Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 835: The last samurai

There is no double monthly pass this month, so you don’t need to keep it until the end of the month.

Fang Xing was escorted in the middle, drove his horse slowly, and saw those sergeants broke in, fiercely drove out a family of Japanese and Japanese people, and then searched carefully inside.

Such scenes can be seen everywhere, and people can often be seen resisting and then being shot to death indiscriminately.

The woman was howling, carrying her child, crying and bursting into tears.

The child's gaze was blank, looking at the hideous Daming Sergeant, wondering why God caused such a disaster.

Sanfan followed behind, seeing these compatriots suffering, and there was no sympathy or anger, but rather excited.


"Boom boom boom boom!"

There was a roar of muskets in front, and Xin Laoqi asked Fang Wu to lead people to check.

Not long after, Fang Wu came back and said, "Master, a small banner department was attacked, all of them..."

Fang Xing nodded. He never thought that urban warfare could produce zero casualties, especially when facing the people.

"Passing orders, it is not our race, no need for mercy, everything is to protect the safety of the brothers, for this... I will not hesitate!"

Fang Wu took the order and murmured three times in the back: "Uncle, these untouchables are stubborn. They should be killed for a while. It is best to kill in front of people. See if they are afraid of not shooting!"

Huang Jinlu and a gang of thugs heard this, and Chen Mo, who was annoyed for not being able to participate in the war, agreed with him: "Yes, it should be killed. In the past, there were several disobedient dogs in the family, and they were killed when they were cruel. One was killed in front of those dogs, and the rest were honest."

"Boom boom boom!"

"Kneel down! Three count, kneel down!"


"Boom boom boom!"

This is venting his anger, Xin Laoqi glanced at Fang Xing with some worry: "Master, are you going to stop it?"

Fang Xing shook his head, and said blankly: "People tell your Royal Highness Taisun, after the city is reorganized, ask him to lead his army into the city!"

Outside the palace, the artillery was already in place, and Shen Yao was waiting eagerly.

A Japanese army stood not far away on the fence. When Fang woke up, there was a commotion.

One of them shook his body and shouted: "The devil is here..." Then he fell forward.

The Japanese soldiers, who had fallen badly, got up with difficulty, knelt on the ground and yelled.

Three times flattering said: "Uncle, this person is saying that there is an old mother and a child at home, beg the devil... Uncle spare his life."

Fang Xing smiled slightly: "Since he still remembers the old mother in the family, she is a filial son, so what if the uncle let him go! Dispel it."

Lin Qun'an whispered: "Uncle, you can ask this person about the situation inside."

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "There is no need to be taboo, just like that, the rebels will kill!"

This is the achievement of destroying the country!

Song Jianran's eyes flushed and said, "Uncle, right?"

Fang Xing turned around and saw the excitement of the soldiers, and said, "The artillery is ready."

"The artillery is ready..."

Song Jianran shouted excitedly.

The gate of the palace was like a thin veil at the moment, waiting for a rude man to reach out and pierce it.

Before drew his sword, Shen Yao pointed to the gate of the palace and roared, "Ignite..."

Fang Xing was in a daze when the gunpowder smoke rose.

What was the mood when the Eight-Power Allied Forces stepped into the palace?

Slowly looking around for a week, Fang Xing saw excitement, joy, pride, pride... and even hideousness.

The body of a sergeant was trembling slightly, and the power of destroying the country was tempting him.

Fang Xing turned his gaze to the gate, and immediately, the artillery fired.

"Boom boom boom boom boom..."

What is the effect of the thirty-six artillery set fire to one gate?

Amid the intensive tearing and impact sound, after the gunpowder smoke dissipated slightly, the entire gate had disappeared, completely disappeared.

But this was not over yet, and the Japanese army who was gathering behind the gate to prepare for defense was bad luck.

After the iron bullet broke through the gate, it continued to advance according to its inertia, ploughing a passage of flesh and blood directly in the crowd, breaking the array in an instant.

"Uncle, go ahead?!"

Lin Qun'an couldn't help it anymore.

Song Jianran snorted, wishing he was Fang Xing, and then he was the first to enter.

Fang Xing wanted to come back a few more rounds, but saw that the eyes of the sergeants were already shining, and some of them had moved to the front, so he narrowed his eyes and said, "Go in!"

"go ahead!"

Song Jianran was the first to rush into the palace excitedly.

"Go ahead! Go ahead! Go ahead!"

Seeing the cavalry rush in first, Shen Yao said angrily: "Go to Nima! Brothers, let's push the artillery in and destroy the Japanese palace!"

Fang Xing was about to go in, but heard someone shouting behind him: "Uncle, your highness is down."

Jia Quan was very nervous. He ordered people to surround the Zhu Zhan group. As long as the Japanese people appeared in his sight, he would immediately greet him with bows and arrows.

Zhu Zhanji drove the horse out and stood side by side with Fang Xing, looking forward to saying: "Brother Dehua, this is the first palace. I believe there will be many more in the future. There will be so many that will make foreign races feel terrified!"

Fang Xing turned his face and nodded slightly, "Go, let's go to the palace of the foreign race and feel the taste of conquerors."

The so-called palace has become a battlefield at this time.

Qin University rushed to the forefront with a subordinate who had lost one person. The broken soldiers that had been dispersed by the cavalry gradually gathered and rushed forward bravely.


"Boom boom boom boom!"

Although the temporarily formed array belonged to different thousands of households, they tacitly shot a round of volleys.

But after the volley, Qin University discovered that these Japanese soldiers did not retreat but advanced, wielding Japanese knives in their hands, and their fierce appearance reminded people of a word.

Japanese pirates!

"Get out of the way!"

At this moment, Shen Yao arrived with artillery, and seeing that there were still enemy troops daring to resist, he couldn't help but shouted: "The front is getting out of the way, protecting Lao Tzu's wings, it's about to fire!"

"Load the shotgun!"

This kind of group goal is really suitable with shotguns.



Fang Xing strangled his horse behind and introduced: "These are probably the so-called samurai. They are ashamed of being captured."

Zhu Zhanji nodded: "Samurai, Da Ming has never lacked brave warriors, but today I have to see how powerful the so-called samurai is!"

The brave wins when we meet on a narrow road!

Samurai has always been a special class in Wa, UU reading www. uukanshu.com They are the greatest support of the daimyo and the shogunate, and they are also the most powerful force in defending the Japanese Kingdom.

And every time as long as there are samurai following, those Japanese pirates dared to rampage along the coast of Ming Dynasty. In the most powerful one, dozens of Japanese pirates hit directly outside Jinling City, and the officers and soldiers in the city did not dare to fight.

But that's for the future!

At this time, the Ming Dynasty was in full swing, but it was not the Jiajing Year when Weisuo was completely abandoned.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"


Fang Xing couldn't see the shotguns that were fired out, and only heard the dense howls in his ears.

At this time, the cavalry just went round and came back, so there was nothing left for guns and artillery.

With the long knife swinging, the so-called brave warriors began to flee helplessly. They were afraid of the cavalry!

Fang Xing said lightly: "Kill all! All the enemy troops in the palace are killed, not one left!"

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