Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 847: 36 last name, borrow a base

Just as tears were welling up on the beach, someone on the boat blew the horn.

"A boat is coming!"

Jia Quanqing ran over to take a look seriously, and immediately shouted: "It's Daming's boat."

The warship in the distance approached quickly, with dozens of sergeants standing on the ship, the first man standing with his hands in his hands, his clothes fluttering.

"Uncle is here!"

Jia Quan exclaimed, Wang He was also a little startled.

As soon as the boat reached the shore, Fang Xing didn't use any means, and he jumped off. The sergeants behind him followed like dumplings. For a while, the beach was full of people.

When several old men heard the three words Xing and Bo, they turned around and ran away, scaring their children and grandchildren to follow.

Fang Xing looked at Wang He angrily.

Madan! Are you **** offending people?

Wang He's face was squeezed into a ball, and he whispered: "Xing He Bo, our family is comforting these people."

Fang Xing glared at him, then turned and smiled: "My elders, my Royal Highness Taisun is worried that the war of the Three Kingdoms of Ryukyu will affect you, so I let Uncle Ben come here afterwards. Fortunately, it is not too late! It's just that they are all from Daming. How come no one invites Ben to sit at home?"

A few middle-aged men rubbed their hands and smiled dryly: "Uncle, the small house is simple, if you don't dislike it, please move your toe."

Fang Xing smiled, and then was torn at Wang He.

"Xing He Bo, those few are back again, they seem to be holding things in their hands."

Fang Xing took a look, and then greeted: "Stand up, be quiet."

Wang He was speechless and did not dare to ask any more.

Jia Quan said in a low voice: "This is Tanshi pot of syrup, all with stern faces, more mighty."

Sure enough, the old men ran over panting, one holding a bamboo basket in his hand, and one holding a hip flask in his hand, and bowed to offer it.

There was a rice ball in the bamboo basket. Fang Xing picked up one, chewed it with a big mouthful, then took the jug again, and took a few mouthfuls with his head up.

"Thank you elders, Fang Mou is terrified."

"Also ask your uncle to go and sit at home."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Okay, let's go, but Fang brought some things on this trip, a knife, and asked the ship to send the things down."

The ship immediately unloaded dozens of baskets of things, all wrapped in greased paper.

Wang He asked: "Xing He Bo, when will you go to Zhongshan?"

Fang Xing said indifferently: "Let the people from the Three Kingdoms come from a place where Daming can't compare to a county. How could He De let Ben be meet them?!"

Wang He was startled, and then said with a stern face: "Exactly, it was our family who wanted to go wrong before."

The appearance of the sibling father-in-law made Jia Quan a happy one, and he asked someone to inform the Three Kingdoms.


When he arrived in the village, Fang Xing realized that they were all Han Chinese.

"Uncle, when we came, we chose to settle here. After a long time, there are more people here."

Several old people gathered around Fang Xing, introducing the village excitedly.

The villages here are still Fujian style, and Fang Xing asked with interest about their living conditions.

Entering the front hall of the house, three old white-haired men sat on the side, and an old man said: "We are here. All ships from the Ming Dynasty have to dock here first. King Zhongshan is also observant."

"That's good."

Fang Xing looked at the layout of the room and smiled and said, "From here on, we will be Daming's. You will live with peace of mind. Daming's navy will come to inspect from time to time. You can report any changes. Sit and watch the people being bullied outside, never will!"

"This is Master Wang!"

An old man said in tears: "In the past, those Japanese pirates often came here and beat people without giving anything. Since the year before last, those pirates stopped coming. Later I learned that it was Uncle you who killed countless Japanese pirates in Taizhou. I set up Jingguan, and the people in the village were all drunk the day I heard the news, so happy!"

Another old man wiped his eyes and said, "Since that day, Zhongshan has been kind to us a lot. The rice is sent in enough, and the children are crazy."

Fang Xing sighed: "In the past, the enemy of Daming was in the north, and it was inevitable to overlook this side. Later, the enemy in the north was defeated, and then he took out his hand to clean up the country of Japan. Now the country of Japan has become the Yingzhou of the Ming Dynasty. It will be convenient for you to come and go later. NS."


