Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 839: Gourmet treats colds, threatening to lure

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"His Royal Highness, there are a few envoys from Ryukyu."

Zhu Zhanji was ill. A cold wind caused him to catch a cold, and he was resting in the room.

The doctor who accompanied the army almost got scared to urinate after the diagnosis. Fortunately, there were medicinal materials, so I hurriedly boiled the medicine and waited.

Fang Xing looked at Zhu Zhanji lying in a daze and kicked the doctor out.

"Did you die?"

Zhu Zhanji said with a breath of breath: "No, there is still a breath."

"Don't pretend to be dead, get up, I will make you a pot of delicious sweating, it will be fine tomorrow."


Zhu Zhanji got up and said covetously: "I saw a pool of blood in the palace that day, and it was a bit disgusting."

"Let them wait, just say that your Highness is unwell and is recuperating. If you are impatient, wait until I see them later."

Fang Xing commanded Jia Quan outside the door, and then called the knife to get the ingredients.

Zhu Zhanji sniffed, "Brother Dehua, what is delicious?"

Fang Xing said angrily: "Make a pot of soup and rice."

The speed of the knife was very fast, and he also brought Fang Xing's small box specially filled with seasonings.

The charcoal fire set up the support, Fang Xing first burst a lot of **** and garlic, and then added water to boil.

Zhu Zhanji, who had not eaten a small stove for many days, was intoxicated by the smell, and couldn't help asking, "Is this going to cook?"

Fang Xing shook his head, poured the cold rice on the side, and boiled it, looking like he was going to make porridge with cold rice.

At this time, the scent dimmed, and Zhu Zhanji was a little disappointed.

"Don't worry, good things are never complicated."

Fang Xing added some lard residue, then chili noodles and soy sauce, and continued to boil.

At this time the scent is strong, the scent of soy sauce and lard residue, mixed with the taste of rice, Zhu Zhanji secretly swallowed his saliva and urged: "Brother Dehua, let's put the salt!"

"Wait a little longer."

Fang Xing was like the most sophisticated chef. After the water in the pot had collected a little, when the rice was slightly sticky, he beat two eggs and poured them in.

"Stir well, otherwise the taste will be different."

"Add salt... okay!"

Fang Xing put the small pot on the table beside Zhu Zhanji, and placed a wooden board under it.

"Eat it."

The dark red soup and rice were steaming, and Zhu Zhanji took a soup spoon and couldn't wait to start enjoying it.

Fang Xing was sitting by the window, holding a calligraphy and painting to admire, and suddenly said slowly: "But did he feel the slaughter?"

Zhu Zhanji's forehead was already sweating, he was so hot, he was shocked when he heard the words.

"This is the first time the little brother has seen blood drifting, and... seeing the situation of the Japanese imperial family, I feel a little horrified, always worried that his children and grandchildren will have such a day."

"now it's right!"

Fang Xing put the painting on the table and warned: "If Daming is overthrown, the royal family’s experience will be worse than that of the Japanese kingdom! So you should learn your lesson. Unknown situation."

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the descendants of the old Zhu family multiplied to a terrifying level, and the conditions of those vassals were miserable.

Zhu Zhanji thoughtfully said: "The country will not be protected, the family will not exist, the younger brother understands."

Fang Xing said with satisfaction: "This is the reason, you lie down on the bed as soon as you finish eating, and you will be alive and kicking tomorrow."

Fang Xing used to like this when he had a cold and caught a cold. It was either soup or rice noodles, and then he just had a sleep.

"You rest first, and I will meet those messengers."

Seeing Fang Xing went out and closed the door for himself, Zhu Zhanji safely covered the quilt and fell asleep.


When they arrived in the hall, three men dressed in the same clothes stood up to greet each other, and the interpreter quickly introduced them, but Fang Xing was a little absent-minded.

Ryukyu has few people and few people, but it has also made a few forces to fight, which is meaningless in Fang Xing's view.

"Please sit down. Your Highness is unwell. I will come to see you first. Please tell me if you have anything to do."

Fang Xing saw that the three of them were all excited, and couldn't help having a headache, so he blocked their mouths first.

"The country of Japan has repeatedly invaded the sea and territories of the Ming Dynasty, burned, killed, and looted. His Majesty was furious, so Wang Shi went to the east. Since then, the country of Japan has ceased to exist."

This place of Wa country will be Daming's from now on!

The three looked at each other, and then they all saw the flame in each other's eyes.

For Ryukyu, the Japanese country is the tiger at the door of the house, and now this tiger was slapped to death by Da Ming, then...


"The Japanese Kingdom is gone, and will never be there!"

The 20,000 servants were standing outside the city of Kyoto. On the high platform in front, Wang He roared hoarsely.

"What is good in the Japanese country? There is no food, no clothes, and there is no emperor who pretends to be a ghost, and an ambitious shogunate that will bring you disaster! Daming! You will be Daming's people from now on."

In the cold wind, those Japanese people shivered.

"Da Ming! Only Da Ming will bring permanent peace to this place. After the rebellion is wiped out, you will be the masters of this land. The former public minister will kneel in front of you. The woman I see will also lie on the ground and smile at you...... Is this okay?"

The interpreter was yelling at the same time, and the eyes of those Japanese people were said to turn green, and they all shouted: "Okay!"

Wang He only felt that smoke was beginning to come out of his throat. He summoned his courage and shouted vigorously: "What are you waiting for? Let's go! Go and bring peace to this land!"

"Cough cough cough!"

Wang He covered his mouth and coughed dryly, and then saw a group of cavalry rushing over.

"His Royal Highness, Daming's fleet has arrived, and there is a large amount of grain transported from Jiaozhi, and the adults who will take over as chief ambassadors have also arrived."

When Zhu Zhanji saw the commotion among the servants and the people, he explained to Wang He: "Go and tell them that Daming will not sit back and watch his people go hungry. The food has arrived."

Wang He pointed to his throat and said hoarsely: "Your Majesty, the slave and maid's voice is very dry."

"Let me go."

This is related to the morale of the people, and Fang Xing didn't want to have any flaws.

Stepping onto the high platform, Fang Xing introduced himself: "I am Da Mingxing and Bo Fang Xing."

Devil? !

There was some commotion below, and the Japanese people couldn't help stepping back a few steps, as if they could avoid being poached by the demon **** by pulling some distance away.

"Da Ming is rich in the whole world. After learning about the poor harvest here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Your Majesty sent someone to transport a large amount of rice. At the moment, I have arrived at the dock. I want to ask. When you failed in the past, the emperor and the shogunate could manage it. Has the white rice ever been in your hands?"


Sanfan was very energetic today, and also specially found Yang Rong and asked for a set of Da Ming's military uniform, wearing a little fat.

But this hypertrophy does not hinder the envy and jealousy of those servants. Being able to put on this suit means that he is a Daming man, not...

"Those humble and insidious dignitaries, they always want to rob you of everything, so that you can’t eat enough and don’t cover your body. But in Daming, you can only be called beggars! Do you know? Before Daming comes, you Just a beggar!"

Fang Xing waited for the interpretation to finish, and continued: "Da Ming treats you as human beings, so remember that Daming is good. If there is someone who is waiting to eat Da Ming’s meal but thinking about turning the pot, no matter who he is, The old rules, my whole family ransacked, and all of the three clans were taken as slaves!"

"Uncle Ben is here to put a sentence, on this land, no people and forces who disobey the Ming are tolerated, and it is not a pity to kill as many as they are!"

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