Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 814: Da Ming Wang Shi

"Quick! Hurry up!"

At the city gate, those with sensitive sense of smell have begun to take their family members to prepare to escape, but the city gate is tightly closed, and no one can go out without Li Fangyuan's consent.

The sergeant who defended the city saw Li Fangyuan's car driving, and his morale plummeted.

"Get out of the way! Your Highness is down."

The people besieged in front of the city gate silently stepped aside and watched Li Fangyuan's car slowly approaching.

"His Royal Highness is leaving before the Japanese pirates arrive?"

"Then North Korea still want it?"

"Aren't there a lot of soldiers in the city? Can't you just fight?"

"Who knows! Your Highness... Hey!"

"Once the Japanese Kingdom enters the city, Seoul will definitely be over! North Korea is gone!"


These words reached Li Fangyuan's ears, and he knew that the morale of the people was gone.

But what can I do?

Ashikaga Yoshihide's personal conquest, and monks and soldiers to help out, can't stop it.

However, Mingren’s reinforcements are nowhere to be seen, and do not leave alone. Are they going to stay in Seoul and die for the country?

Shaking his head slightly, Li Fangyuan's complexion was cold, and the car slowly came out of the city.

Daming will definitely make a move!

Gu just waited for that day and returned as a king again!

People! Stupid, as long as you can get a peaceful day again, the previous things will be forgotten cleanly.

A sneer appeared on Li Fangyuan's face.

"Enemy attack..."

A stern roar in front of him caused Li Fangyuan's heart to fall to the bottom.

If I knew this, it would be better to stick to Seoul!

"Go back! Go back quickly!"

In the rear, Li Pan had already begun to surpass, and his life and death was critical, and he couldn't help worrying about those qualifications anymore.

That's it!

Li Fangyuan's heart was ashamed, letting the driver turn his head.

"It's the Ming army! It's the Ming army!"

"We are saved! North Korea is saved!"

Li Fangyuan was not at all excited about being rescued, but chilled all over his body.

If the Ming army arrives a quarter of an hour early, Nagu is still the king of Joseon loved by the people.

But now that all the cars have gone out, they have also become the escaped King of Joseon in the mouth of the people...

Lifting the driving curtain, in line of sight, a group of cavalry is rushing at high speed. Before and after the car was driving, the lead Ming army said, "I am the Da Ming Jubao Mountain Guard scout. What are you doing waiting for? But did the Japanese pirates enter the city?"

Li Pan drove his horse over, and when he saw this man, he couldn't help but said with joy: "Master Fang, but is Uncle Xing and Dating here?"

Fang Wu nodded reservedly: "My master will be here soon, and the Lord will invite your Highness out."

Li Pan was furious, but at this time he had to make complacency: "Master Fang, this...isn't it compliant?"

Fang Wu sneered in his heart: "If it is in compliance with the rules, you will know later. If the King of Joseon fails, it will be a serious crime!"

As he spoke, there was a lot of smoke and dust in the distance, and Fang Wu quickly led the team and turned to meet him.

Li Pan walked to the side of Li Fangyuan's car and said in fear: "Father..."

"The lone is here."

Li Fangyuan would not get off the car early to meet Fang Xing.

The price is too low!

The cavalry in the distance suddenly divided into two places, outflanking them from the left and right.

When seeing Fang Xingran and another general guarding a young man from left to right, Li San's mind turned to many possibilities, and then he trembled: "Father, it is His Royal Highness that has arrived."

Li Fangyuan's restraint was shattered as soon as he heard that Zhu Zhanji had arrived. He hurriedly asked people to help him out of the car, and then stood respectfully on the side. Then the civil and military officials followed the order of the court.

"See Your Highness!"

Zhu Zhanji squinted at Li Fangyuan on horseback, then said coldly: "Why go out of town?"

Li Fangyuan gritted his teeth and said: "His Royal Highness, Ashikaga Yoshihide personally conquered, the monks are brave and brave, the reinforcements have not arrived, and the morals are compelling..."

This guy really reacted quickly! Actually threw the pot on Daming's body.

"bring it here!"

Fang Xing beckoned to the back, and the knife brought two men in official uniforms forward.

"His Royal Highness...Li Ce rebelled, behind closed doors to resist the king."

