Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 849: Preparation class teacher

Cavan often smokes more and more, coupled with various physical problems, in order to keep writing down, Jazz is ready to quit smoking!

The torment of quitting smoking makes people dizzy, there are various reactions, and lack of concentration...It's annoying!

But the Jazz will try his best, and please forgive me!


People with firm beliefs will not give up their original intentions no matter how many difficulties and obstacles they have experienced.

And weak people will always find all kinds of excuses to give up their beliefs.

Sibo Yoshitsune's original belief was to revive the Sibo family, but at the last moment, he hesitated.

But this one is a fatal mistake!

"At the beginning, Ben was planning to make the Spoel family the first-class family in Yingzhou after the war, but you disappointed Ben."

Fang Xing said with regret.

"Fang Xing, will you make the Japanese people come out again? Hahahaha!"

Even if Sipo Yoshitsune was **** with a rope, he could not lose his spirit.

"I understand, you are a demon, a demon who can do whatever it takes to conquer the Japanese kingdom!"

Sipo Yichun gasped and screamed, and finally choked up unexpectedly.

"Yes, the Spoel family deserves to die, they will cooperate with you, the devil, and ruin the entire Japanese kingdom."

Fang Xing frowned and said, "Don't you think that without the Sibo family, Daming will not be able to conquer the Kingdom of Japan?"

Spo Yoshizumi laughed and said, "If you weren't separated between North Korea and the Japanese country, how would Ashikaga Yoshimoki go to expedition to North Korea? If the shogunate did not expedition to North Korea, do you think Daming could land easily?"

"The elite of the shogunate in your eyes is nothing more than a chicken and dog in the eyes of Uncle Bun!"

Fang Xing said contemptuously: "Why do you think I want to lure the shogunate into an expedition to North Korea? It's just to find an opportunity to intervene in North Korea."

"What a poisonous heart! You really are the reincarnation of the demon god!"

Sipo Yoshitsune murmured, "If there is no expedition? Isn't the Japanese country okay?"


Fang Xing confidently said: "Even if Ashikaga Yoshiki did not expedition to North Korea, Ben Bo could still kill Li Fangyuan's family and lead the North Korean civil strife. In this way, it is nothing more than trouble and more casualties, but North Korea still can't run away. !"

"Then what?"

Sipo Yichun was like a patient before death, eager to know how he got the disease.

Fang Xing raised his eyebrows and said, "Then? Then, of course, they attacked the country directly."

"No reason?"

Sipo Yichun felt that Fang Xing was bragging.

Daming has always required his division to be famous.

Take Jiaozhi, for example, if it weren't for those rebels who intercepted and killed the royal family and killed a lot of Ming officers and soldiers in the process, Zhu Di would definitely not move.

"What's the reason?"

When Zhu Zhanji came in, Fang Xing took the opportunity to teach him a lesson.

"The Japanese country has invaded the sea and territories of Daming for many years, but the shogunate ignored them, but instead helped him to be abusive. Do you think this reason is enough?"

Fang Xing said with a smile: "If it's not enough, it's even simpler. Will he be willing to pay tribute to a thousand girls every year with Ashikaga Yoshihide's virtue?"

Shiba Yoshitsune said with a gray face: "So when you sent an envoy to see Ashikaga Yoshitake, you were already in the process! You..."

As the actual ruler of the Wa country, Ashikaga Yoshihide, if he agrees to this, needless to say, the prestige must be greatly reduced, and those big names will take the opportunity to rise.

Even Emperor Komatsu would try to kill him and restore the Emperor's rule of the Wa country.

"Do you understand it?"

Fang Xing shook his head and sighed: "The Sibo family had been loyal to Daming anyway. This is the last gift that Uncle Ben gives you, and rest in peace!"

Fang Wu and the knife came over, and they picked up Spo Yoshizun, and then dragged it outside.

Sipo Yichun seemed to admit his fate and did not resist, but when he reached the door, he suddenly asked: "Fang Xing, if Yiyuan is still there, how would you place him?"

Fang Xing was taken aback, and then said: "It must be a high-ranking official."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Sipo Yichun turned his head and let Fang Wu and the two drag him out, laughing wildly.

"You are really cheeky! You are really cheeky..."

"Is my face thick?"

Fang Xing asked innocently.

Zhu Zhanji's eyes flickered, and it was obviously wrong to say: "No, it's very thin."

Fang Xing comforted: "Sure enough, a barbarian is a barbarian."

Zhu Zhanji smiled bitterly: "Brother Dehua, Jinling has come, and Grandpa Emperor wants us to return to our teacher."

"Why? There are still a lot of things that Wa country hasn't done?"

Fang Xing felt that Lao Zhu must have been pumping.

"Is there news in the north?" Fang Xing guessed: "It's not right! If there is the latest news from Alutai, we should know it first, not!"

"Grandpa Emperor feels that the Japanese nation is determined and wants us to bring some money back, so as to calm the worries of the ruling and opposition parties about frequent troop deployment."

"That's okay. We already have more than 400,000 silver in silver. We will take it back this time and let those people see that it's not a loss-making business!"

Fang Xing thinks that Lao Zhu's move is good, not only can boost the morale of the people, but also find a reason to fight abroad.

Zhu Zhanji said helplessly: "I heard that my father has annoyed Grandpa Emperor again."

I said!

Fang Xing secretly cursed in the direction of Jinling.

Zhu Gaochi hadn't worked against Zhu Di for a long time, and it must have been a ‘benevolent heart’ that angered Zhu Di.

Zhu Zhanji now also feels that his father is a bit pedantic. What goals do you want to achieve~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Can't you use a roundabout way?

The dignified prince, there is really no way to learn the way of yushi!

Zhu Zhanji was worried about his father, so he couldn't wait to say: "Then quickly gather the people from the two guards, let's go back immediately."

After the battle, Suzaku-wei's experience has greatly increased, and Zhu Di must call it back to see the effect.

And Jubaoshanwei is even more impossible to stay here.

Of course, Taisun's pro-army had to follow it back.

As for Zhang Fu, who is still outside to clean up the remaining Japanese pirates, he still has to wait, waiting for someone to take over.

Fang Xing knew his worries, so he persuaded: "Don't worry, your majesty will never move the prince no matter what, at most it is a ban. If we go back early, it would be embarrassing!"

When the son saw Lao Tzu's embarrassment, it was also a kind of unfilial piety.

But Zhu Zhanji had already seen many abuses of his prince's father, so he said calmly: "It's okay, father has his own ideas, I can only be a son...consolation one or two. "

So the order went down, and Zhu Zhanji was ready to return to his division without waiting for the army to take over from the two guards.

Military orders fell like a mountain, this is the faith of Jubaoshanwei.

And this belief is constantly instilling in Suzakuwei.

So the troops from the two guards quickly gathered together, and then they checked the goods and prisoners to be brought back.

The first is the royal family, direct line, collateral line, relatives...

After Fang Xing saw more than a thousand people, he couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

"There are so many?"

Song Jianran proudly said: "According to the uncle's order, the officials followed the vines and touched the melons, and finally caught these."

Melon vines!

Fang Xing thought of the word, and then shook his head and said, "Fine, since you have caught it, then take them all to Jinling. Presumably your Majesty will not let Daming open more than a thousand mouths out of thin air."

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