Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 846: 1 string of pearls from the East China Sea

From the moment he landed ashore, after seeing the meek look of the Japanese wives on the dock, Lin Mu straightened his waist unknowingly.

"Mr. Lin, please get in the car."

The small banner officer who received him greeted him to get into an ox cart and slowly headed towards Kyoto.

Along the way, Lin Mu saw the Japanese widows working in the field honestly, some carrying heavy loads, and there were even wheelbarrows that had never seen before traveling on this road.

"This is already Daming's territory."

The small banner officer said proudly: "All literate Yingzhou people must study again. From now on, they must speak Da Ming Chinese and write Da Ming Chinese characters. When the time limit expires, if there are still people who can't learn, they have to do hard work. "

Lin Mu curiously said, "Where are the people? Do you have to learn Daming dialect?"

"Of course." The little banner official said confidently: "As mentioned above, the next step is to let everyone learn Da Ming dialect, and strive to forget the unpleasant Japanese language within 20 years."

"Twenty years!"

Lin Mu remembered the time when he moved from Fu/Jian to Ryukyu, and couldn't help sighing: "I used to think that Daming was far away, but now Daming is by my side, it's great!"


When Lin Mu arrived in Kyoto the next morning, he was surprised to find that this place had become a large construction site.

"Here is going to build a city, which will be called Penglai in the future."

The small banner officer went to negotiate with people, and soon returned to the car, and the bullock cart entered Penglai City like this.

Three sacred mountains in the East China Sea, Yingzhou, Penglai, and the abbot.

Today, the name of the country of Japan is Yingzhou, and the name of Kyoto is changed to Penglai, making Lin Mu feel a little clouded.

The bullock cart stopped outside a compound. The small banner officer got out of the car and said a few words to the sergeant guarding the gate, then turned around and waved: "Mr. Lin, follow them in now."

"Thank you, my lord, for taking care of me all the way."

Lin Mu thanked him, and then followed the sergeant into the compound.

Walking all the way, stopped outside the front hall, and then the sergeant went in to report.

Lin Mu was a little nervous. His trip was supposed to be a violation of the rules, but he had to come.

After waiting for a while, the sergeant came out and said, "Mr. Lin, please come in. Your Highness and Xing He Bo are here."

Lin Mu cautiously entered, and after seeing the two sitting above him, he did not dare to look closely, and hurriedly saluted.

"stand up."

Zhu Zhanji sat upright and asked, "You are here but you have something important?"

Lin Mu said nervously: "His Royal Highness, small...small..."

"Don't panic, relax, your Highness won't order anyone to hit your board, yes."

Fang Xing smiled and comforted.

"His Royal Highness, the three Ryukyu Kingdoms have been training their military forces recently. The young ones are worried that they will be involved in the chaos, so I beg your Highness to allow me to wait temporarily."

Zhu Zhanji was stunned, and looked at each other with Fang Xing, and then said: "Wait and rest assured, the Ming army is on the side of Ryukyu. If they dare to wait for you, it will naturally be a dead end."

Lin Mu blinked his eyes and said in surprise: "His Royal Highness, but... the three kingdoms of Ryukyu have Da Ming canonization!"

Fang Xing covered his head and smiled bitterly. The former Daming was so good to the vassal country that even his people lost their confidence. He felt that once an accident happened, Daming would definitely not care about them.

Zhu Zhanji was also a little embarrassed. He frowned and said: "When you go back, there will be an envoy to follow. After that, you can live in Ryukyu at will. If someone provokes you, Master Wang will be there in no time."

Seeing that Lin Mu was still hesitating, Fang Xing smiled and said, "The country of Japan is gone, can the little Ryukyu dared to rebel against Daming? Don't worry, you can go with the mission in a few days, and let the Ryukyu people see Daming by the way. Majesty."

Daming's majesty?

Lin Mu followed the people out ignorantly. In the next few days, someone took him around the city of Penglai, but the temple was not among them.

Three days later, Lin Mu followed the three-person delegation on the boat and went all the way to Ryukyu.

From the perspective of the East China Sea, the Ryukyu Islands can only be regarded as a small place.

But the position of Ryukyu is very important.

From Yingzhou to Ryukyu, and then to Xiaoliuqiu, this string of islands is a sea line of defense, a line of defense like a chain of pearls.

At the same time, it can also be used as an important offensive base.

Said it was an embassy, ​​the leader was Wang He, followed by Jia Quan, and even if he brought another guard, he would live together.


In Naha, when the huge figure of the treasure ship appeared on the beach, before the Ryukyu people found it, the 36 Chinese surnamed on the island had already rushed out.

"It's Daming, it's Master Wang!"

Wang He and others on the boat were preparing to go ashore in a small boat, but they couldn't help but hesitate when they saw the crazy crowd rushing toward the shore.

"Who are those people?"

Jia Quan saw a few gray-haired old men running and staggering, but still refused to stop. One of them fell down on the beach, and the two young men went to help him, slapped him open, then got up and continued running.

There were tears in Lin Mu's eyes: "Those are the 36 surnames who migrated from Fujian that year. I and every family enshrines the tablets of our ancestors and makes sacrifices on time. I just want to return home."

Wang He was surprised, and then said moved: "Wanderer! Or a wanderer who left home for Daming!"

Several people hurried ashore in a small boat. When Wang He got off the boat, he was a little anxious and almost came to a dog to chew on the soft sand.

After stabilizing his body, Wang He lifted up an old man, and then went to help another one, but when he turned around, he saw the old man who had just got up kneeling again.

"The old man saw a big ship back then, it looks like this, how many years has it been? How many years has it been!"

Seeing the old man howling and crying, Jia Quan was a little sad.

As a guard from Jin Yiwei, Jia Quan saw the separation of life and death, and the separation of joys and sorrows. He thought he was numb.

But today he saw the turbid tears and the foam from the corners of his mouth because of the shouting, but he was sad.

Wang He helped this one kneel, helped this one kneel, and was sweating profusely. In the end, he didn't make any mistakes. He had to say: "Our family is here on the order of His Royal Highness, and we all get up."

These people just got up ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and stood respectfully.

Wang He coughed and said, "His Royal Highness heard that there was some noise here, so I was worried that our people would suffer, so he asked our family to come and have a look. By the way, I warned these natives, our Daming people are gold! No one is allowed to mess around! Otherwise! Master Wang is in Yingzhou, and he will be here in no time, and this will be destroyed!"

"Father-in-law, is this true?"

An old man asked excitedly, his body still trembling, scared his children and grandchildren hurriedly stepped forward to hold on.

Wang He stared and said: "Why is it not true? His Highness said this personally, with Xing He Bo beside him, who would dare to talk nonsense?"

"But that demon god?"

An old man with weak eyes asked blankly, his children and grandchildren stomped anxiously, and then he hurriedly pleaded guilty to Wang He.

"The little one... Last year, I heard someone say that Da Ming had a demon **** who killed Japanese pirates, and piled up people's heads, okay! This is Da Ming! If it's not a small old man, I must go to find Xing and Uncle, and fight under his old man!"

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