Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 838: 1 Hugh brother

In fact, in the last chapter, I wanted to pay tribute to a certain movie. I checked the information for several hours at the entrance ceremony. In the end, I was worried about being blocked, so I deleted most of it!


Fang Xing did not enter the city. He stood outside the city under the **** of Jiading and Huang Jinlu and others, looking at the entire Kyoto, without speaking for a long time.

Mu Hua held Fang Xing's clothes corner and said timidly: "Master, they are...bad!"

Muhua learns Da Ming dialect and writing with the family members every day. So far, simple conversations have been met, just bumpy and slurred.

Fang Xing's stiff body moved: "Well, they are very bad!"

Since childhood, living in a small town by the sea in Izumo, Muhua has suffered many hardships and has aversion towards men. In her eyes, Waguo is just a place she wants to forget, and she does not want to remember it forever.

Muhua looked at Kyoto City blankly, only thinking that the city should be burned, and shouldn't exist in the world.

When those businessmen lay down on Muhua's mother's body, they would excitedly talk about their extensive knowledge, and the most talked about is the greatness of Kyoto.

And often at this time, Mu Hua's mother will be tortured, and her body will always be blue and purple afterwards, and finally will anger Mu Hua's body.

"Master, there is a royal family who is a monk."

Fang Wu returned from the imperial custody with a monk behind him.

The monk looked at the same age as Fang Xing, and he saluted: "Yixiu Zongchun, I have seen Ming Guoxing and Uncle."

"A break?"

Fang Xing became interested, "Are you Komatsu's son?"

Yixiuzong said purely: "Exactly."

I said! Is this the Yixiu brother of the "Geji Geji"?

But Fang Xing didn't have any curiosity. He said faintly: "Since you are a monk, when you come to Jinling in the future, your majesty will naturally take care of it. You can go back and wait with peace of mind."

Yixiuzong said sincerely: "Uncle Xinghe, even if the shogunate and the royal family are guilty, the people are not guilty. I implore Mr. Xinghe to kill and let the country be quiet. The Buddha will definitely protect you."

After listening to the translation three times, Fang Xing squinted and was about to speak, but Mu Hua suddenly rushed to kick Yi Xiu Zongchun.


Yixiu Zongchun retreated with a wry smile, but Mu Hua was chasing after him.

"Muhua, come back."

Mu Hua bitterly spit at Yi Xiu Zongchun, and then returned to Fang Xing's side unwillingly.

"Please Xinghe Bo take common people's life as the most important thing."

Yixiuzong left pure salutes, and Chen Mo said strangely: "Uncle, the royal family is a monk, and he is still sorrowful and compassionate. This is a bit weird!"

Liu Ming said: "Imperial monks are also found in the Central Plains, but the temples in the Wa are too powerful and can almost compete with the shogunate, so nobles become monks frequently."

At this time, he whispered three times: "Mu Hua just said that the Japanese are bad guys and they deserve to die."

Fang Xing nodded, and then said: "Later, the prisoners will be sent to the formation. Those who are not selected will be taken to the silver mine and dig! How much can be digged, at least a batch of silver will come out before going back. Understand?"

Huang Jinlu said with a smile on his face: "Uncle rest assured, this matter will definitely be done if it is small."

Fang Xing glanced at Chen Mo, who was also very comfortable: "The silver mines in the country are not limited to Shijianguo. Later, someone will investigate according to the location. You should find some reliable interpreters, but make sure that his family is in Daming. Within control."

After hearing this, Liu Ming was a little bit disappointed, and Liu Ming said solemnly: "Don't worry, you have done something for Daming, uncle will not forget you."

"I will never forget."

Fang Xing calmed down: "You go to Master Yang right away and say that I said that you will serve as the supervising army of the Japanese army, and this uncle is looking forward to your new contributions!"

