Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 836: Killing in the palace, provoking the divorced emperor

At this time, the outside of the Long Palace had been surrounded by water.

The cavalry horse shook his head impatiently and rattled his nose.

"Why not attack?"

Song Jianran squeezed in **** and asked.

"My lord, a brother has been captured."

Below the long palace, five sergeants of the Ming Dynasty were kneeling on the ground at this time. Behind them stood a warrior holding a Japanese sword, eager to slash.

In the long palace, there are many silhouettes of people, and you can see many men in armor.

"His Royal Highness and Uncle are here!"

Song Jianran breathed a sigh of relief, somewhat relieved.

Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji came to the front and were startled when they saw this scene.

Lin Qun'an said in a low voice, "Uncle, this small banner department rushed in, thinking that there was no one in the hall, but as soon as he entered..."

Zhu Zhanji gritted his teeth and said: "What do they want?"

"The emperor told the Ming people that the Ming and Japan have been friendly for many years, and they are both brothers. Why is the use of swordsman abused today? This is an ominous thing. If there is a dispute, it is better to negotiate."

A Japanese man in an official gown holding a wat-board stood on the steps and shouted loudly.


At this time, a sergeant whose head was held down struggling to shout: "Uncle, the young man is ashamed of Jubaoshan Guard, don't worry about the young man, kill these Japanese!"


The Japanese who pressed his head angrily punched, then punched and kicked.

"Your family, including your three tribes, treat men as slaves and women as prostitutes!"

Fang Xing said indifferently, and Sanfan immediately interpreted loudly, and threatened: "This is the devil!"

But the Japanese yelled in anger.

"Uncle, this man said he wanted to be loyal to the emperor, and he died without regret."

Sanfan translated a little awkwardly.

Fang Xing nodded: "Tell them that Ben will fulfill their loyalty soon!"

While shouting three times, Xin Laoqi whispered behind Fang Xing: "Master, it is ready, but it may not be able to hit all of them."

Fang Xing's lips moved slightly: "It's okay! Do your best, get ready, and listen to my orders."

The atmosphere became more tense. Seeing Fang Xing's face cold, the man in the official robes shouted: "If it is for the Japanese pirates, the emperor has agreed, and those who dared to go to sea afterwards will be put to death!"

In those days, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di sent envoys many times to ask the Japanese to restrain the people. There would be no such kind words when they were not looted by Da Ming.

Not only was there no good words, but even the messenger was beheaded.

Fang Xing smiled slightly, and when everyone thought he was going to refute, they shouted, "Do it!"

Everyone was stunned, and gunfire sounded.

The gunshot fell and the Japanese man with a knife standing behind the five Daming sergeants was shot and fell to the ground.

"Kill it!"

The five sergeants were struggling desperately. Seeing the Ming army rushing over, most of the widows turned and fled with a big change, but one of them drew out the short blade insidiously, and pulled hard...

The sergeant whose neck was almost broken in half fell to the ground struggling, and the grief and indignation rushed up and punched the man into a hole with a bayonet.

"Don't poke your face!"

Fang Xing's eyes were red, and he stopped and said, "Go, find someone to identify, Lao Tzu wants to kill his whole family, and all three clans or less will be taken into custody for the time being."

This is the first time Fang Xing has witnessed the murder of his subordinates. His eyes were bloodshot and he stared into the hall and shouted: "Pass the order, no matter who it is, those who don't kneel down, the whole family will be killed!"

Actually, all the sergeants who witnessed this tragedy have already killed red eyes without any orders.

When Fang woke up, there were only three people kneeling in the hall, and the others...almost nothing.


But there was no emperor among the three kneeling.

Fang Xing walked in the hall with a pool of blood under his feet, sticking to the soles of his shoes when he walked, making a popping sound.

"Where is Komatsu?"

Fang Xing walked to the front, looked at the three people condescendingly and asked.

Sipo Yichun raised his head and looked at the Ueda soldier who was lying in a pool of blood, and said with a smile: "Uncle, down here... The little one knows where he is."

"Do you still want to negotiate terms with me?"

The killing intent in Fang Xing's heart became more and more vigorous, and he drew out the knife and slashed it with force.


Sipo Yichun thought he was dead, so he closed his eyes and screamed, but when the sound of the head fell, he found that his head was fine.

"Uncle... the emperor is on the beam..."

Sipo Yichun was panting on the ground. Fang Xing raised his head and looked up. Only the corners of the clothes floated out. He ordered: "Please bring down this emperor. Your Majesty is looking forward to his arrival."

Zhu Di's temperament is a little bit overjoyed. When the emperor of the enemy country is caught, of course he has to go to Jinling to parade to show off Ming's martial arts.

Father! Have you seen that the country that dared to kill the envoy of the Ming Dynasty in the past, now their emperors have all been arrested, do you still think I am not suitable for emperor Zhu Laosi?

Someone immediately went to look for the stairs, but Fang Xing smelled a fishy smell.

Old Xin frowned and pointed at Si Po Yichun and said, "Master, this man was scared to pee."

"Let's say, these family members, the males of the Emperor's line, write them all down, of course, you can also make mistakes, and Ben will not mind."

The man kneeling next to Spo Yoshitsune had collapsed, yelling in Japanese language.

Three triumphant translators said: "Uncle, this man said that he is willing to lead the way for the king, and he can do whatever he wants."

"Oh! This is more current affairs, then..."

"Uncle, the little one knows everything, if there is any concealment... the little one is willing to suffer a thousand swords."

Spo Yijun, who felt the smell was wrong, walked over on his knees and screamed loudly in front of Fang Xing's.


Fang Xing didn't pay attention to him, and Sanfan had been translating the words of the emperor who had been put down by the rope.

"He said that he has abdicated. Those things are done by Ashikaga Yoshihide. He is just a puppet and an oppressed puppet."

Zhu Zhanji didn't come in, he was tabooing something.

"He said he was willing to lead the way for the King of Daming to eliminate those rebels. From now on, the Japanese kingdom will be Daming's son, so filial piety should be added."

At this time, Komatsu had been placed on the ground, and he looked like an ordinary middle-aged man wearing black clothes. He probably wanted to wait until the night to escape.


Komatsu knelt~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His eyes flashed slyly.

Fang Xing sneered and said: "Do you think this will make your Majesty taboo? Go to Nima! Take it away! The order, including the males of the Emperor's line, are all pulled to kneel outside the palace."

There was no translation, Komatsu walked outside the hall while being caught, and when he saw Zhu Zhanji, he shouted excitedly.

Zhu Zhanji knew that Fang Xing was taking risks, so he was not in a good mood and asked, "What is he talking about?"

The translator hesitated to say, until Zhu Zhanji snorted impatiently, he said in a little embarrassment: "He said that Xinghebo has ambitions. If this person is not eliminated, Daming will definitely...like the shogunate."

The translator carefully looked at Zhu Zhanji's face, and when he saw that his face became red, he shut his mouth decisively.

"Nonsense, as a prisoner who dares to provoke discord, it is really sinister!"

Zhu Zhanji thought of the Japanese people Fang Xing said, who were well-dressed and sinister inside.

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