Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 827: Torture, family

"Master King Daming is leaving?"

This news aroused the concerns of the North Korean people. According to the older generation, North Korea will definitely continue to fight in the future, and the people will become cannon fodder.

"No, Master Wang can't leave!"

So early in the morning, as soon as Zhu Zhanji left the house, he found that the outside was blocked.

"His Royal Highness, Master Wang can't go!"

An old man tremblingly took the lead and knelt down. Suddenly, Zhu Zhanji's line of sight was full of black human heads.

"Why is this? Hurry up, please."

Zhu Zhanji personally helped the old man, "After all, this is North Korea. According to our plan, after quelling the Japanese pirates, we have to rush back to Daming."

The meaning in this sentence is clear enough, and the old man turned around when he heard the words: "Everyone, if the king is gone, the old man dare to say that there will be no one in ten in a year! What should I do?"

At this time, someone in the crowd shouted: "North Korea is originally a vassal of Daming, now it is time to rectify the source, we are also Daming!"

"Yes, I'm all from Daming!"

"His Royal Highness, please Enzhun, let me wait to return to Daming!"


Zhu Zhanji said ‘difficultly’: "This matter needs to be discussed again!"

"His Royal Highness, the foreign minister has caught the person who colluded with the Japanese pirates!"

Cui Ren's arrival brought the atmosphere to its climax, especially after seeing that most of the arrested were tycoons and officials, someone in the crowd shouted: "Kill them!"

"Tear up these dog officials!"


The crowd suddenly became agitated, and then they swarmed.

"What are you doing? Come here!"

Cui Ren had to thank himself for hiding fast, otherwise he would be unmanned now.

First, rainstorm-like debris covered those people, and then the people swarmed up, punched and kicked, and even bitten with their teeth.

Cui Ren fled into the yard with an expressionless face, only then did he feel a little gaffe.

"Your Highness, forgive sin."

Zhu Zhanji shook his head, just paying attention to the actions of the people.

"The people follow blindly and seek profit."

Fang woke up, he saw the people biting those people like zombies, and he couldn't say anything in his heart.

Seeing that the two were about to talk, Cui Ren wisely turned aside from the side.

"Brother Dehua, when I saw these North Koreans, I thought of the rising of the people of the past generations. It must have been like this at the beginning."

"The people seem to be ignorant, but the main body of the country is after all, so how to improve the people's standard of living is the first element."

Several people squeezed out from the front, blood stains on their hands and bodies, and even some people's mouths were still dripping with blood.

And this blood is certainly not his!

"Horrible! Awesome!"

Yang Rong also came, and he sighed: "Ignorance!"

"Who caused the ignorance?"

Fang Xing implicitly ridiculed: "Who does this monopolizing the channel of knowledge dissemination? Who is supporting the foolish people?"

Yang Rong smiled bitterly. At this time, the crowd had dispersed, and the two dozen people could no longer see the original shape, even the closest person could not recognize it.

"People should not be fooled!"


These things that happened in Seoul were quickly spread throughout North Korea under the impetus of people with a heart.

Perplexity is the first reaction, and the second reaction is panic.

Fang Xing is waiting, the whole of North Korea is waiting.

"There are bound to be unwilling!"

Zhang Fu is ready to use thunder to extinguish the first rebellion.

"Huanghaidao Rebellion!"

Without making people wait long, the first careerist appeared.


Huanghai Road was so close to Seoul Mansion that Fang Xing led the Jubao Mountain Guard and the five thousand cavalrymen who met in the middle of the road.

"More than 20,000 people, most of them are farmers!"

Xin Laoqi shook his head, thinking this was really fucking.

This is an open area. When the rebels saw the guards of Jubaoshan, they rushed forward indiscriminately. As a result, after two rounds of guns, they scattered like birds and beasts.

"Send the cavalry!"

The flag swayed, and the cavalry that had already interspersed to both sides rushed from a distance.

Seeing the rebels running around, Fang Xing also found it boring.

"This battle was fought!"

There were more than 20,000 people, but the casualties were less than 2,000, and the others were all driven back like sheep.