Shaking with excitement, knelt down, and said: "Please don't worry, the little one should be optimistic about those untouchables. If anyone dares to make trouble, it will be trouble with Da Ming, that is the life and death of the little one. hatred!"

Fang Xing smiled gently and helped him up, and encouraged him: "Do it well, maybe you will be in your majesty's eyes one day, and then we will see you in Jinling."

Watching them leave three times, Chen Mo said uncomfortably: "Uncle, how can a Japanese supervise the army! The little one thinks he is pretty good, or you..."

Liu Ming smiled and said: "Uncle, this is the barbarian to control the barbarian, this is a clever trick."

Chen Mo entangled: "These barbarians, but it's not bad to be able to look at a lot of silver."


When Fang Xing entered the city again, he saw that the Japanese were obviously humbled, and the hatred he had hidden was gone, waiting to reopen his life.

Zhu Zhanji didn't dare to live in the palace, but just found the mansion of Jia Gongqing, and moved in with Yang Rong with his own guards.

However, Fang Xing, as a general of the army, could only stay with the army, otherwise he would not be able to respond in time.

Yang Rong was a little frustrated, and when he saw Fang Xing, he hurriedly greeted him: "Xing He Bo, you left a problem for the officer, but you slipped away. This is not your style!"

"What problem?"

After Fang Xing sat down, he asked Zhu Zhanji where he had gone.

"The temple went down outside the city to appease the Japanese people whose homes were burned, and prepare to get these people into the silver mine."

"I said you don't interrupt me, okay!"

Yang Rong grabbed Fang Xing who stood up and was about to flash, and said angrily: "The official has just received the news that half of the country has been affected by insects. If it is allowed to spread, we will have to prepare to see people eat this year. People."

Fang Xing said helplessly: "That's also the Japanese people who eat Japanese people. We Da Ming don't lack food."

Yang Rong said angrily: "But now the Wa country is Daming! Do you understand Dehua, if Daming sits and watches the Wa country starving everywhere, then there will be beacon fire everywhere, then what can Daming get? A clearing? Or? Speaking of white bones all over the floor and wild dogs with green eyes that eat human flesh?!"

Fang Xing smiled bitterly: "Master Yang, the country is already full of smoke now. Those big names have been lost in North Korea along with Ashikaga Yoshiki. In order to compete for status and territory, people's brains have long been smashed into dog brains!"

Yang Rong hesitated: "But you have to stop, right? Are they going to keep fighting?"

Fang Xing's eyes were full of indifference: "Of course, if the Ming Dynasty does not blend in, they can fight for a hundred years, until another person like Ashikaga Yoshiman comes out to unite the country."

"As for starving people? I don't think it's very likely."


Yang Rong said dissatisfied: "The official has heard that the output of that part of the country is estimated to be reduced by 20%, which is 20%!"

Fang Xing raised his eyebrows and said, "But after several battles, more than 20% of the population died there!"


Yang Rong knew that Fang Xing would not talk nonsense on this kind of issue, so he looked shocked.

"Do you want to die so many?"

"Of course ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fang Xing understatement as if to say what he would like to eat tonight: "At this time, I estimate that 10% of the population has been lost. "

Yang Rong understood: "The other achievement was caused by Daming's conquest?"


Fang Xing said with a smile: "Yicheng is still less, after all, those new names have a lot of confidants! We must make plans for long-term peace and stability!"

Yang Rong knew this was inevitable, so he compromised: "When will it start?"

"After we have compiled a Japanese army, we will set off and sweep along the established route and kill! Those who refuse to accept will be killed, and those who are captured will be caught. There is a large iron mine and a large copper mine in Huazhou waiting for labor. Well! There are also several big silver mountains in the country of Japan. Where do these do not need manpower?"

"Then kill less! If you kill it all, will you go find those people in the tree to mine?"

Fang Xing smiled slightly: "If you can't kill, of course you won't kill. Anyway, they enter the mining area, and they won't want to come out again in their lives!"

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