Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 818: Ancient war hymn

My eyes were dizzy, and I actually hit 917 in the previous chapter.


After a few rounds of volleys, those crazy Japanese soldiers who were stimulated by the benefits of breaking the city finally put the ladder on it, and the archers risked their lives to cover.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The volley continued, and those arrows clinked on the visor, but because the Ming army leaned down and shot, the only hole in the eye was also covered, and they all returned in vain.

Fang Xing stood behind the wall with a knife in his hand, looking coldly at the group of people surrounded by cavalry in the distance.

The volley continued, but sporadic enemies finally came up.

Fang Xing retracted his gaze and saw half of his head without a helmet exposed. He carried the knife on his shoulder, and when the man leaned forward and swung the knife, he chopped it off.

The head flew up, and the pride of the sneak attack still remained on his face.

Fang Xing took the knife and waited quietly for the second head.


Zhu Zhanji was in the tower not far from Fang Xing. He saw Fang Xing wave and close the knife like a killer; he waved and closed the knife... There were already a few more marks on the plate armor on his body. , But Xin Laoqi just watched from the side and didn't make a move.

"Pay attention to Xing He Bo, if there is an accident, immediately shoot!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Jia Quan answered, and then drew a long knife a few steps forward.

"Long spear step forward!"

Zhang Fu waved back, and all the pikemen came up.

At several breaches, platoon guns sounded, and before the pikemen were in place, these Japanese soldiers were overturned to the ground.

Zhang Fu asked: "His Royal Highness, can you let Suzakuwei come forward?"

Zhu Zhanji thought for a while: "Yes, but it must be coordinated well."

Zhuquewei needs actual combat training, but if it is not in harmony with Jubaoshanwei, it is not as good.

Zhang Fu said clearly: "Just separate a section of the city wall!"

Of course Song Jianran would not let it go when he got the chance, so his anxious voice rang from the top of the city.



"Boom boom boom boom!"


"What kind of firearm is that?!"

Ashikaga Yoshimochi was stunned to see the Japanese army attacking the city with ants being shot down by platoon guns!

"It's under the command of that demon god!"

The monk said bitterly: "In Taizhou, they rely on this kind of firearm to defeat the strong with the weak. So far, the Jingguan still stands on the riverside."

Ashikaga Yoshimochi saw that the casualties were so heavy that he could not climb the city, so he said: "The monk soldiers go and test and put some pressure on the Ming army. Otherwise, our army will not last forever."

The monk hesitated, "Is it too early?"

Ashikaga Yoshihide sternly shouted: "Morale! Understand? I want morale! Otherwise, the cavalry of the Ming army will rush out immediately!"

The monk nodded hard, he didn't know whether Ashikaga Yoshimochi's decision was correct, but...

Who can estimate that Mingren's firearms are so fierce, and if morale is not restored, the consequences will be disastrous.

I shouldn't have attacked so early!

I should test one or two first!

But regretting that the medicine had not been sold, Ashikaga Yoshimochi had to swallow the bitter fruit of underestimating the enemy.

"The monk soldiers are here!"

A monk soldier came, and the intention to retreat had already emerged, but the Japanese army, who was frightened by military law, immediately retreated like a low tide.

In the distance, the group of monks and soldiers wrapped in turbans strode, and the Buddha's name followed.

Fang Xing gasped a little. In front of him, a Japanese army leader in armor was lying there staringly, from the shoulder to the abdomen, a gap had been squeezed out to fill in the internal organs.

Are the monks coming?

Fang Xing went out and saw the Japanese army retreating to both sides like a tide, and then he saw the murderous and lifeless crowd.

"We want to urge the enemy to be sharp!"

Fang Xing turned around, sticking Pu Dao and said: "The Japanese bully the weak and fear the hard, and are most afraid of the strong. Your Royal Highness, let them see who is the strong, let them see, my Ming army can still defeat them upright!"

Zhu Zhanji and Zhang Fu stepped forward, and even Yang Rong wore a suit of armour, staggering to the side of the battlements and looking down.

"That is the monk soldier of the Japanese country?"

