Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 857: Zhu Zhanji who has a difficult offspring, Li Maofang who is motherly

Zhu Fang hasn't done much recently. What he likes most every day is to write calculations on paper, and then ask people to bring out various types of steel materials.

On the workbench, a steel plate punched at both ends is hooked, and then the handles of the gearbox shifting at both ends are shaken and pulled.

Zhu Fang held a pen and paper in his hands, staring at the steel plate.

Two tall and strong men are shaking the handles, and try to keep the output power as stable as possible.

The steel plate gradually fluctuated, and the hole began to deform.

"Master Zhu, it's time to put more effort."

The two big guys felt that they could no longer shake the handle without applying any force, and they said.

Zhu Fang shook his head, then took out a ruler, measured the deformation size of the steel plate, and said with satisfaction: "This formula is three millimeters less than the previous one. It seems that the tensile force is sufficient."

Upon hearing the words, the two big men loosened the screws on the base and then took off the steel plate.

Zhu Fang wrote a series of numbers and symbols that others could not understand with a pen on the steel plate, and then personally collected them into the warehouse.

There is a character in the warehouse, and the font looks wild and unruly.

"Steel is Daming's backbone!"

Zhu Fang took a closer look, and then said to the people around him: "Uncle said, the road is the blood of Daming, and the steel is the backbone of Daming..."

"If the blood is impassable, you will get sick, your spine will not be straight, and you will be embarrassed to say hello to your neighbors when you go out."


Zhu Zhanji invited Fang Wake up as a guest today, accompanied by Du Qian.

Zhu Zhanji sighed: "I went to Hu's house yesterday. It was deserted, and it looked chilling."

Hu Guang also taught Zhu Zhanji, so he went to condolences to his family as soon as he came back, which can be regarded as respecting the teacher.

Du Qian smiled and said: "His Majesty, this matter is simple. At present, Hu Hu is filial. When next year, His Majesty can mention it in front of His Majesty, and that is it."

Zhu Zhanji nodded: "Grandpa Huang gave Master Hu the posthumous title of Wen Mu, which is a precedent, so I just need to take care of his family members in the future."

After Hu Guang's death, the grief and honor was definitely the first of the Yongle dynasty civil servants. The first posthumous posthumous title, the posthumous gift of the official book of the Ministry of Gifts, etc., made those civil servants a little envious.

Fang Xing did not speak, his relationship with Hu Guang was too cold, and others would find fault with everything he said.

So he raised his eyebrows at Zhu Zhanji, why are you asking me to come?

Zhu Zhanji let out a dry cough, and Du Qian got up and quit.

After Du Qian left, Zhu Zhanji said calmly: "Brother Dehua, the younger brother has been married until now, this...children is very difficult!"

"Cough cough cough!"

Fang Xing coughed heartbreakingly, and frightened the birdtails who were waiting beside him, so he quickly changed his tea.

Fang Xing waved his hand, then pointed at Zhu Zhanji and said, "How old are you? According to my opinion, you should study hard in the academy now to be serious. Besides, if you have a son now, think about it! Think about it! !"

Fang Xing stretched out his four fingers and gestured, his expression sighing.


Zhu Zhanji felt wrong when he finished speaking, and said with a black face: "It's because the little brother is negligent. You really can't worry about this matter."

Fang Xing looked at the bird's tail, the eunuch, who was even more feminine than a woman, immediately retreated quietly.

"Four generations!"

Fang Xing pointed to his head and said: "If there are four generations, think about it, what do the people in the middle of the court think? Your majesty looks strong, but the prince can still eat... Can..., plus you, will something unbearable happen in the future?"

Zhu Zhanji said in a somewhat dispirited way: "If it is a commoner, it would be nice to have four generations in the same house, so it's fun!"

"Don't worry about the four generations in the same house, you can eat less celery first."

The old Zhu family likes to eat celery, and they are all heavy-tasting patients in their diet, Zhu Gaochi is better, Zhu Zhanji is purely a severely ill patient.

