Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 848: Archeological Xu Fu, the original source

Everyone in Yingzhou knows one thing. Daming is unearthing the tomb of the ancient Emperor. As for the reason...

"Mingren said that the first emperor might have been from the Qin Dynasty, so I have to dig and see, maybe I think that person is rebellious."

"Then dig it, it has nothing to do with us anyway!"

Shengdou Xiaomin, running around for life every day, how much loyalty to the so-called emperor!

However, Zhu Zhanji took this matter very seriously, which made Yang Rong and Chen Jie a little puzzled.

Yingzhou is currently a waste of money, and countless things are waiting to be dealt with. What's the point of digging a grave?


Zhu Zhanji sits in Penglai, and Song Jianran leads people to dig a grave.

Time passed, when Fang Xing returned to Penglai, Song Jianran also had news over there.

More than a dozen bullock carts swept across the city, and the carts contained the tombs that were excavated. The people in Penglai were all disturbed.

"what is that?"

Someone asked when he saw a round greenish thing.

"That's a bronze mirror! God! How come there are bronze mirrors like this in the Emperor's tomb?"

"Could it be Mingren's trick?"

After any place is conquered, there will be people who are secretly dissatisfied.

"You didn't look at the people who followed? They are the most knowledgeable people, but you can see what they look like now."

Most of the more than a dozen Japanese men who were following the bullock cart were downcast at the moment, only two of them looked at their faces full of joy.

The identity of these ‘great Confucians’ in the Japanese country is undoubtedly, and several of them are even more widely known.


Song Jianran stopped the convoy and then called someone to shout.

“Nineteen Emperor’s tombs were excavated this time, and the whole process was supervised. Daming is telling all parties that the so-called Japanese country is actually the country established by Xu Fu from the Qin Dynasty. These tombs are the most powerful evidence!”

It was a Yingzhou native who called out. He pointed to more than a dozen people and said: "The whole process, the whole process, they have been watching, so there is no need to argue about the authenticity. Now I will show you these tombs."

"This is a bronze mirror unearthed from the tomb of Emperor Chongshen. Take a closer look. This is another Qin mirror. The two are almost identical!"

"This is a jade article, haha! Let's take out the three artifacts, let's take a look."

The three artifacts have a lofty status in the history of the country, but most people have never seen it, so the scene was silent.

Fang Xing, Zhu Zhanji, and Yang Rong were standing on a section of the wall that had just been repaired. Seeing this scene, Yang Rong suspiciously said, "Xing He Bo, are these your hands and feet?"

"I just came back! I don't have time to do my hands and feet."

Fang Xing's innocent way.

"Look at everyone, the so-called Yata mirror is different from this Qin mirror?"

The two mirrors were combined into one, and then they were repeatedly turned upside down for everyone to check carefully.

"Look, everyone, this is Yata Mirror, this is Qin Mirror."

A middle-aged man stepped forward. He dared not reach out to touch it, but his eyes widened, not letting go of every detail.

"It's almost the same!"

"There is also the Kusana Sword. Everyone, look at it. It's just a sword used by the Qin people, but it is bragging to be taken out of the body of the Yaqi Orochi. It's ridiculous!"

This man made no secret of his contempt, took out a few mud-stained swords from the car, and said disdainfully: "These are the things in the tombs of the emperors, what artifacts, but Qin swords!"

"The last one is this Bachiqiong Gouyu. Everyone, look at the teeth of this wild boar, do they look like?"

The pieces are strung together, and the teeth of wild boars that look old are juxtaposed.

"This is just the decoration used by those ignorant wild men when Xu Fu never arrived in the original country of Japan, and it is also a sacrificial vessel!"

The crowd gradually became a little commotion, and the shouting person proudly said: "Everyone knows the way, but can you know where Qishi comes from?"

In the Shinto religion that the Wa Kingdom believes in, there is a room for fasting called Qishi.

"Qi, this is where Xu Fu came from. Shang Kingdom was in Qi state in ancient times. Qi state also had a special room for people to fast. Do you understand now?"

The crowd was still silent, but most of them looked blank.

Faith is the foundation of a nation. If faith collapses, people's hearts will be chaotic and the country will perish.

"Through digging the ancient tombs, we found that the former Wa Kingdom was just a gathering place for indigenous people, and it was ignorant. It was Xu Fu who came across the sea with the virgin boys and daughters that made the civilization of the Wa country. Fathers and elders, we all have the possibility to and Daming It's the same blood!"

This conclusion was like a bolt from the blue, and the crowd was confused.

"Are we from Daming? No, from Tang Dynasty?"

"Yes! It seems that we are really from the Tang Dynasty!"

People of the Tang Dynasty, this is the name left by the envy of the Tang Dynasty during the Tang Dynasty.

After the envoys sent from the Tang Dynasty to China, they almost praised the Tang Dynasty as a paradise on earth, which attracted everyone's coveting, so there was the Battle of Baijiangkou.

Get used to giving in to the strong, and then waiting for the time to rise again.

This is the nature of Yamato people!

"The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change."

Fang Xing saw that the people were very excited, and said disdainfully: "But don't even think about turning over again. I will make a memorial. From now on, Yingzhou will not be allowed to smelt. All ironware must be imported from Daming~www. wuxiaspot.com~Yang Rong agreed: "I have to add one more thing. Who dares to form an association? Talking about the history of the Japanese country, there is no mercy! "

Zhu Zhanji said solemnly: "Qin II died because he underestimated people's hearts. Daming will not make such mistakes again, Yingzhou, it can't be changed!"

King Qin swept away, staring at He Xiongzai!

Qin’s military value was enough, but he underestimated the people’s minds of the six countries. In addition, Qin’s strict laws ignored the necessity of gradual progress. In the end, Dazexiang’s loud shouts ruined China’s first empire. .

The convoy went all the way, and those Yingzhou people gathered in twos and threes, talking about it fiercely.

"The big thing is set!"

Yang Rong smiled and said: "Xing He Bo has a way. After this, the Japanese country will at least calm down on the face, and the rest is water milling time. When the older group is finished, Yingzhou will naturally belong to Da Ming!"


Fang Xing was thinking about the follow-up methods to clean up the Yingzhou people, and when he turned around, he saw Mu Hua running over in panic.

"Master, there are assassins!"

Fang Xing raised his eyebrows and said, "Where?"

Mu Hua gasped and said, "I'm caught, right at home."

This girl has never had a concept of home. Since she woke up with Fang to Kyoto, where Fang Xing lived, she called home.


In the temporary residence, when Fang Xing saw Sibo Yoshijun, he couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Sibo, it's been a long time."

Sipo Yichun looked a lot thinner, his face pale.

"Fang Xing, you killed Yoshimoto?"

After being caught, Sibo Yoshitsune knew that he was unavoidable, so he gave it up.


Fang Xing sighed: "Who said that? Yoshimoto of the Sibo family can make Bun Bo feel a little close. How could Bun kill him? You have become a bereavement dog and started to bark?!" 8)

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