Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 825: Ming dynasty! Ming dynasty! Ming dynasty!

"I caught Ashikaga Yoshichi!"

The cheers were heard inside, and Fang Xing and several people were discussing how to prevent the unrest in North Korea. After hearing the voice, Yang Rong smiled and said, "The big thing is set!"

Fang Xing said with satisfaction: "After catching Ashikaga Yoshitake, Daming stood in the position of saving the people from water and fire. If anyone dares to make trouble again, then he is a gangster!"

Zhu Zhanji frowned and said, "Bring in."

Two sergeants came in with Ashikaga Yoshimochi in a hurry, and one of them saluted: "His Royal Highness, he said he wanted to see Xinghe Uncle."

Fang Xing looked at Ashikaga Yoshimochi who had been on the ground, and said lightly: "His Royal Highness Taisun is here, do you understand?"

Ashikaga Yoshichi smiled bitterly, "I see."

Anything else I don't understand, Zhu Zhanji is here, **** he didn't deliberately!

Ashikaga Yoshichi smirked and said, "So Daming kills two birds with one stone this time? Hahahaha!"

At this time, Cui Ren was waiting outside the door to see him. After hearing the interpreter's words, he sternly said: "The barbarians are barbarians! The King of Daming rescued North Korea from fire and water, but Waguo sent spies to collude with the Zheng family and brutally murdered His Royal Highness. One family, such atrocities are rare in the history of this kind of atrocities. His Royal Highness Taisun, the foreign ministers asked this person to be plucked to comfort North Korea."


Even Zhu Zhanji was satisfied, and he said solemnly: "Originally, I was going to transfer this person to the capital to offer prisoners, but now it seems that the people in North Korea are extremely angry, so follow the public opinion and kill him!"

The interpreter did not translate this passage. Ashikaga Yoshimochi thought that he would be treated as he deserved, so when he was taken out, he even bowed to Zhu Zhanji.


The next day, the people of Seoul were notified that Ashikaga Yoshimochi, the culprit of the invasion of Korea, will be smashed outside the city.

A stand was specially built outside the city, and Ashikaga Yoshimochi was brought here early in the morning.

"Have you heard that the entire front of Seoul Mansion was killed by the Japanese people, not even the dogs."

"That's right! From the seaside to Seoul Mansion, the Japanese pirates killed like locusts all the way, and there were corpses everywhere, miserable!"

"Fortunately, Master King Daming has arrived, otherwise...you and I are also lonely ghosts!"

"It's just a pity that your Royal Highness's family, those chaotic courtiers and thieves really deserve a thousand cuts!"

At this time, a man looking around came over, and when he heard what they said, he shouted: "Where do you know, if we hadn't attacked the country of Wa, where would this ordeal come from?"

The Li family was dead, so the people dared to speak, and some people retorted, "Then the Japanese nation wants to beat us, so we must act first. Don't you understand this truth?"

The visitor said disdainfully: "What do you know? We occupied the land of Daming earlier, and it was useless for the envoy to negotiate many times. Later, we had a bad relationship with Daming. If we invited the King of Daming to come, would the Japanese people dare to go ashore? After all, it's just a ghost in the heart, afraid of being settled by Ming!"

Seeing that there are still people who are not convinced, this person bowed his hands and said: "If it weren't for Master Daming this time, can I still have my life? Can the women in the family still have innocence? But Master Daming would spend a lot of money once. What about next time? Next time North Korea encounters such things, will Daming come again?!"

"It doesn't cost much..."

A well-dressed man murmured, but was immediately despised by the people nearby.

This is why not eat minced meat!

A man in patched clothes said angrily: "You look like you, but you are so ignorant! Do you know how much food a horse eats a day? Do you know how many catties a person eats a day? Is there food? There is still wastage on the road!"

The decent man said in astonishment: "Where can I eat? Isn't that horse and person not eating on weekdays? Inexplicable!"

At this time, another person who seemed to know something reprimanded: "I really am a pampered scholar! Do you know the cost of transporting grain and horse material all the way? Do you know how much it takes to transport a catty of grain and grass to North Korea?"

"Da Ming has done his best to us. If North Korea is thinking like you, who would dare to help us next time?!"

"That's right! If it weren't for Li... Your Royal Highness caused trouble at both ends, why are we doing this? Let me see! This is a catastrophe!"

"Yes! This is catastrophe!"

The man who came in first was full of excitement: "Yesterday I went to help cook for the prisoner of war camp. Master Wang gave three catties of rice. That's rice! And everyone said, if it's a Ming citizen, it won't be five catties. Rice? The head of the person in charge can't keep it! And five catties of rice may not be done by someone!"

Damn it! Daming people's life is so good?

These people were envious and jealous, and some people said, "Now that there is no king in North Korea, then..."

Everyone turned jealousy into longing, what if North Korea could be taken by Daming?

"I've heard that the uncle Xing He once said that the people of Daming are naturally superior. If they are bullied outside, they only need to report a letter, and Master Wang will uphold justice for him."

What a fate!

When have North Koreans received such treatment?

This kind of discussion is happening everywhere in the crowd. Someone always clicks a few words at a critical time. When the execution is about to begin, the people below can't help it.

"kill him!"

"Thousands of knives!"

"Sir, the young one wants to be a Ming man!"

what! Nima! What strange words have been inserted?

"The whole family is willing to be Daming!"

"Yes! North Korea is weak and not enough to protect my family. I will all be a Daming man! I die without regrets!"

"Da Ming! Daming! Daming!"

Wang He, who was in prison on stage, had been stunned. Fang Xing and the others did not show up today. He had no idea for a while and had to be there.

It is said that the executioner's "superior" can only remove the bones of sheep. It was only because the Ming army could not find a professional for a while, he agreed to give it a try under the temptation of fifty catties of rice, and he also patted his chest to guarantee that he could cut it. More than five hundred dollars.

But when he took out the kitchen knife that had been sharpened all night last night, he was also stunned by the tsunami-like shouts of the mountain.

This is execution! What are you doing?

That's fifty catties of rice, enough for a family to eat for a month, or even save a little to eat for two months.

If I don't kill temporarily, who will I go to?

"Da Ming! Daming! Daming!"

"What are you shouting? Have you forgotten the kindness of your Highness? And ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How did your Highness die? I haven't found out, the bones are not cold! Are you so coldhearted?"

A middle-aged man yelled in grief and indignation, but no one paid attention to him, and everyone around him was yelling feverishly.

The upper position of the Li family was originally usurped, and the country was not righteous. In addition, Li Fangyuan went crazy and attacked the Wa country. This caused North Korea to suffer this calamity. How can the people remember this King of Korea!

"Don't be fooled by the wise man, your Highness's death is not easy!"

The middle-aged man yelled desperately, even pushing and pushing the people around him, but he didn't know that he had fallen into a few pairs of vigilant eyes.

At this time, a team of people came out of the city, escorting more than a dozen men over.

When people approached, the person who led the head was recognized.

"Isn't that Mr. Meng from Zhujun's Mansion?"

The Houses of the Kings in North Korea specialize in the management of the portraits and costumes of the Joseon King.

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