This sentence directly defeated Li Fangyuan's heart defense, he staggered back a few steps, fortunately Li Tan helped.

What can I say?

This is a collusion between people inside, and maybe they have reached an agreement to divide North Korea with Ashikaga Yoshitake.

Zhu Zhanji said solemnly: "You will wait for the internal affairs to deal with it later, and quickly enter the city."

The new convoy entered the city again, making the people in the city a little bewildered, until they saw the sergeant Daming wearing a jacket, and then they came to their senses.

"It's the great master of Daming here! We are saved!"

"Sure enough, it is the heavenly kingdom! Arrived at the most dangerous time in North Korea, North Korea should keep this kindness in mind..."

"It's just your Highness... hey!"

This sigh seemed to be contagious, and soon reached Fang Xing's ears. He rode his horse and found Li San, and said with a worried expression: "Those people are arguing about your Highness, go and disperse it."

Of course Li Pan heard it too. He said tiredly: "Xing He Bo, the situation is difficult at this time. If you do something, the people's will will be hard to come by."

Fang Xing frowned and said, "You can't let the development go on, or just find a reason?"

After thinking about it, Li Pan felt that this matter would be beneficial to North Korea, and he could not see that Daming could benefit from it, so he gratefully said, "Thank you, Xinghe, for your reminder. I will ask my father to make arrangements immediately next time."

It didn't take long for a new news to spread in the city.

"It turned out to be rebellious, no wonder the front was a complete defeat!"

"Those damned thieves! They dare to stop the King Master Daming, this is to kill the king!"

"Want to die? Be quiet!"

"Afraid of a fart! The Japanese pirates are coming to the city immediately, who cares!"

"Will your Highness also have it by his side?"

"Most of them, otherwise, how can those rebels know the news of King Daming?"

"Isn't your Highness dangerous? Uh! I was wrong, everyone, don't tell the story, otherwise..."

"With the Great Master of the Ming Dynasty, there must be nothing wrong with your Highness."


As soon as he entered the city, Jubao Mountain Guard immediately took over the city defense, and the scouts set off.

With the arrival of the Ming army, the order in the city immediately returned to normal.

Li Fangyuan wanted to ask Zhu Zhanji to rest in the palace, but Fang Xing refused instead.

"His Royal Highness loves soldiers like sons, so naturally he will be with them."

Li Fangyuan went back a little depressed, and Li Pan will be with the Ming army as a representative.

As for the elder son, it is said that after learning that the Japanese pirates were approaching, he was already a little crazy, and naturally he couldn't come out to meet people.

Everyone stood on the head of the city and saw that the distant scout was returning from a horse, and a team of Japanese pirates followed.

Zhang Fu naturally controlled the situation at this time, and he said casually: "Go and catch it, but kill less."

This is not to let the Japanese pirates know their true strength.

Immediately the city gate opened, and a group of cavalry rushed out, and soon received the scouts in.

"His Royal Highness, it is Ashikaga Yoshichi, and there are monks and soldiers."

Fang Wu relied on a telescope, so he detected a lot of things that Japanese pirates thought they were secret.

Zhu Zhanji smiled slightly and said, "That couldn't be better, but how about Fu Xian?"

Fang Xing said without counting time, "It must have arrived."


At this time, the war was fierce on the outer seas of the Japanese Kingdom.

Fu Xian excitedly commanded the fleet to continuously change formations, and the various weapons on board were desperately released.

When the battle is over ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ standing on the tall treasure ship and looking around, there are still people jumping down on those flaming enemy ships.

The plank, the Japanese pirates calling for help, the panicked spectators on the shore...

From this moment on, the country of Japan has completely cut off external relations!

This is the real seclusion!

"Leave immediately, let's go to North Korea and cut off the final escape route of the Japanese people!"

Fu Xian stood up in the wind with great vigor. After the local fleet of the Wa country was annihilated, the main navy in North Korea was left, and he only needed a sneak attack.

Will Ashikaga Yoshimochi cry after they find out that they are already on the surface of the sea?

"But... what if you break the boat?"

Fu Xian is a little guilty. If Zhu Zhanji is defeated by the desperate Japanese pirates, grandma's, I am afraid I will be implicated!

"Youxing and Uncle are here! Is it possible that the Japanese are better than the alien races on the grassland?"

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