Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 859: Difficulties of reform, bold students

Liang Zhong didn’t just ask about the first fresh thing. After the door was closed, he whispered: “His Royal Highness raised a mouth, but the princess said that if he can make money, he will pay taxes. Can't afford it!"

"This is a temptation!"

Fang Xing raised his glass and said, "The princess's eyelids are too shallow, right? Daming has countless profitable businesses. Does she have to test your Majesty's bottom line?"

Liang Zhong took a sip of wine and squinted his eyes with satisfaction: "You are the one who made trouble. Those princes and princes want to see your majesty's attitude towards commercial taxes. If you can let go, that would be great."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "It's not just them, right? Don't those famous families do business?"

Liang Zhong put down the wine glass and shook his head: "These are currently unmovable, our family advises, whoever moves now is unlucky! I heard that your Majesty has been examining Wang Anshi's reform strategy for several days, and then I didn't hear any movement. Nothing can be done."

Fang Xing ate as usual, but sighed secretly in his heart.

Wang Anshi was ambitious and wanted to restore the decline of the Song Dynasty, but he was finally caught in a party fight.

"Sima Guang!"


Speaking of Wang Anshi, even Xie Jin has a look of admiration.

"The old man used to act frankly, but he is far behind Wang Banshan. The sky has changed, the ancestors are inadequate, and the people are inadequate. What a kind of mind! Compared with him, Sima Guang is nothing more than a clever man! "

Sima Guang's most proud thing was probably that Zi Zhi Tong Jian, so Xie Jin Yin lost his comparison to a knife and penman.

"If it weren't for Pang Ji, how could he have a chance to make a comeback? After all, the so-called moral gentleman is just superficial skill, plus other people's praise."

Fang Xing said with a smile: "If Sima Jun is really devoted to his studies, he can be regarded as a generation of masters. He really wants to set foot in the officialdom. He will not lose his duty in compiling history books and admonitions. It is just... the emperor of the former Song Dynasty. Mind, eventually made him the person who decided the future of the former Song Dynasty."

Xie Jin shook his head and said: "The situation at that time was not the fault of Sima Junshi alone. If you make a mistake, it is that the emperor of the former Song Dynasty lost his backbone. If it is the same as your majesty, the officials below can Dare to be unscrupulous like this?"

Wang Anshi’s Young Miao Law was eventually destroyed by the local officials, while the conservatives just watched the excitement on the sidelines, and even some people secretly stumbled upon them. Sima Guang himself said: All local officials are inhumane, so they are harm to the people!

Based on this, it can be said that it is really unreasonable for the former Song Dynasty to not perish!

Xie Jinhui sighed, "Dehua, you are smart, you are clever, you have a little bit of layout, don't worry."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "If I were to learn from Wang Anshi, I'm afraid that the grass at the head of the grave would be three feet tall."

"Tempt it with profit! This is your advantage."

Xie Jin commented on Fang Xing's influence on Daming.


And Zhu Di was also talking to Zhu Zhanji about Daming's innovation, and he also admired Fang's approach to wake up.

"Fang Dehua is flexible and will take advantage of the situation. Blessed are you!"

What kind of insight Zhu Di, after thinking about it, Fang Xing's methods were naturally invisible.

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "Grandpa Emperor, Xing Hebo's layout in North Korea and Wa has taught his grandson a lot, and he also feels that Ming should be more flexible with foreign nations. Reputation is definitely needed, but it's good. It cannot be less, otherwise the Gentiles will often take advantage, and for a long time, they will only take Daming as a bully!"

Zhu Di touched the paperweight, and sighed: "The harvest of the Japanese kingdom is so great. Xia Yuanji stayed up all night and brought people into the warehouse for inspection. Early in the morning, he hung a pair of dark circles to give me Dao Xi, saying that it was Daming's residence for the next ten years. No need to worry about the library."

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "There are iron and copper mines in Huazhou. Nuer Gandusi will not lack these in the future. Hundreds of thousands of Koreans migrated over. Fengchenghou will naturally take the opportunity to explore forward. , Nuer Gandusi should be renamed the Chief Envoy."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhu Di couldn't help laughing. He remembered that when Zhu Yuanzhang appointed Zhu Yun as his successor, he felt aggrieved.