Zhu Zhanji was a little curious, but not worried.

Fang Xing said: "Exactly, these are all monks and soldiers trained in the name of protecting the Buddha. They are not afraid of death! Throughout the ages, they have been one of the most powerful forces in the Japanese nation."

Zhang Fu's eyes were full of longing, and he slammed sideways and arched his hands: "His Royal Highness, please lead the army to fight!"

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "Britain's words are wrong! If the 30,000 cavalry is exhausted, the Japanese army will never dare to press on, and the counterattack will be weak at that time! Why not lead the Jubaoshan Guard and the Suzaku Guard to attack, The cavalry stands by."

Zhang Fu was surprised and said depressed: "No matter, this strategy is better, you go, I will be behind."

He wanted to take advantage of it, but Fang Xing directly exposed his idea: I want to kill the enemy!

Fang Xing arched his hand to Zhu Zhanji, and then shouted: "Jubao Mountain Guard and Vermilion Guard are assembled under the city!"

Is this going to strike?

Everyone's hearts are beating, not nervous, but excited.

"Good guy!"

As soon as he arrived in the city, the shining silver Li Mengling was leading people up to the city. Seeing Fang Xing lead the team behind the city gate, she praised with appreciation.

Fang Xing nodded slightly, then turned around to look at the array, and said solemnly, "Sing!"

The monks and soldiers were approaching the city, their eyes were indifferent, and they felt that Seoul would not be the enemy of One He, and they would go down.

"The city gate is open!"

After an exclamation, the monk's footsteps stopped, and the formation went into chaos.

"This is your monk soldier?!"

Ashikaga Yoshimochi, who came up to hold the formation behind, saw that the formation was in chaos, and couldn't help looking back and asking.

The monk was also surprised, so he walked from the middle to the front.

"Are they crazy?"

Ashikaga Yoshimochi who followed saw the city gate slowly opened, and quickly ordered the main force to come around from the two wings and prepare for a decisive battle.

This is the best opportunity!

Ashikaga Yoshichi swears that today he will defeat the powerful Ming army, and then...

"Qi said Wuyi, the same robe with the son, Master Wang Yuxing, cultivate my spear, and share the same hatred with the son..."

The awe-inspiring song suddenly sounded, Qin Feng Wuyi, this ancient battle song resounded on the battlefield again.

And it appeared on the battlefield against foreign races!

The gate of the city opened completely without any scruples, and a group of sergeants covered in plate armor, carrying guns, singing military songs, and heading out of the city.

"Qi said Wuyi, and Zi Ze, Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear, and work with Zi..."

These arrays were neat and intriguing. They ignored the tens of thousands of enemy troops ahead and quickly lined up outside the city.

"Devil God! This is the commander of that Demon God!"

A big name near the sea in a fief murmured: "They put themselves in iron pots, they are hard to be injured by knives and guns, but firearms can destroy everything..."

After Jubaoshanwei came out, Suzakuwei followed.

With Jubaoshan Weizhuyu in front, Song Jianran certainly couldn't lose his momentum.


Suzaku guard was in place, and the carriage from behind pulled the artillery out, and lined up on the two wings in the specially left passage.

"About eight thousand people, one Weijia two thousand households!"

A general immediately reported his findings to Ashikaga Yoshitake.

Ashikaga Yoshimochi sneered and said, "Ten times the enemy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You will definitely break the enemy today!"

"My lord, let the blood of Mingren nourish our long sword!"

"My lord, please order!"

The subordinates were all aggressively asking for the battle, and those big names were also worried that the profit would be reduced after the war, so they were not to be outdone and asked to participate in it.

Ashikaga Yoshitaka said with satisfaction: "Prepare, today bloodbath Seoul!"

"Bloodbath Seoul!"

The huge sound made people horrified, but the array that could gather Baoshan Guards did not move.

"Uncle, the artillery is in place!"

Shen Yao's shout was heartbreaking, but Fang Xing's spirit was lifted.

"Follow me to talk!"

Fang Xing gently knocked his horse belly, and rushed out of the array under the guard of Xin Laoqi and others...

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