Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 816: Ashikaga Yoshimochi, can you dare to fight?

In the big tent, the candles that were snatched from nowhere were burning cracklingly, and the light was dim.

Ashikaga Yoshimochi sat on the top, kneeling down two rows of civil and military men, and those daimyos, and the monk was also in between.

"There is a lot of food and grass, so this time I will force the Ming army to come out for a decisive battle. Don't attack the fortified city."

Ashikaga Yoshimochi's gaze swept across the monk: "Monk soldiers must be vigilant, if Akito can't stop it..."

The monk said lightly: "The general will just wait and see."

Ashikaga Yoshichi nodded: "After you go down, please calm down the people below. Don't be impatient."

Someone asked, "Master Lord, if the Mingren refuses to come out? Then our army is exhausted! The country...prone to change."

The eyes of those big names flickered, and they were exchanging information with each other.

If the Ming army does not come out, it will be the Japanese country passively.

Ashikaga Yoshichi knew these mentalities well, and he coldly snorted: "If the Ming army does not come out, then it is not the Ming army! The two countries will inevitably give birth to nasty!"

The monk also sneered and said: "The little North Korea is in our hands. Li Fangyuan is not in a hurry? If the Ming army doesn't come out, he will have to force them out!"

So the civil, military and famous people all saluted, and then got up and went back.

The management of an army of more than 70,000 people is a big problem.

However, Ashikaga Yoshihide has confidence, and with the previous looting, the wildness of these sergeants has been stimulated, so...

"To maintain morale, starting tomorrow, go out and looting in batches!"

"It's on fire!"

When Ashikaga Yoshimochi felt that Zhizhu was holding, he rushed out with an exclamation from outside.

In the dark night, two flames ignited on the right side and gradually became bigger.

"Check it out! It was found to be killed on the spot!"

Ashikaga Yoshimochi believed that someone accidentally caused the fire.

"what is that?"

The monk stared blankly at the two more fires in the sky outside the camp. The fire was dangling and flew in.


"Where's the scout? Where's the secret whistle? It's all bastards! Waste!"

"Go! Catch me back those **** Ming people!"

The camp has begun to commotion, and the soldiers who have accumulated a lot of hostility get out of their tents, brandishing knives and guns, looking for the enemy with red eyes.

This is the animal nature, if someone is in front of them at this time, they will inevitably be chopped into flesh.


"Ha ha ha ha!"

Fang Xing laughed and waited for Xin Laoqi to take the large ‘slingshot’ apart and take them apart, and shouted, “Let’s go!”

The camp door behind him opened wide, and more than a hundred riders rushed out, cursing.

Seeing that Fang Xing and the others' horses were not fast, these chasing soldiers were overjoyed and hurriedly rushed the horses to fight for the first victory.

Ashikaga Yoshichi has spoken out and killed a Ming army to get double the military merits.

It's a fool to not take advantage of this kind of advantage!

When they were about to catch up, the people behind suddenly turned around and threw something, and then...

"The law of the law..."

The horse that stepped on the polygonal nail slammed forward, and the person on the horse's back was driven by inertia. The sound of the fracture made the scalp numb.

Fang Xing couldn't help laughing as he listened to the screams from behind.

"Tell Ashikaga Yoshimochi, Da Mingxing and Hakukata wake up!"

The voice spread far in the dark, and soon someone reported it to Ashikaga Yoshimochi.

"My lord, our horse is too bad to catch up."

But Ashikaga Yoshimochi's attention was not on this. He thought of the battle of Wakasa Bay and the overbearing treasure ship...

There is also a warning from Sipo Yoshizun.

Daming was kindly warned in front of him, so that Waguo escaped a catastrophe, but why...

"Maintain a balance? Let North Korea and Wa as a pair of opponents..."


After killing several intercepted enemy forces along the way, Fang Xing was led by three thousand cavalry troops into the city by Zhang Fu himself.