"Eat more light and reduce the belly!"

Fang Xing patted his lower abdomen, which had always had six pack abs, and pointed at Zhu Zhanji's obviously protruding lower abdomen, with a look of disgust.

Zhu Zhanji frowned and said, "It's not greasy to eat in the army! Why did you get fat again?"

"Daily practice must not be forgotten!"

After sending Fang Xing away, Zhu Zhanji went to the inner courtyard.

The inner courtyard of the Taisun Mansion is naturally not small. If nothing else, those women's residences can make people who don't know faint.

Zhu Zhanji hesitated, and finally went to the Sun family.

The Sun family is a concubine, because Zhu Zhanji used to be a sweetheart and childhood sweetheart, so he has some power in the mansion.

"His Royal Highness..."

Seeing Zhu Zhanji enter the room, Sun put down the needle and thread in his hand, revealing a pleasantly surprised expression.

Zhu Zhanji only felt the heat in his chest, so he shook her little hand and asked, "Can anyone in the mansion neglect you?"

The Sun was taken aback, changed his look in an instant, and finally pursed his lips: "His Royal Highness is joking. With the concubine grandson, who dares to embarrass the concubine."

Zhu Zhanji saw the change in her eyes just now, frowning and said: "If something is bad in the future, go to Yu Jia."

There was a slight jump in Sun's body, and a little girl-like expression of joy appeared on his face...


The academy was still like that. Walking in the field and listening to the loud reading in the classroom, Fang Xing felt that he was a little illusory when he was running around all day.

Glancing inside, these are the second batch of students, including Zhu Zhanyong, who are listening to Xu Fangda's lecture at this time.

This year, there are only a handful of people who can study with such conditions. Students cherish this condition, and no one dares to waste time.

Fang Xing smiled slightly and felt that instead of students sitting in the classroom, they were seeds.

"Teacher, Fuyang Hou is looking for it."

Ma Su appeared behind Fang Xing quietly, startling him.

"What is the **** here for?"

Fang Xing thought of Li Maofang he had seen a year ago, and couldn't help but shudder ~www.wuxiaspot.com~In the front hall, when Fang Xing saw the man with the powder on his face, he couldn't help but get stuck.

"Hahahaha! It's been a long time since Xinghe Bo."

Li Maofang's laughter sounded a bit like an angry Liang Zhong, sharp!

Fang Xing smelled a sub-scent. Thinking about it carefully, he seemed to have smelled it on a boat on the Qinhuai River.

"Fuyang Hou came to the humble house and dare to ask any advice."

Li Maofang and Zhu Gaosui have a good relationship. Fang Xing set up a set to abolish him last time, so he was worried whether this guy was aware of it.

Li Maofang smiled dryly and said: "Xing He Bo, the ships that purchase goods from the Sihai Bazaar are docked every month, Xing He Bo is making money!"

Do you want to open a store?

Fang Xing pondered: "There are not many members of Fang in the Four Seas Bazaar. Where do you start with the so-called daily advancement of gold?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Li Maofang laughed, pointing to Fang Xingxiao’s back and forth, and then gasped for a long while: “Xing He Bo, there are members of the palace in the Four Seas Bazaar. I know about this. I just want to ask. Can you drive?"

Fang Xing said in surprise: "Of course it can be opened, but Fang can't be the master of this matter, you know."

Fang Xing pointed to the direction of the imperial city, looking helpless.

A trace of complacency flashed in Li Maofang's eyes: "In the palace? I'll go later, it won't matter if I want to come!"

Fang Xing said indifferently: "Then Fang would first wish the Fuyang Hou a lot of money."

This guy has been pointed out by someone behind his back, and he actually knows to talk about it first.

"Thank you, Xinghe, Dadao!"

Li Maofang almost wanted to celebrate his success with a roar from the sky.

But when he left, he still couldn't help showing off his IQ.

"Uncle Xinghe, I just went to the palace. His Royal Highness meant... as long as you nod your head, the matter will be fine, hahahaha!"


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