Fang Xing had no patience to wait any longer. He commanded: "The whole family above the chief is beheaded, and the whole area of ​​North Korea is passed. The rest... of the three clans, all drove to the north of Nuergandusi."

"Three clans?"

This news immediately silenced the entire North Korea!

What a devil!

Actually implicated the three clans, even if someone wants to seek rebellion in the future, who dares to follow?

But in practice, the scope of the three tribes was expanded, and eventually hundreds of thousands of people were forcibly relocated to settle north of Nuergandusi.

"There are all savages over there, and Daming has never been able to find a good excuse to go deeper. Just let the North Koreans try."

"This is your majesty's decision."


Fu Xian came with the fleet, plus a large number of ships urgently transferred from Daming, the scale was shocking. At the same time, North Korean supplies are constantly being sent to Tsushima Island, and there is also food from the Jurchen people in Huazhou Tuntian. Everyone is aware of one thing.

"The time has come."

In the lobby, Fang Xing pointed to the map and said: "With the latest news, the Wa country has become a place of chaos. The abdicated Emperor Komatsu can't wait to get from behind the scenes to the front, squeezing the so-called Emperor Koto onto the hospital bed. In the shogunate turmoil, some of them supported the son of Ashikaga Yoshitake, and some wanted to return to the emperor. After losing the rule of the daimyo, the Japanese country was full of smoke. If the daimyo does not intervene, the war will last for more than a hundred years."

Yang Rong stroked his beard and said, "Well, it's not surprising that the heroes are fighting together!"

Zhang Fu has recently made up for the human geography of the Japanese nation, and said: "In this case, Daming must use the momentum of thunder to smooth the turmoil of all parties. As long as there is a slight delay, under the threat of Daming, all forces will inevitably Joining forces to fend off the enemy will be too costly by then."

Zhu Zhanji sat on his head, and Yang Rong accidentally took a look, and he saw the majesty on that young face.

Nima! Is it because my old eyes are dizzy?

"If this is the case, then prepare!"

Zhu Zhanji felt a little impatient.

"This time there are 20,000 cavalry soldiers, Zhuquewei and Jubaoshanwei will also go, and the British public is in charge of the overall situation in North Korea."

The atmosphere stagnated for an instant, Yang Rong stroked his beard and said nothing, Fang Xing also thought of the problem, and could only give Zhang Fu a comforting look.

"The minister should calm North Korea up and down, and try to keep it safe."

Zhang Fu was not bitter, but accepted the arrangement frankly.

After the discussion, Zhang Fu and Fang Xing found a place to drink tea.

Tea is not good tea, because good tea has been burned in the palace.

Zhang Fu took a sip of tea with a plain expression, "Did Huan think I will complain?"

Fang Xinggan smiled and said, "Brother is broad-minded, so naturally he can bend and stretch."

Zhang Fu pointed to Fang Xing and smiled: "You, you! Nonsense! I don't have any mind, but the emperor and ministers are just accommodating."

"My Zhang family has been a general since the end of Yuan Dynasty, and returned to Daming. My father also followed His Majesty Jing Nan. There are too many friendships in the army, otherwise there is really nothing wrong with you this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhang Yu is The hero of Jingnan, Zhang Fu inherited his legacy and began to emerge in the army.

Under the hard work of two generations of father and son, the Zhang family has become the top general of the Ming Dynasty and has a great influence in the army.

Zhang Fu felt that this kind of general would be very dangerous in the future if he had a few more efforts to destroy the country.

"I took the initiative to talk to Taisun about this, so it can be regarded as avoiding suspicion!"

Fang Xing handed his hands: "Big brother really made a decisive decision, but if you exchange the world with enemies and friendship, which one would your brother want?"

Zhang Fu was a little confused: "Yes! Although you provoke the anger of the people, you can do things from your heart, and me! Family, family..."

In this era, you must first consider your family. If not, Zhang Fu will naturally have the means to make the king no longer jealous, and he can naturally run the battlefield.


"Family, country, world..."

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