Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 815: Anti-visitor, sentinel

Hundreds of cavalry came first, their horses were uneven, and many of them were snatched.

These cavalry boldly approached the city, pointed at the city and cursed, extremely frivolous.

Immediately a black figure appeared in the distance.

"The queue is out of order, it doesn't look great."

Song Jianran who arrived was a little happy. He thought he would not be able to catch up with this battle, but he didn't expect the speed of the Japanese pirates to be so slow.

"A lot of people."

Fang Xing put down his binoculars, "At least 70,000 people, among them, there are about 20,000 monks and soldiers, so it should not be underestimated."

"Are the monks very powerful?"

Zhang Fu frowned and asked, he didn't know much about the situation in the country.


Fang Xing saw that the soldiers on the wall were still standing still, and smiled: "Most of the monks in the Japanese country have six impure roots and are involved in political affairs. Without these monks and soldiers, it is estimated that Ashikaga Yoshimochi/Buddha will be destroyed."

Zhang Fu raised his binoculars and looked.

The position of the monks and soldiers is in the middle. Looking at the formation, although it is not as good as the Jubaoshan Guard, it has a frightening aura.


"My lord, the Ming army has arrived."

Ashikaga Yoshimochi's complexion remained unchanged, and he clenched his fists and said: "Our army is like an arrow from the string, a water of overturning, telling everyone that there is only one way to survive if you break through Seoul. As long as you break through Seoul, the Ming people will naturally estimate the gains and losses. ,Understand?"

Soon these words were communicated, and the general meaning was: as long as we break Seoul, we will stop. Mingren will not expedition for half of North Korea, and happy days are in sight.

"Three days after breaking the city!"

Ashikaga Yoshimochi added another weight, and sure enough, all the monks and soldiers cheered.


But then Ashikaga Yoshimochi did not order to attack while the iron was hot, but stepped back five miles to camp.


"Is a smart man."

Fang Xing put down his binoculars and said: "If he is attacking at this time, it will be the end of the crossbow. Once our army takes advantage of the counterattack, the whole army may collapse."

Zhang Fu nodded: "This time Ashikaga Yoshimochi has come here too, he is really cautious."

Li San's face was not very good-looking, Ashikaga Yoshichi was not cautious in the previous offensive. He simply pushed flatly, and then pushed flatly, directly pressing the smaller part of North Korea to the ground and beating violently.

But it was just a match with Mingjun’s scout, Ashikaga Yoshimochi actually withered, this...

Zhu Zhanji turned around and said, "Tomorrow is probably just a test. Can you attack at night?"

Zhang Fu and Fang Xing shook their heads together: "The enemy's heart is still there. If you attack at night, it might hurt both sides."

Don't look at the many examples of night raid victory recorded in history books, but the night raid is very time-sensitive. If the timing is wrong, then it is head-to-head. In the dark, we don't know who wins and who loses!

Zhu Zhanji glanced at Li Pan and said, "Then go to rest, recharge and wait for the opportunity."

Li Tan went back to the palace in embarrassment, but did not see Li Fangyuan.

"His Royal Highness is unwell and is resting."

Li San stood there for a long time outside the hall, a little depressed.

North Korea has become like this, so what's the rest?

"You go to tell the father on your behalf, it means that people's minds are still inaccurate."

Li Tan blended in, nothing more than trying to test the ultimate goal of the Ming army.

But this question is not easy to ask!

Walking out of the palace, the street was deserted and there were no pedestrians, only a few groups of Ming troops were patrolling.

Seeing Li Pan and his party, those Ming troops didn't care, and they passed by with a cold face.

Is this still North Korea?

Li Pan looked down the street with a heavy heart, and whispers from the low wooden houses on both sides floated out from time to time.

"I don't know who wins and who loses in this battle. What if I lose? I heard that the Japanese pirates are the most brutal, killing the city!"

"Isn't there a master king? I heard that some demon god, last time at the seaside of Daming, cut off the heads of more than 100,000 Japanese pirates to cast the view of Beijing! So don't be afraid, just do what we should do."

"Oh! That's really not afraid."

Li Pan walked slowly through this section of the street, and in front was the place that was vacated and used as a barracks for the Ming army.

Although the army outside is oppressing the territory, these Ming troops are calm and unhurried. What should they do? Li Tan took a few steps forward, and the knife gestured to him to back off quickly.

"Strong camp, no matter how trespassers are killed!"

Facing those indifferent eyes, Li Pan left with a wry smile.

But Li Fangyuan received a few confidantes in the bedroom at this time. After a while, they all left with excitement.

Quietly outside, the entire North Korea is facing a choice, at least Li Fangyuan thinks so.

"Who is loyal to the loneliness, who is conceited, who is vacillating... Let's all show up!"


Dinner was eaten in the city, but the cook was scolded by Fang Xing.

"With so many bacon, you won't throw some into the vegetable soup?"

Fang Xing looked at Bai's miserable vegetable soup, and suddenly lost his appetite, and after looking at each other helplessly with Zhu Zhanji, he had to bite the bullet and eat it.

This was a role model, but after dinner, Fang Xing gave Zhu Zhanji a wink, and amidst the grumbles of Zhang Fu and Yang Rong, the two went to a remote place.

Two compressed biscuits, and both of them drank the water.

Zhu Zhanji licked his lips and said, "Brother Dehua, the younger brother seems to have eaten milk."

Fang Xing hiccuped, walked to the edge of the battlements, and watched a dozen or so riding swaying in the distance, and said, "I'm going to go out later and feel the bottom of Ashikaga Yoshimochi."

Zhu Zhanji disagrees with this kind of sentinel: "Brother Dehua, Seoul is a strong city, Ashikaga Yoshichi has no choice but to attack."

Fang Xing said hesitantly, "I met him in Wakasa Bay last time, but it was a pity that he didn't leave a deep impression on him. It's a rare opportunity!"

Zhu Zhanji definitely disagrees, this is going out is the sheep into the tiger's mouth, if Fang Xingzhe here, then...

But after going back for a discussion, Zhang Fu agreed: "Although it's not easy to attack at night, it's okay for a small group of people to go out to startle the enemy and get rid of their spirit. This trip is not very dangerous. After all, the enemy's horses are poor. Too far to catch up."


After dark, a gap was quietly opened in the city gate, Fang Xing started, and Xin Laoqi and others were mixed among the fifty scouts.

The Seoul Mansion between the mountains is actually not a good place to attack~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If Li Fangyuan was able to ambush more decisively at that time, then the initiative at the moment should be in his hands.

Fang Xing led the team specially to bypass the group of scouts in front, and inserted between the two mountains.

Quietly in the autumn forest, the knife in front suddenly raised his hand.

"Master, there are two people staring at them!"

The knife loves to play with the telescope in his hand. In his eyes, this thing is a magical tool, and he can see things at night.

Fang Xing waved his hand, and the knife took Fang Wu forward.

It was only two secret whistles. When Fang Xing passed by, only two corpses with crooked necks were seen.

"Master, there are still people on the mountain, but it should be a secret whistle to monitor the big crowds."

Fang Xing shook his head: "Ignore him."

A few secret whistles are not enough to affect the overall situation.

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