Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 819: Roar of artillery

"Who is that?"

Ashikaga Yoshimochi didn't know how powerful the artillery was. He only boosted morale and prepared for an assault, but he saw more than a dozen horses rushing out of the Ming army array.

The incoming man was guarded in the middle and stopped in the middle of the two armies.

"Ashikaga Yoshimochi, Dameixing and Hakukata are awake here, dare to meet!"

Fang Xing lifted his visor and pointed his long sword at Ashikaga Yoshimochi who was surrounded by him, his eyes staring blankly.

"He is Fang Xing?"

Ashikaga Yoshimochi only felt that his body was numb. This was not excitement, but humiliation!

"He is the Demon God!"

Someone in the array exclaimed, and immediately caused a commotion.

Fang Xing saw Ashikaga Yoshimochi not daring to go out, and smiled: "A short man is a short, Ashikaga Yoshimochi, let's go home to nurse the baby! Hahahaha!"

In full view, Ashikaga Yoshichi gritted his teeth and said: "Come on, come out with me!"

If the dignified shogunate is timid, the authority will collapse and disappear.

Ashikaga Yoshimochi's horse was specially selected, and it is not inferior to Fang Xing's large white horse.

But in the eyes of others, on the same high horseback, one is a burly man, and the other is a short dwarf.

The Great White Horse was particularly striving today. It stood with its head high, and screamed at Ashikaga Yoshichi who was rushing over.

Ashikaga Yoshizuki stopped when he was about ten paces away, and he used that indifferent, emotionless voice again: "Are you Fang Xing?"

"Are you Ashikaga Yoshimochi?"

Fang Xing only felt the blood on his body boiling, and the veins of his hand holding the long knife burst.

Ashikaga Yoshichi nodded slightly: "Since you reminded me of the North Korean attack, why did you help Li Fangyuan? Are you still thinking about the **** balance of power?"

To play a balance between the two forces, Ashikaga Yoshimochi is no stranger to such methods.

But he thought it was a little funny.

"If North Korea is corrupt, Emperor Ming will punish you, Demon God? But that's all! Hahahaha!"

Ashikaga Yoshimochi laughed loudly, very bold, and a bit of a high-ranking person who looked forward to his own self.

Fang Xing just looked at him coldly. Under this cold gaze, Ashikaga Yoshimochi's laughter gradually disappeared.

"You know, I just want to tell you about the future of the Japanese Kingdom."

Fang Xing sighed: "The small island country has left China unable to rest for hundreds of years. How pious the envoys sent to the Tang Dynasty were, how cruel the subsequent killings will be, more than 300,000! The souls of that world don't know. Have you rested in peace!"

Ashikaga Yoshihide felt that Fang Xing had gone crazy, but this was the title of Demon God.

Fang Xing's eyes turned sharper, staring at Ashikaga Yoshimochi and said: "We have something to say in China, and I will tell you today."

After turning his gaze, Fang Xing looked at the grim-faced Japanese army, and said lightly: "The enemy of the tenth generation, especially the revenge!"

"Yoshitaka Ashikaga, go back. The future fate of the Japanese people has been doomed. The men are slaves and the women can only be allocated to the men of the Ming Dynasty to contribute to the population of my Ming Dynasty! As for the country of Japan... it will no longer exist! There will only be a group of slaves, slaves for generations!"

Ashikaga Yoshimochi felt that this was the most absurd thing he had heard in his life. He shook his head and laughed. He was about to scold it for nonsense, but Fang Xing turned his head and shouted, "Go back!"

With the sound of horse hooves, Fang Xing's back has never been so firm and upright.

It is these beasts who are extremely humble in order to learn the knowledge of China when they are ignorant.

These same beasts, when Hua Xia is weak, they are like hungry wolves, frantically rushing to bite, the cruel methods are rare in the world.

Those babies who were stabbed to death by bayonets, those women who were abused, those compatriots who were burned to death, those compatriots who were treated as livestock...

Fang Xing looked up at the sky, the sky was cloudy, as if preparing for a killing.

Bowing his head, Fang Xing rushed to the front and shouted: "Today, let us kill these beasts! Daming mighty!"

"Da Ming is mighty!"

"Da Ming is mighty!"

"Da Ming is mighty!"

This is the dynasty of China, and this will also be the era of China!

Then, let me go to a big enemy for China!

The fighting spirit in Fang Xing's heart has never been so fierce. He didn't want to wait, even for a moment!

"go ahead!"

"Go ahead! Go ahead! Go ahead!"

In the loud voice, the array moved forward neatly.

"go ahead!"

Shen Yao commanded the people and pushed the artillery hard.

"We must put the artillery in front of the enemy and fire! Destroy all enemies who dare to stop us! Brothers! Work harder!"

Zhu Zhanji on the top of the city was hot all over, he pushed Yang Rong away, who was blocking him, and rushed down.

"Open the door!"

Seeing Zhu Zhanji's face reddened and his eyes gleaming, how could the goalkeeper dare to stop him.

The city gate opened, and Zhu Zhanji rushed out from Zhang Fu's side.

Zhang Fu suppressed the restless cavalry and looked out through the half-closed city gate.


Ashikaga Yoshihide never expected Fang Xing to take the initiative to attack. He shook his head and said disdainfully: "What devil! Kill it! I want him to become a ghost!"

The monk said with a relaxed expression: "Success or failure is at this moment, let it all overpower it, overwhelm the opponent in momentum!"

Ashikaga Yoshimochi nodded slightly, which was what he thought of.

"The whole army pressed on and broke the enemy in one go!"

Ashikaga Yoshihide is full of ambition, even if the firearms under Fang Xing's command are powerful, they can't hold back the ants from killing the elephants!

What is the concept of 70,000 people charging together?

Looking around, it's all people!

And these are the beast soldiers who have gone through several crazy killings!

Zhu Zhanji rushed to Fang Xing's side and said excitedly: "Can you send out cavalry?"

Fang Xing's long sword hung down, and said lightly: "It's too early, morale has not fallen, and the casualties will be large."

"Uncle, four hundred steps away!"

The ranging sergeant turned back and shouted.

Fang Xing took a deep breath and shouted, "Cannon!"

Ling Qi shook, and Shen Yao, who was waiting for a long time, waved his knife and roared: "Fire!"


Thirty-six artillery fired all together.

Those Japanese army armed with knives and guns, rushed slowly with small broken steps.

The hundreds of riders ahead have begun to accelerate, and their task is to break through a gap.

These are cannon fodder, but Ashikaga Yoshitake promised to give preferential treatment to those who died in the war.

Break Seoul, bloodbath Seoul!

Wash the city!

Money beauties have everything, but also release the inner beast/sex!

The speed of the impact suddenly becomes faster, and the spoils after victory are tempting these beasts/sex/prosperous soldiers~www.wuxiaspot.com~onboard! "

I don't know who shouted in excitement, and then 70,000 people shouted together.


"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

Thirty-six loud noises, thirty-six iron bullets rushed out of the cannon, whistling straight to the crowd that could not be seen.

"what is that?"

On a temporary wooden table set up in the rear, Ashikaga Yoshimochi saw the smoke from the Ming army and asked the people around him.

"My lord is the big gun of the Ming people."

Ashikaga Yoshihide disdainfully said: "The light of the firefly, do you dare to brag!"

"My lord!"

At this moment, someone on the side pointed to the front and yelled in horror.

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