Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 820: Desperate Battle 1

I fell asleep on the table last night, and today I feel sore and dizzy!

Da did not have a surname and liked to call Da since he was a child, so when he grew up, others called him Da.

However, if he can make great achievements, he may be able to obtain a noble surname and get rid of his status as a commoner.

Therefore, Tatsu bravely fought for the first place in the previous battle, and has received many praises, and some even said that he would become a samurai.

I want to be a samurai! ! !


Da furiously rushed out, and a vanguard appeared in the entire formation.

At this moment, thirty-six black spots whizzed out.

what is that?

Da had only time to be surprised in his mind, and then the black spot suddenly became bigger.


Half of Da's head was missing, and the white and red things splashed everywhere.

After the iron bullet smashed Da's head, it rushed into the array unabated.

After a crackling sound, Da's body slowly fell down, and behind him, there was an extra passage made of blood and stumps.

The crowd is so dense that you can hit the target almost without much aiming.

In Zhu Zhanji's eyes, thirty-six passages suddenly appeared among the Japanese army who had just rushed wildly.

In Fang Xing's eyes, the momentum of the Japanese army was dissipated a lot by this round of shelling, and the speed was suddenly reduced.

The distance of 300 meters is not far, but not too close!

"I want you to fill this distance with human lives!"

Fang Xing's ferocious way.


Ashikaga Yoshimochi also saw this tragic situation condescendingly. He shook his body and hissed, "What kind of guns is that?!"

The monk looked at the queue suddenly slowing down, and said in a trembled voice: "What should I do? What should I do?"

Ashikaga Yoshimochi recovered his calm in an instant, and he shouted: "Supervise the battle! Supervise the battle immediately! Those who retreat will be killed without mercy!"

"The retreat will kill without mercy!"

When the order was passed forward, the remaining cavalry was about to hit the musket array.

Fang Xing never ordered, Zhu Zhanji licked his dry lips and said, "Brother Dehua, why don't you open fire?"

"I'm afraid I will scare them away!"

Fang Xing waved abruptly.

"Beep Beep Beep..."

There was a stern whistle, and the arc-shaped musket array was immediately drowned in gunpowder smoke.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Hundreds of flintlocks fired together, and the sound was like firecrackers at zero in the New Year, which made people tremble.

The nearest cavalry was covered by this round of volleys, and after the smoke cleared, there were no standing people in that area.

The first row began to rotate after a smooth salvo, and the second row stepped forward, and the distance of the enemy's pawns was already within range.


The overthrow of the cavalry made the pawns hesitate to move forward. The first row wanted to retreat, but the people behind them walked forward against them.

So these steppers twisted their bodies, desperately trying to avoid the coming blow.


Shen Yao's shout was so hoarse, that face began to swell from bloodshot. His long sword pointed forward, and the sound of cannons resounded across the battlefield.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

There was a crackling sound, and thirty-six channels appeared again!

A Japanese army stood there blankly, and the shells passed by his side just now.

Side face, the comrade on the left has disappeared.

No, it's not missing!

It was just that the shells passed through the chest and abdomen, and the whole person was broken in two, each flying around.


There was a scream from the Japanese army, who had never endured such firepower, and then many people turned around and ran, but they were blocked by the people behind them.

"Kill them!"

The Japanese sword waved and the head fell to the ground!

"Rush up! Rush up and fight them close!"

Under the threat of the supervising team, the Japanese army's speed suddenly increased.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Qin University shot calmly. He felt that today's battle couldn't be easier. He didn't need to aim at all, let alone worry about bullets flying.

Turns around, he cleans the barrel, puts a whole projectile in it, and pokes it firmly with a cleaning rod.


"Load the shotgun!"

Several volleys of muskets still couldn't stop the enemy's advance, and Fang Xing immediately used the big killer.

"Load the shotgun!"

Shen Yao's eyes were red, and he saw that one of Suzakuwei's gun crew was slower to clean the barrel, and he kicked it when he went up.

"Go away! Watch Lao Tzu teach you how to do it!"

After quickly clearing the barrel, and then receiving the shotgun with a thin iron shell, Shen Yao glanced at the fixed charge package at the bottom, then squeezed it into the barrel and stabbed it firmly.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Qin University once again turned to the front, and the autumn wind blew through, and the battlefield in front was clearly visible.

One by one, the enemies hit fell to the ground and were trampled on by the companions behind them. From time to time, someone tripped and fell victim to them.


"Boom boom boom boom..."

Qin University was shocked to see that those enemy forces that had rushed to within fifty steps seemed to have been blown by the violent wind, blood spots appeared on those people, and blood shot out from the blood spots.

Countless blood arrows shot sharply, reflecting the sight of Qin University into blood red.

"Beep Beep Beep..."

When the whistle came, Qin University conditioned to pull the trigger, seeing a row of enemy troops fall down, and then retreated back.


"Monk soldier! Let your monk soldier advance! Go!"

Ashikaga Yoshichi drew out the sword, pointed at the monk, and shouted solemnly.

The front impact had stopped, but the Ming army’s shelling and salvos were like the **** tide, wave after wave, as if it could last forever.

Is this Daming's true strength?

Ashikaga Yoshitaka's hand holding the knife trembled slightly. This is something that has never happened before!

Ashikaga Yoshihide, who has practiced swordsmanship since he was a child, holds a pair of proud hands, hands that never tremble.

But under the rock-solid defense of the Ming army, he finally trembled!

The monk's hands are stable as before, but if he lifts his robe, he can see a pair of trembling legs, even the hairs of the legs are standing up.

If this battle is lost, everyone will die without a place to bury them!

"General, I'm going!"

The monk resolutely took a knife, jumped off the platform without looking back, and then rushed forward with more than a hundred people.

He will take over the command and lead the monks hidden in the middle to make a decisive blow.

"Although the Ming people are brave and brave, there is no shortage of people who dare to die in our country!"

Ashikaga Yoshihide's way of appreciation, but the sound of guns in front of him interrupted his emotions.

"The monk soldiers are here!"

Zhu Zhanji saw that the Japanese soldiers in front of him stepped away, and they were slashed with swords by the monks behind him. Finally, he was a little worried.

Fang Xing touched the head of the white horse, soothed it, and then ordered, "Prepare the grenade."

The arrival of the monk soldiers greatly encouraged those Japanese soldiers who could not support it. They mustered their courage and followed on both wings.

This is the last hope of the Japanese ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and it is also the last moment to determine the future of North Korea.

Ashikaga Yoshichi is paying attention, and behind the city gate is Zhang Fu of numerous cavalrymen.

Zhu Zhanji beside Fang Xing was trembling, nervous and excited.

"Brother Dehua, you have to step back for a while to kill their morale."

Fang Xing shook his head and said with a smile: "Da Ming can't shrink from facing the Japanese. I want to break the Japanese spine in a battle, so..."

"go ahead!"

Fang Xingdao pointed at the monk and shouted.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The rumbling of the cannon seemed to be a footnote to these words, sweeping down a large area of ​​the monks and soldiers rushing in the front.

The shotgun flew horizontally, and the murderous monk blinked his eyes, and the blood from a wound on his brow covered his right eye.

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