Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 858: Zhu Zhanyong

Chapter 858

"Hahaha... uh! I have seen the county king!"

Li Maofang smiled triumphantly and went out, but was forced back by the laughter with a pair of indifferent eyes.

Zhu Zhanyong nodded indiscriminately, and then entered the vestibule.

Fang Xing frowned and asked, "I saw you in class just now, why did you come out?"

Zhu Zhanyong arched his hands and sat down, resting his elbows on the table, looking languid.

"Teacher, Li Maofang walked relatively close to some honors and princes in the early days. He often drank in the Qinhuai River and looked for women. He sent people to the Sihai Market all day to check. He probably wanted to open a house. "

"How did you hear the news?"

Fang Xing felt that this baby was really terrible. He was trapped in the academy for one day and was able to obtain news from the outside world.

Zhu Zhanyong lazily said: "I just found someone who served Mr. Jie, and then helped her with some work every day. Later, he explained that Mr. Jie had set up a topic and wanted to write an essay on world affairs. I would hand it in before the end of this year. Those who are not good will be removed."


Fang Xing had a headache, this baby would actually use the means of gaining sympathy to deceive information, which is really speechless!

A county prince helps you do the work, and you don’t know if this servant is confined to the academy and Fangjiazhuang, it must be a good old student, right?

After that, he was just chatting, and he rarely missed it.

The academy does not prohibit debates on political affairs, and Xie Jin even calls students to come to the house to discuss some people or things, but after everyone goes out, they don’t talk about it.

"Then why don't you ask your classmates?"

The college is open, and the teacher encourages everyone to discuss it.

"I don't like those classmates, they are too stupid."

Zhu Zhanyong frowned and said: "Silly! A giggle all day."

The child is mentally ill!

Fang Xing patted the table and shouted, "Do you think everyone is a royal child? You are bitter and hated at a young age. Who owes you money?"

"No one owes it."

Zhu Zhanyong sat upright and said, "Teacher, if the academy wants to grow, these students have to learn from each other, or they won't be useful."

"Fuck off!"

Fang Xing picked up a whisk, and Zhu Zhanyong took a look and immediately got up and ran.

"When I go back, I will write an article about Lao Tzu, one hundred thousand words, one less, Lao Tzu will let you go to the kitchen to wash the dishes!"

Fang Xing was furious with anger, but couldn't catch up with Zhu Zhanyong, who was agile, and finally had to vent his anger with fine work.

Huang Zhong just came out and saw Fang Xing yelling, he smiled and said, "Uncle, why should I be angry with the princess, he just felt bored in the college."

Fang Xing turned around and said angrily: "Made! Little bastard, even telling me that he can stay in a yard all his life. Gou Ri's is really a human being, much better than his grandson."

Huang Zhongren couldn't help but said, "Although the county prince is serious, he is still a child after all. It is common to tease the teacher."

Fang Xing threw the whisk in, and said seriously, "What does Li Maofang want to do? Can't his family survive?"

A princess, a master, the annual salary and output should be very moisturizing!

Huang Zhong said with a weird expression: "Then Li Maofang has become a little weird since what happened. He likes to go to brothels and Qinhuai River, but later those brothels would not pick up his business by name, so he had to double the money. I heard that money is spent every day like flowing water."

Fang Xing was a little entangled when she heard that, what is the difference between Nima and a group of eunuchs going to the brothel.

As for not accepting his business, it was mostly this Hou Ye's technique that caused those women to suffer.

But money can move the mind, as long as you can afford it, let alone torture.

Guest officer, don't treat my old mother as a person tonight!

So Fang Xing went to find Zhu Zhanji again, but he also didn't know about it.


Liang Zhong had a difficult time some time ago, and Zhu Gaochi was dragged down to pour Yexiang for half a month.

"Serve! Good food!"

In the first fresh beam, it is natural not to be polite, not to mention the big boss of the first fresh sitting opposite him Fang Xing.

Taking advantage of the effort before serving, Fang Xing asked about Li Maofang.

"... How did His Royal Highness agree to this matter?"

Fang Xing really didn't understand that Zhu Gaochi, as the prince, should naturally be a supporter of commercial tax, but he actually agreed to Li Maofang's request.

Liang Zhong touched his bare chin and coughed dryly: "The princess went into the palace to beg, saying that the mansion is unable to make ends meet, and even the child can't make ends meet. What can your Highness do? Why don't you just ignore it?"

"Then Li Maofang wanders around the brothel every day, spending money like water, why didn't Your Highness say this?"

Fang Xing felt that Zhu Gaochi still had the concept of family and the world in his bones. Anyway, the world is surnamed Zhu, so he can toss about it casually.

Liang Zhong smiled bitterly: "Why didn't you say it? Just a few days ago, His Majesty was scolded by His Majesty. The princess went to His Majesty to say a few good things for His Majesty. It's not good to step down!"

Sure enough, she is a powerful woman!

Fang Xing said entangledly: "Why on earth was your Highness reprimanded and restrained?"

This question is not easy to ask Zhu Zhanji, after all, the son does not say that the father has ever lived.

Liang Zhong said awkwardly: "After Master Hu left, His Highness wanted Master Huang... to come out."


Fang Xing said weakly: "Isn't this touching your Majesty's mold? Even if you want to mention it, you shouldn't mention it! What about those courtiers?"

Speaking of this, Liang Zhong was filled with righteous indignation: "Those people who have no eggs, they all say that they dare not go, let's see that they don't want to have another opponent!"

Fang Xing said in surprise: "Huh! Lao Liang, I didn't expect you to have this knowledge, it's rare!"

Liang Zhong said proudly: "How can those nasty thoughts be kept away from our family? After the imperial doctor decided that Hu Guang was not good enough, you didn't see them. Some people jumped up and down, all thinking about getting into your majesty's eyes, but our family sees it. Your Majesty, most of his elders are watching monkey games!"

Fang Xing nodded, Zhu Di's personality is a bit complicated, on the one hand he is irritable, on the other hand he is indifferent. Looking at the people below indifferently, they tried their best to plan, and then he stunned those people with his words.

"Who is behind Li Maofang?"

"Too much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are some honours, and some of the princes. Everyone is looking at fools! Just wait for him, Li Maofang, to hit the bell everywhere, and in the end it is them who will benefit."

When Liang Zhong mentioned Li Maofang, he looked disdainful: "The princess, the son, was abandoned. His Royal Highness also persuaded her to concentrate on teaching her grandson and discipline Li Maofang, but she just ignored her. His son is unparalleled in the world, and it can’t be better."

Fang Xing smiled: "In the eyes of his parents, his own children are naturally good, but they are still obsessed with the princess, and I don't know how much blessing Li Maofang had in his previous life."

Liang Zhong said enviously: "If our family had children and grandchildren, how would they be indulgent like a princess, they would have served with sticks long ago!"

"What about taxes? Has your Highness mentioned it?"

At this time, the dishes began to be served. Fang Xing waited for the dishes to be set, and then confessed: "People are watching outside, don't let people eavesdrop."

The man proudly said, "Master, don't worry, there are people staring at both ends."

Fang Xing nodded, but he had forgotten to make a hole in the room at both ends, and then someone was inside to observe the situation outside.

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