Zhu Zhanji also felt quite proud, but Fang Xing was his person, who could be praised by Zhu Di, and he was also honored.

Zhu Di took the globe and pointed at the ‘sea line of defense’ and said, “The first line of defense on the sea. I don’t want to hear Fang Dehua’s words. What line of defense does Daming want? Attack! Attack!”

Zhu Di's eyes were piercing, "If there are any foreign ministers who are not ministers, then go and fight! Until all the people in the world regard Daming as their country!"

After seeing the benefits of conquest, not only some civilian officials are changing their positions, but Zhu Di himself is quite excited.

Zhu Zhanji said: "Grandpa Emperor, Daming's population is still not enough!"

If the population is not enough, it is not enough to support Daming's continuous outward expansion.

Zhu Di soothed his beard and said, "Potatoes! With potatoes, the people of Daming don't need to worry about not being able to feed their children. They will have more lives, and the results will be visible in 20 years."

Potatoes are Zhu Di’s greatest confidence at the moment. As long as Daming is not short of food, what Alutai, what is wala, in his eyes is nothing more than a chicken.

But when it comes to this, Zhu Zhanji feels that Zhu Di is a little bit guilty: "Grandpa Emperor, if you talk about this potato, you won't lose money to a Marquis!"

Zhu Di snorted, "Now, what do you give later? Is it to Wang Jue?"

Zhu Zhanji said with a guilty conscience: "Grandpa Emperor, today Xinghe Uncle is starting a class, and my grandson will listen first."

Zhu Di shouted: "Get out of here!"

Zhu Zhanji ran away as soon as he slid. Zhu Di smiled and cursed: "Zhuzi! Just unstable!"

Huang Yan smiled at this time and said: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty is eager to learn. It is rare to see people who are as eager to learn as His Highness in ancient and modern China and abroad!"

Zhu Di smiled slightly, stroking his beard secretly proud.


Fang Xing's classes are scattered, sometimes he even talks about whatever he thinks of.

The students in both classes were crowded in the classroom, all heads at a glance.

Fang Xing didn't need any teaching aids, just empty hands.

The students below all lowered their breaths and watched carefully at this warrior who added two chiefs and several silver hills to Daming.

Young people need role models, and Fang Xing knows this well, so his first word is encouragement.

"I watched your recent studies. It's not bad, and progress is fast!"

"Today I will tell you something about this conquest of North Korea and the country of Japan."

Xie Jin listened in the back and couldn't help smiling when he heard this topic.

These students are too young!

With a sense of urgency, Fang Xing thought of the lessons learned from the reforms of Wang Anshi and other predecessors, so the demands on the students have also increased invisibly.

"The cause of the war between North Korea and the Japanese nation is very simple, but it was a battle for Tsushima Island."

Fang Xing pointed to the big map hung on the blackboard and said: "Tsima Island is at a critical point. If it is controlled by North Korea, the Japanese country will be disturbed day and night, so the two sides have fought a battle~www.wuxiaspot.com~Zhu Zhanji is here. Listening from the back window, Jia Quan was also listening, and listening very carefully.

"Since Daming took back the homeland of Huazhou, North Korea's only outward expansion direction has been the sea, and just across from the sea is the country of Japan..."

"Both sides are preparing. The final start was the North Korean sneak attack, and the Japanese counterattack landed in North Korea as the end. This is because Daming intervened."

"You know what happened afterwards. Daming defeated the Japanese nation in one fell swoop and annexed North Korea, so do you have any questions?"

Fang Xing doesn't like pure indoctrination in class. He prefers to let the students unearth the mysteries hidden in the incident.

A student raised his hand and got Fang Xing's approval. He got up and asked: "Shan Chang, according to your statement, in fact, this series of things all started with Daming taking back Huazhou...?"

This question made Xie Jin's eyes brighten, and the students were in an uproar.

Could it be that this series of things are all controlled by Da Ming behind the scenes?

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