I learned that a great-minded uncle had arrived in the village, and the children were all around him. When Fang woke up, they scattered away, watching from a distance, timidly.

Fang Xing beckoned the sergeants who were carrying the baskets to carry the things, and then smiled: "Let the children come over, there are some candies in it, so sweet."

"Uncle, how does this make it?"

An old man said in fear.

Fang Xing smiled and said, "What can't you do? They are all from Daming. Yingzhou is already stable. There will be merchant ships running this line in the future. If you wait for anything, just say that they will bring it next time."

The basket was opened, and it was filled with some chicken bacon and a lot of snacks, all made by the cook on the boat, and they were still fresh.

"There are books, pen, ink, paper and inkstone in the back. The children are far away from Daming, but the words and words of the ancestors must not be forgotten. If you want to teach them well, I will arrange for a talented person to come back."

"Thank you, Uncle!"

Several old men knelt down again, tears of gratitude.

"All get up."

Fang Xing was helpless, the gray-haired old man kneeled to him, he really couldn't adapt.

You may not adapt to it for the rest of your life!

"Come here all, there are sweets here."

Fang Xing smiled and waved at the children. When the adults saw the children were timid, they cursed and brought them over.

The last few baskets were opened, and one of the baskets was full of candies of various colors.

"There is also fabric. I don't bring much this time. Everyone will share it."

At this time, Wang He brought people over, and more than a dozen sergeants behind him were struggling to carry some knives and guns.


The people in the village were a little surprised.

Wang He pointedly said: "This is for you, so you should practice it. If a thief enters the village, he can kill it. Our family guarantees that you are not guilty!"

Fang Xing smiled on the side, and saw the light flashing in the eyes of those men, and he knew that it was a heartbeat.

Knifes and guns are contraband this year, and private possession is a big crime.

"Take it all, someone will teach you one or two exercises during this time."

Now that Fang Xing came, it was not just as simple as expressing comfort.

Fang Xing said that Wang He didn't need to guess, he just prayed in his heart for the three kings of Ryukyu, praying that they would never offend the murderer.


Daming's fleet came, and an uncle also came.

The three countries did not dare to neglect, but apart from Zhongshan, the other two countries only dared to send envoys. They were worried that Zhongshan would give it a pot.

Shang Bazhi was the first to arrive. When he arrived, he just woke up and had a barbecue on the beach~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The sun was beautiful, and the sea water seemed crystal clear.

On the beach, Fang Xing was lying on a chair, a knife was turning over a sea fish on the grill, the fragrance permeated.

"Uncle, the son of King Zhongshan is here."

Fang Xing didn't get up, just patted the chair beside him and said, "Please sit down."

Shang Bazhi did not dare to sit, and Fang Xing did not force it.

"Zhongshan State is very respectful to Daming, Your Majesty is very pleased."

Fang Xing's voice was not loud, but Shang Bazhi bowed and said, "Everyone in the country regards Daming as a country and dare not disobey."

Fang Xing nodded, feeling a little greedy, and said simply and rudely: "Ben Bo personally supports Zhongshan State's unification of this island, understand? It is Bun Bo personally supported it."

"Thank you, Uncle."

Champa is dedicated to understanding the way, how could Daming openly support one party. But Fang Xing's guarantee is still useful, at least he can do it unscrupulously.

Fang Xing saw that the grilled fish was almost done, and said, "Two o'clock, you can remember it."

Shang Bazhi immediately concentrated on it.

"First, thirty-six surnames cannot be affected."

"This won't..."

Shang Bazhi hurriedly tried to make a promise, but Fang Xing sat up straight up displeased, so scared that he hurriedly shut up.

"Secondly, Naha is good. Loan a place for Daming. From now on, Daming's navy can stay here and also block the enemies from the sea."

"What do you think of it?"

Fang Xing asked lightly.

The current Zhongshan country is under the management of the elder son. Under Fang Xing's close eyes, Shang Bazhi almost blurted out: "Okay! If Daming navy can stay here, I can sit back and relax."

Fang Xing stared at him and smiled for a long time: "Knife, bring the grilled fish and wine, I have a drink with Shizi."

Sun, beach, palm trees, everything looks so beautiful!

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