Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 834: Kyoto! Kyoto! Kyoto!

Fang Xing turned sideways and said to Zhu Zhanji: "There will be a killing, Zhanji, you are not suitable to go in."

Although Fang Xing was smiling, Zhu Zhanji saw a dangerous light with murderous aura!


Since it was a slaughter, Zhu Zhanji's reputation must be hindered, so Fang Xing's concerns couldn't be more correct.

Yang Rong whispered: "His Royal Highness, wait until the inside is cleaned up before going in."

Zhu Zhanji nodded, then Fang Xing rushed to the forefront, turning his horse's head, his face turned red...

Even bloating!


The sound of the artillery stopped, Shen Yao turned around to look at Fang Xing, and the sergeants of each artillery group were also watching Fang Xing.

"What is he going to do?"

The man in white squeezed his body forward, trying to hear clearly.

Fang visibly turned, the **** scenes in his mind flashed by frame after frame like a movie.

Rape YiN, burn to death, break abdomen, blast, bury alive, guinea pigs, beheading competition, national carnival, plunder...

What should I do to be worthy of those dead souls?

Fang Xing's eyes were scattered, and he saw the wooden flower being carried by the knife.

Mu Hua has adapted to life in the army. After seeing Fang Xing, she smiled and shook her hand.

The smile is innocent and cute!

Fang Xing's heart trembled, and then...

"Brothers, the Japanese country is known to be protected by gods, but today, we came to their capital, where is the god? Where is the god?"

Chen Mo is also planning to go into battle today. He looked at Liu Ming and Huang Jinlu beside him, as well as those former criminals. When his brain became hot, he shouted: "Shit god! Even if there is a god, he should be oppressed by Da Ming. God!"

Everyone was waiting for Fang Xing's instructions, and suddenly such a paragraph of...... words made people look at each other.

After speaking, Chen Mo regretted it. He arched his hands in embarrassment and muttered in a low voice: "What are you looking at me for? I just felt it!"

Huang Jinlu shouted in a low voice: "Shut up! Be careful of being executed by military law!"

But Fang Xing laughed. He laughed lightly, and then shouted: "Yes! Even if they have a great god, they should be the **** oppressed by the great Ming!"

The face of the white-clothed man was as gray as death. The Emperor of the Wa country has always been similar to the gods, and he always looks like a ‘god’.

Wakuni has its own blessing, and this blessing was brought by the emperor.

But just today, this so-called **** blessing was broken!

Outside is the Da Ming cavalry, and there are those big guns that can shoot iron bullets.

Where is God?

The man in white looked up to the sky.

The sky is dim, and it seems that today is a cloudy day.

"Brothers, in Kyoto today, if anyone dares to resist, kill! No matter who it is, kill!"

"Kill kill kill!"

Nearly 30,000 people shouted in unison, and their voices directly penetrated the entire Kyoto.

Fang Xing raised his eyebrows and said, "Except for not allowing private possessions and **** of YIN women, let's just do it!"


Fang Xing drew his sword and shouted, "Brothers! Go ahead and take your merits!"

"go ahead!"


"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The iron bullet tore through the fence, and the wide opening looked like the gate of hell, with infinite **** hidden inside.

Nakagawa Ya heard Fang Xing’s voice and shouted desperately: "I know you killed it! That rapier, you deliberately let me know that you killed Lord Lord! Fang Xing, you..."


The guard sergeant smashed his mouthful of teeth with the **** of his gun, and then kicked over, calling his companions to tie up this rude Japanese.

"What's so special! You dare to slander your uncle? Gou Ri! Not to mention that your uncle didn't kill anyone, even if he kills, it must be your lord who has died!"

Nakagawa Ya fell to the ground, looking at Fang Xing from among the horseshoes.

Fang Xing's face was solemn, even solemn, as if performing a serious and grand ceremony.

The cavalry rushed into the big hole from his side, no one dared to resist, so all the defenders turned around and ran away.

"That's the devil!"

According to the legend, the Da Ming demon **** eats three human hearts, five livers, and two human brains for a meal...

Turning his eyes, Nakagawa Ya saw Muhua.

Seeing that Fang Xing hadn't entered the city, Mu Hua clapped her hands with joy. She didn't want to lose another person who was the most important person in her life after she lost her mother.


It's like a child under the cherry tree, looking up at the flowers and smiling.

The smile was so innocent that Nakagawa ignored the pain in her mouth and just stared blankly.


Qin University is already a small banner officer. He led his subordinates and rushed in behind the cavalry in accordance with the training of previous urban warfare.

Most of the buildings in Kyoto are made of wood, and since last night, those residential houses have no longer opened their doors.

"My lord, there is someone on the left front!"

On the left front is a residential house, which is still peeping at this time.

Qin University pointed forward with his left hand, and the two sergeants circled forward, then kicked suddenly.


The door was kicked open, and Qin University shouted in unfamiliar Japanese language: "Kneel down! Kneel down!"

Under the muzzle of the black hole, a Japanese army wearing armor was gesticulating fiercely with a knife, and the owner of this house was an old man, he also held a short blade in his hand, and slowly retreated with his son.

Can you kill it?

Qin University hesitated instantly!


Seeing Qin University hesitating, the Japanese army couldn't help being overjoyed. He took a step forward and slashed with both hands in his hands.


The long-term training made Qin University conditioned to avoid him, and then dash forward.

Without stirring the bayonet in the body, after pulling it out quickly, Qin University stepped back and shouted, "Fire!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The five sergeants outside the door fired a volley. After the gunpowder, the father and son had fallen to the ground, only their bodies were still trembling.


A woman's scream came from the next door. Qin University went out to take a look. The door was closed, probably frightened by the gunfire.

"My lord, do you want to go in? Maybe there are also Japanese pirates inside!"

Qin University shook his head: "Naturally there will be follow-up people to deal with, let's just fight to the palace!"

"Kneel! Kneel!"

The cavalry had rushed towards the imperial city, and a group of Suzaku guards intercepted more than a dozen Japanese troops in the alley.

Qin University was regretting his hesitation just now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and rushed over after hearing the sound.

Most of the Japanese soldiers were kneeling, but three of them resisted with knives.

Qin University said to Zhuquewei's small banner officer: "According to the uncle's order, as long as there is a threat, it will be cleared!"


"Boom boom boom boom!"

The gunpowder dissipated, and more than a dozen people fell in the alley. Qin University nodded and said: "Hurry up, there are still many places to be cleaned up behind."

If you look down from the air, you will see that the whole of Kyoto has become a paradise for the Ming army.

Those Japanese troops who flee were chased and intercepted.

The sound of gunshots was endless, and occasionally there was the roar of artillery.

Countless cavalry have rushed outside the palace, they are waiting, waiting for the arrival of artillery, so as to blast this historic palace.

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