As soon as he entered the city, Fang Xing saw Zhu Zhanji's full set of clothes, and immediately waited anxiously. He couldn't help but warm up, and said, "Those Japanese people can't stop me."

Zhu Zhanji ordered the cavalry to go back.

Zhang Fu, who was outside the city, had already taken a group of chasing soldiers. He didn't feel very enjoyable after he hadn't been in battle for a long time, so he rode out and shouted at the chasing soldiers who stopped ahead: "Ashikaga Yoshitake, dare you to war!"

It's a pity that Ashikaga Yoshiki didn't come, so the chasing soldiers were just silent, and they were all startled by the power of the three thousand cavalry rushing into the formation just now.

"Women-like choppy! Do you dare to fight against the king? Hahahaha!"

Seeing that no one else came forward, Zhang Fu finally felt a sigh of disgust, and only then led people into the city.

Having been idle by Zhu Di for several years, it is impossible to say that there is no grievance, but Zhang Fu can see the way of the monarch and ministers inside, so he has been holding back.


The place where Zhu Zhanji stayed was originally a prominent eunuch, but unfortunately, this one took his family and prepared to run away, and he was naturally ransacked by Li Fangyuan.

A brazier was burning in the lobby, with thick candles lit on both sides, shining brightly.

Fang Xing had already taken off his armor and said in a good mood: "The camp is very solid. It seems Ashikaga Yoshimochi is ready to fight a protracted battle and uses Li Fangyuan's eagerness to make a fuss."

Yang Rong rubbed his eyes and said, "Li Fangyuan didn't dare, so Ashikaga Yoshitake waited."

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "A lot of news has been gathered today. Many people in North Korea have begun to oppose Li Fangyuan after the failed expedition, and Ashikaga Yoshihide is approaching the castle. If we hadn't arrived in time, Li Fangyuan would never have escaped. Far away, someone is ready to use his head in exchange for the wealth given by Ashikaga Yoshichi."

"Internal and external troubles! But this is not a bad thing."

Zhang Fu certainly knew Daming's intentions, so he squinted his eyes and said, "His Royal Highness, if you pretend to be invincible, let the Japanese pirates rush into the city... how about?"

How ruthless!

Yang Rong asked, "Can you be sure to drive it out again? After all, there are many good things in North Korea's treasury."

Fang Xing looked at Yang Rong in surprise, and felt that this one was really...different from Cong!

Yang Rong smiled and said, "Uncle Xinghe feels that this officer is too cruel, regardless of the deaths and injuries of the North Korean people?"

Fang Xing nodded, and Yang Rong completely subverted his impression of civil officials.

Yang Rong stroked his beard and said: "The Buddha has vajra anger, and the writing also has verbal criticism. The official is powerless to kill the enemy, but there is no woman's benevolence. This time the troop cost is not small. If you can't win, Xia Shangshu is afraid to hang himself. !"

Most of the conquests before Ming Dynasty were to remove border threats. From a financial point of view, they were basically trading at a loss.

Zhang Fu's idea was to let the Japanese pirates enter the city, and the Ming army fought and retreated. After the Japanese pirates entered the palace, there would be another big counterattack.

"What if Li Fangyuan wants to follow?"

A dangerous light flashed in Zhang Fu's eyes.

Zhu Zhanji's eyes dodge for a moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then said: "If this is the case, then... in the chaotic army, the swords and guns are speechless!"

it is good!

Zhang Fu was very pleased, and Yang Rong smiled and looked extremely proud.

This is the prince of Daming!

The ruler must not be soft-hearted, be soft-hearted, either in chaos or lack of strength to the outside world.

Yang Rong glanced at Fang Xing, thinking that you are doing meritorious service!

But Fang Xing said something and directly denied Zhang Fu's plan.

"Seoul, I think it's good, it will be troublesome to rebuild after it is destroyed, so let's..."

Under the light, Fang Xing’s smile was very kind and...

"Daming's hands are clean. This is okay. No matter how to search for evidence in the future, I guarantee that Daming's hands are clean."

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