Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 826: Ning to kill the wrong, not let it go

Cui Ren walked up without squinting, and the dozen or so tied men behind him looked a little panicked.

"Isn't that the second child of the Zhao family?"

"Huh! I know that person, he seems to be Jin Yong."

Everyone is from Seoul, so in no time, the dozen or so big men were almost recognized.

There was only one person, one with his head high and no one recognized him.

When Cui Ren arrived on the stage, he bowed first, and then said loudly: "Duke Duke, the lower officials have already caught the person who burned the palace."

Wang He is a little numb, the taste in it is not right, he dare not express his opinion rashly.

At this moment, a group of cavalry rushed out from the gate of the city. Wang Heying could see that it looked like Fang Xing, as if he was amnesty: "Our family can't go beyond power, Xing He Bo is here, you go and ask for advice."

"That's Xing He Bo?"

"Yeah! I heard that he killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese pirates and was called the demon **** by the Japanese people."

"That's Killing God!"

"Come here, don't say anything, be careful to be heard."

Fang Xing was taking people to the north, but Wang He sent someone to stop him.

After several disputes, Fang Xing stepped onto the stage impatiently.

"What's the matter? I have to go to eliminate the Japanese pirates who fled to the countryside. One day later, the people of North Korea will suffer for one more day!"

Cui Ren hurriedly talked about the arrest of these people, and finally asked, "Uncle, how can these people be dealt with?"

Fang Xing sighed: "It's been done in the past, just because of this bit of enmity, it's outrageous...Hey! Now this matter is a bit troublesome,"

Ashikaga Yoshimochi was going crazy at this time, he was struggling **** the wooden pole, but he was doing useless work.

Fang Xing glanced at Ashikaga Yoshimochi, who was twisting like a maggot, and said in deep thought, "Let's take a look at this matter... Waiting for your majesty's will, so let's detain it for the time being!"

Cui Ren blushed and said indignantly: "Xing He Bo, you see, that is the remnant of the Zheng family. This time, he bought the desperate, colluded with the Japanese pirates, and took advantage of the opportunity of the King Daming to go out of the city to meet the Japanese pirates and bring people. I rushed into the palace, a fire... a fire burned it down!"

Cui Ren choked out, and many people below heard it, and they were immediately surprised.

"It turns out that your Royal Highness's family was burned to death by Zheng's people?"

"Then Zheng...hey! It's also a retribution!"

"But this is also good! If we can merge into Daming, that day will be much more comfortable."


Fang Xing hurried away with people. After Cui Ren came down, he sighed and said: "North Korea is mountainous and lacks arable land. If you want to live like the people of Daming, you can go out and go to the north, to the south. Go! The manure over there is oil with one hand, and the branches can survive well!"

"Master Cui, really?"

Someone asked curiously.

Cui Ren stared at the person and said, "Of course it is true. Now the people of Daming are all over the world, and they go wherever the place is good. Even the local officials can't compare with those who live in those days!"

"Just like you, if you dare to go, the family can share at least 100 acres of land, and the angels can't eat it!"

North Korea must emigrate in large numbers. Cochin in the south and Nuer Gandusi in the north. These places have to have people.

However, North Korean immigrants do not have any benefits of tax exemption. In the region, when the harvest is time, people will naturally come to check it out, and no one will want to run.

Moreover, Fang Xing also prepared to suggest that in the future, the immigrants from North Korea should be separated and migrated continuously, and eventually the name of North Korea should be completely forgotten, and only Daming should be remembered.

The transformation task is long!

Fang Xing walked around and returned to the city in disguise.

Zhu Zhanji was planning on the map with Zhang Fu, and after seeing Fang Xing, they asked: "Does Xing He Bo think it's time to conquer the Japanese kingdom?"

Zhang Fu also sat down and listened. He didn't know much about North Korea and the Kingdom of Japan. Fang Xing was working on the entire early layout, so he had to listen to Fang Xing's opinions.

Fang Xing threw the untied knife to Xin Laoqi, then stood by the table and looked at it.

"The stability of North Korea will inevitably take a certain period of time. At this time, if the country is aggressively attacking the country, the lack of troops is one thing. Whether the rear can be stable or not is the top priority."

If there was chaos in North Korea when Daming crossed the sea to conquer the Japanese nation, the army that landed would become a lone army.

Lonely, lonely overseas, the ending...

"North Korea is an important supply site for the conquest of the Japanese nation, so it's not chaotic!"

Fang Xing draws two distances on the map, one is from North Korea to Wa, and the other is from Jinling to Wa.

"Fu Xian must have taken Tsushima Island at this time. We will immediately transport all the luggage up there. After North Korea stabilizes, we will set off. As for the country in the country...the Sibo family should know how to do it."


Since the navy was killed, the entire Wa country has been fighting around like crazy.

The elite of the shogunate is gone, and the elite of the monks and soldiers is gone.

The key is that there are many famous people who followed, and when these people were gone, the whole Wa country fell into chaos.

Sipo Yichun acted decisively and immediately recruited troops, and then did not expand outwards, but clung to the place and looked like he was self-preserving.

"Ashikaga Yoshimo must be over! Waguni is now a fire, and when the Great Master arrives, it will be the first day of the Siba family!"


Fu Xian was on Tsushima Island at this time. The Zong family's strength was not enough. He drove the widows of Tsushima Island to expand the wharf, repair roads, and build warehouses and camps.

"Does the Japanese dare to go to sea?"

Fu Xiangang went to see the expansion of the wharf, and happened to meet a small fleet that had come back for repairs.

"My lord, how dare they? Those fishing boats were all taken away by us, and now the entire Wa country can only use rafts to go to the sea, hahahaha!"

Fu Xian looked into the distance and said confidently: "The sea belongs to Daming, and no one can cross it!"

This is the confidence of Daming Navy!

Who dares to offend the Daming navy, blocking the door is a trivial matter, and Zheng He has done it too!


A few days later, the corpses of Li Fangyuan’s family were finally excavated from the ruins, but it was difficult to tell. Zhu Zhanji simply asked people to find a set of Joseon King’s costumes and added some bones to bury them. NS.

Li Fangyuan’s family is up, but what about North Korea in the future?

The people are watching, and the remaining officials are also watching.

And Fang Xing missed the opportunity to send someone to spread the news, saying that the Ming army was about to leave.

Cui Ren worked very hard. He went out every day to find out who was loyal to Li Fangyuan, who wanted to restore North Korea, and who supported Daming...

"Uncle~www.wuxiaspot.com~This is a petition from many officials. This is a petition from Wanmin."

Cui Ren said with emotion: "The people don't want Master Wang to leave! They are afraid that if the Master Wang of Daming walks away, those careerists on the back foot will turn North Korea into a place of war."

Fang Xing took a look at the love letter, and saw many officials he was familiar with recently, and said with satisfaction: "You are doing a good job, and His Royal Highness sees it. Um..."

"Uncle, this is ambitious."

Cui Ren quickly handed in another list.

Fang Xing didn’t even look at it: “Ben uncle trusts you. In this way, it is difficult for uncle to come forward, and it is not easy for Daming to come forward. Don't talk about the killer!"

Cui Ren's eyes were struggling, but then Fang Xing's gaze with a smile but a smile made a statement: "Uncle, don't worry, the next official will do it right away."

Fang Xing smiled: "The richest ones, yes, those ones. Ben Bo seems to remember that they all communicated with the Japanese pirates a little bit. The matter is very important. We would rather kill the wrong one and let it go!"

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