Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 821: Sweep the 0 Army

I just slept on the table all night, and I actually caught a cold!

I caught a cold in summer, which made Jazz drunk too!

After coding this chapter, go to buy medicine, without delaying the update at 22 o'clock!

Those monks and soldiers who are not afraid of death rushed up!

They rushed up against the blows of shotguns and platoon guns!

As soon as Qin University was rotated to the first row, he heard the shout.


After hearing this voice, Qin University squatted without hesitation.

The monks and soldiers were about to rush forward, but the opponent suddenly squatted.

What does it mean?

Is it to use the Pikeman?

The role of the spearman is not small, but they don't know how powerful the bayonet of Jubaoshanwei is!

"Kill them all!"

The monk wiped the blood off his face and shouted ferociously.

"Kill them all!"

Regardless of whether you are standing or squatting, as long as you get close, it is the world of Buddha!


At this moment, a black spot flew out of the Ming army's formation, and it seemed that the target was these monk soldiers.

Still smoking? what? !

The black spots began to fall, and the monks and soldiers raised their long swords to block.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The monk stood there blankly, watching the monks and soldiers in front of him were shrouded in gunpowder smoke.

The autumn wind blew strongly, and the gunpowder smoke dispersed immediately, revealing the tragic image of the corpse all over the field.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

Thirty-six artillery guns spewed countless iron **** and steel **** again, sweeping across them in a fan.

With the thick array just now, there are almost no people in good condition in the first five rows.

"help me……"

A Japanese army who was beaten by iron **** through the roots of his thighs lay on the ground and howled, dragging this leg backwards with difficulty.


Fang Xing was also watching this scene. He saw Shen Yao blushing and shouting, those gunners cleaning the barrel and loading ammunition...


"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The sound of the shelling was automatically filtered by Fang Xing. He saw that the monks were cut off layer by layer, like peeling an onion.

Fang Xing's eyes were stagnant, watching Xin Laoqi and others desperately blowing their whistle, the sharp sound cut through the sky, bringing a lead bullet of revenge.

He saw the monks retreating in horror, and he saw the Japanese soldiers on the left and right wings turned and ran after being hit by a round of shotguns.

The time has come!

This nation was a good student of China during the Tang Dynasty, and China warmly invited it to come again.

Then, it really came!

The pre-Song Dynasty brought a woman to come to borrow seeds!

The Ming Dynasty also came, to burn, kill, and looting!

They will come again in the future, they will bring war and killing!

They will devour China as their greatest pleasure!

They will take the killing of the Chinese people as fun!

They will aim to enslave China...

Such a student!

Fang Xing shook his head, pulled out the Tang knife, and said loudly:

"Han holds the prestige and leads all nations, and all of them are concubines under the sun and the moon."

Fang Xing's voice became louder and louder, making Zhu Zhanji's blood boil with enthusiasm.

"The way of heaven is good, and China has a reason to do it; people will follow suit, and everyone will avenge their revenge."

Fang Xing stood up fiercely on horseback and shouted with a knife: "Brothers, let us... sweep the army today!"

Qin University was holding his breath and waiting for the order. After hearing this shout, he couldn't help shouting, "Sweep the army! Sweep the army!"

"Sweep a thousand army! Sweep a thousand army!"

Fang Xing's long knife pointed forward and roared: "Go!"

"Go ahead! Go ahead! Go ahead!"

In the cheering shouts, Qin University was the first to charge forward.

"Go ahead! Go ahead! Go ahead!"

For the first time, this was the first high-speed charge of Jubaoshanwei, which shocked Xin Laoqi's heart, but he was immediately pleased.

Even if it is advancing at high speed, the array remains roughly neat.

But Suzaku guard would not work anymore, but after running for a while, the whole formation began to be a little out of touch.

"Extraordinary! It's all in vain!"


"It's over! It's over!"

Ashikaga Yoshichi was dumbfounded on the high platform, looking at the monks and soldiers who were chased by the bayonet and fleeing, and his heart was cold.

Defeated like a mountain!

This is the monk soldier who is tyrannical for a while?

Damn Nima!

You are so amazing in the country, but here, you fight with more and less, but you were defeated by the Ming army.

Even if you support it!

But now it can save the battle!

Ashikaga Yoshihide sternly shouted: "Go, block those Ming troops!"


Ashikaga Yoshichi's last means of life-saving is also his biggest reliance on frightening non-confidential!

There are not many people, and it is all one of the ten generations!

When these people went up, Ashikaga Yoshihide was confident that he could launch a counter assault and crush the Ming army in one fell swoop!


The city gate opened wide, and Zhang Fu wielded a long knife and shouted, "Da Ming wins!"

"Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

The 30,000 cavalrymen, the 30,000 cavalrymen who had been hiding, were like tigers starting at the gate, and rushed out of Seoul with Zhang Fu.

Ashikaga Yoshimochi, who had just dispatched his own guard, didn't need to look at it. He only needed to feel the vibration caused by the horseshoe to know that today is irretrievable!

"Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

Qin University caught up with a monk soldier, and pierced the monk soldier's waist with a bayonet obliquely according to the position taught during training. When I came out, I stirred it easily, and the three-sided blade made a mess inside.

"Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

Wang He flushed the horse behind Fang Xing's face. Seeing Fang Xing hacking all the way with a Pu knife in his hand, he desperately found that his long sword was not practical at all.

He was chasing Fang Xing closely, and saw him gently swinging his knife, and then a ball-shaped object rammed straight over.


Wang He was smashed in the head, he took a few mouthfuls, and ignored the blood stains, so he focused on an older monk soldier.

This monk was dressed gorgeously, and if it weren't for the bald head, Wang He would have thought he was a certain great name.

"Where to run! Stop!"

Wang He chased up excitedly, slashing with his sword.

But the monk heard the sound, shrank his neck, and escaped the sword. He was hit by Wang He's horse and stabbed to death with a long sword by Wang He's horse.

"Our family also killed the enemy!"

Wang He shouted with excitement, but he didn't know that the man he killed was the leader of the monk soldier. In Waguo, he could sit down with Ashikaga Yoshito and discuss politics.


Thirty thousand cavalry came first, and directly defeated the Japanese army from the two wings.

The Japanese army wrapped around the monks and soldiers, like a huge pile of people, rolling towards the high platform where Ashikaga Yoshimochi was.

"My lord, please leave here!"

As the master of the shogunate, even if he wants to escape, he can only say it euphemistically.

It's like in the future war: turn in! Move in strategically!

Ashikaga Yoshimochi just wants to move in now!

He no longer cared about reservedness and majesty~www.wuxiaspot.com~ directly jumped down from the platform.


Ashikaga Yoshihide had never felt so embarrassed before. When he jumped down, his feet slipped. Although he didn't hit the street, he came up with an ass.

"My lord!"

Several guards stepped forward to help him up, but Ashikaga Yoshimochi struggled to break away, shouting: "Hurry up, let's gather the defeated soldiers!!"

What to close the rout!

The first defeated soldier had already ran across the high platform, but Ashikaga Yoshimochi didn't say hello, let alone slashed two heads with a knife to frighten him.

Nima! Who would dare to stop the tens of thousands of soldiers at this time?

Ashikaga Yoshimochi mounted his horse under the guard of the guards, and then fled without looking back.

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