the artillery roared again, and the city wall cracked in many places.


The ghost of the artillery bombarded the last crack, and the crack gradually expanded. Amidst the exclamation of the city, it suddenly tilted and collapsed.

This time Zhu Zhanji didn't need to remind him, and immediately shouted: "Go in!"

Fang Xing waved his hand, and Xin Laoqi immediately shouted to the back: "Jubao Mountain Guard...Go ahead!"

"Go ahead! Go ahead! Go ahead!"

Lin Qun'an regretted that his reaction had been slow for a while, but when Jubaoshanwei was the first to rush out of the army, his sense of pride was already overwhelming.

Thirty thousand cavalry, and Suzaku Guard, but the first to respond was Jubaoshan Guard.


Just when Fang Xing was also proud of his command, he heard a scream...oh no, it should be a woman's scream.

Damn it!

Fang Xing turned his head and saw a woman in...silver armor brandishing a long knife and shouting, while behind her were a group of men in homespun clothes.

Although there are only five hundred people in the swordsman and spearman, people still feel the sturdy aura.

Although they were soldiers, the speed of these people was not much slower than that of horses.

"Who is this?"

The cavalry had to follow behind the pawns, or if they were ambushed in the city, they would be self-inflicted.

When the first burst of gunfire came from the city, Zhu Zhanji said: "It was the Tusi from Guangxi/Xi. The woman was Was originally, but was later renamed Li Mengling. She was the daughter of the commander. Five hundred native soldiers came to Beijing to contribute, and the five army governor's mansion said a few words, so they refused to prove themselves on the battlefield."

"How do you know so clearly?"

Fang Xing asked suspiciously, "Are you planning to take in the daughter of a toast?"

Zhu Zhanji said with an earthy face: "Brother Dehua, please don't hurt me. The woman will do anything if she doesn't agree with you. How dare the little brother!"


Suzakuwei immediately rushed into the city, and then Zhang Fu's order came.

"The British Minister ordered you to replace Jubaoshan and Weiqing to suppress."

"Then what is Jubaoshanwei doing?"

Song Jianran felt very wronged. Is it because I was raised by a stepmother?

"Jubao Mountain Guard will rush out directly to Seoul Mansion!"

In this way, Zhuquewei was left in the city to be cleared and suppressed, but Jubaoshanwei did not stay, and as the cavalry arrived, he directly smashed the entire city.

Zhu Zhanji passed through the city surrounded by guards. On the way, he saw the soldiers chasing and killing the enemy.

Li Mengling's silver armor was very eye-catching. Several rebels saw that she was a woman and thought they were bullying, so they gathered around and prepared to capture her to bargain.

The blade flashed, and the spear of the rebel in front of him was broken. Then Li Mengling screamed and thrust the knife into the opponent's abdomen, and stirred without changing his face.

Then the woman didn't retreat but moved in, one person, one knife, rushed into the pile of people like a whirlwind, and instantly smashed out.


Seeing the fallen rebels behind her, Fang Xing shook his head, shivered, and hurriedly beat his horse to follow.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Behind him, the gunpowder was filled with smoke, and the rebels had nowhere to hide.


"Are you coming? Is Mingren coming?"

Li Fangyuan had lost his composure. Outside the hall, those horse-drawn carriages and ox-drawn carts that had never dared to come in were all occupied at this time, with all kinds of important classics and household registrations inside.

"His Royal Highness, there is still no news."

The military attaches were gone, all of them went to gather the army to defend the Seoul Mansion.

The civil servants are like frightened birds, and they can't help but think of the period when they were ruled by the Meng Yuan people.

"Father! Father!"

Li San also lost his composure. He rushed in and said with a pale face: "Father, the scout has found the traces of the Japanese pirates."

Chungcheongdo has fallen!

Li Fangyuan's body shook a few times, and the civil servants below looked complicated.

Leaning over on the case, Li Fangyuan said angrily: "It's only two days! Only two days! Are the defenders all chickens?"

Li San shook his head, "Father, the son thought that the Japanese pirates must break through quickly, so there is no one to report the letter."

Li Fangyuan's eyelids jumped wildly, his eyes stopped on the carriages outside the hall.

"His Royal Highness, North Korea can't live without you! You must evacuate from Seoul Mansion!"

"Yes! Your Royal Highness, the minister is willing to lead the army to break the queen!"

"That old bone of the minister should be a pioneer! If you die in battle, please continue to fight on the bones of the minister!"


Li Fangyuan was in a daze. He couldn't help but sneer in his heart as he watched these civilians who were usually loyal ministers express their loyalty.

After the break? I'm afraid I will leave with the front foot alone, you can open the gate of the city with your back foot and welcome Ashikaga Yoshimochi!


Li Fangyuan looked at the guy with white beard and hair, thinking that you are going to take your family and run away!

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Li Fangyuan felt like he was in a desperate situation. The people around...

His gaze finally stopped on Li San's face.

Li San's expression was tense, his fists clenched, but his legs were steady.

Li Fangyuan's gaze turned and saw a guard rushing in.

"Your Highness!"

Seeing this person's hesitation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Fangyuan sighed in his heart: "Let's talk."

"His Royal Highness, someone has escaped. It is said that Ashikaga Yoshitake's personal conquest, and there are monk soldiers. It is the city that those monk soldiers who are not afraid of death broke through."

"Monk soldiers?"

Li Fangyuan took a deep breath, disregarding the changing faces of those civil servants, and ordered: "Go, get ready, go alone!"

"Come on!"

Li Fangyuan's gaze was cold and severe: "Summon the lonely guard and set off immediately!"

At this time, Li Fangyuan was not at ease with eagles and guards, and only his own personal guards would do it.

Li Pan's face remained unchanged. He knew that his father was at the most alert and suspicious time at this moment, and it was best to stay away.

The civil servants looked at each other, then bowed their heads in embarrassment.

The convoy was ready soon, and Li Fangyuan got on the car and then accelerated out of the palace.

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