Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 860: Soft first, then hard, first hard and then soft

I made a recommendation. I stayed at the top of the history hotspot for three days. It’s rare, hahahaha!

Chen Mo: Sir, can't you stay for a few more days?

Huang Jinlu disdainfully said: There are great gods behind it! It’s not bad to stay for three days. Would you like to stay for a few more days? Did you go and fool around with the Japanese girl again last night? Playing women are all confused!

Chen Mo murmured: Old Huang, you also ordered this book! Maybe I can stay one more day!

Huang Jinlu blushed and said: What...

The above to amuse everyone...


Fang Xing was also taken aback by this question, and then he smiled and said: "I remember your name is Jiang Hua, and I hope to pass the exam. This is a good question..."

Jiang Hua was only fourteen years old and blushed when he heard the compliments.

Fang Xing pressed his hand to let him sit down, and then said, "There is no need to shy away from this, but I don't want everyone to use it as a source of conversation outside. I don't want students like that."

"North Korea and Zhongyuan are inextricably linked, and the ambition to expand abroad is not small. Of course, Daming has to take the lead and tell them who is the master of this place!"

The students listened quietly, with pride on their faces.

This is nurturing. If the students have no sense of belonging to Daming, Fang Xing feels that Daming has no future.

"North Korea can only expand in two directions. After cutting off the land, the ambitious Li Fangyuan will inevitably start from another direction, that is, the country of Japan."

"And after the Battle of Tsushima, Ashikaga Yoshimochi knew the threat from North Korea, so he had to fight back, otherwise he would not be able to secure the position of general conqueror. This is the most important point. As the actual ruler of the Japanese country, Ashikaga Yoshichi can't tell others, so he has only one way, and that is to go to war with North Korea!"

At this moment Li Ermao raised his hand and Fang Xing nodded.

Li Ermao stood up and said, "Shanchang, in fact, the two countries are fighting each other, but Daeming pushed it forward. But what if King Joseon's family still exists?"

Gou Ri's!

Fang Xing said with a smile on his face: "The King of Joseon's family...It was God's will. It was murdered by the gangsters of Xiao Xiaojiao in collusion with Japanese pirates. Do you understand?"

Li Ermao bowed and said, "Students understand."

Jia Quan whispered behind Zhu Zhanji: "His Royal Highness, Xing He Bo actually admitted it?"

Zhu Zhanji nodded. He had high hopes for this group of students. If the problem is superficial, he will only be disappointed.

"As the most powerful country in the region, Daming can naturally lay out according to his own ideas and gain benefits. There is no need to feel guilty."

"The struggle between nations has never required gentlemen and moralists. What is needed is strategy, and what is needed is continuous improvement of Daming's strength. This is the kingly way."

Fang Xing said this vaguely, and finally concluded: "It is necessary to become famous, but excuses are easy to find. After the Japanese and North Koreans, everyone will be able to see that a chain of islands is blocking the Ming Dynasty. In front of him, the enemy's invasion from the sea was completely blocked."

"It is nothing to use some means for this, even if there is no excuse, can you not do it? This is the second point I want to tell you, in the face of national interests, you can have no face!"

"There are tens of thousands of methods. The most important thing is to achieve the goal. If you can be soft, you will be soft, and if you can't, you will be both soft and hard. Remember one sentence, there are always more ways than difficulties!"

Fang Xing said with satisfaction: "You are very lucky to exist in the Yongle period. No matter what your life is, at least you don’t have to worry about being ravaged by foreign races. Daming is running on an ascending road, and I, as your mountain leader, hope to be there. Seeing you in the running crowd, fight for happiness and peace for future generations!"

Fang Xing flashed, and Li Ermao recorded a long story, all of which he had learned from Fang Xing's obscure words.

Zhu Zhanyong walked behind him and took a look, then sneered: "Er Mao, what is first soft and then hard, first hard and then soft, have you been to Qinhuai River?"

Li Ermao turned around to see Zhu Zhanyong, and said, "The prince, these are just some of my insights."

Zhu Zhanyong was interested in Li Ermao, the hardest worker in the academy, and asked, "What do you mean by this?"

Li Ermao said loudly: "First soft and then hard, that is, courteous and then pawn, first strategy, then action. And first hard and then soft, that is first deterrence, and then give the opponent a step down, this is first **** and then courtesy, to deal with the villain The country is the most effective."

There will be a quarter of an hour break in the middle of each class, so the students will go to the latrine or stroll outside.

After hearing what Li Ermao said, most of the students stopped, and then someone asked, "Ermao, which category do North Korea and Wa country belong to?"

Li Ermao sternly said: "North Korea belongs to the courts before the soldiers, that is, strategy plays a big role. This is because North Korea is weak. And the Japanese country belongs to the soldiers before the courts. They invaded North Korea. This is an infringement on Daming, and of course it is a direct attack. , And then clean up from the beginning. If you want to be soft, you will be soft, and the suppression will be suppressed!"

"In Daming's hands, we can do it whatever we want!"

Li Ermao's lips pressed tightly, and he looked awe-inspiring.

Xie Jin, who was walking behind, nodded slightly, went out to catch up with Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji, and said with a smile: "That Li Ermao has some meaning."

Fang Xing said: "This kind of thing is the best I can comprehend, and blindly instill it. In the end, it is mostly a half-hearted, only knowing the application case."

"First soft and then hard, first hard and then soft..."

Zhu Zhanji chewed on this summary and nodded: "Although it's a bit big and changed, it still has some insights."

Fang Xing smiled and said: "Soft and hard are civil and military, literary is strategic layout, and military is military. Li Ermao is good."

Germany in World War II had a difficult layout before the war started, and this was the only way to be proud of Europe.

Therefore, strategy and military have never existed separately, and both are indispensable!

Of course, if it was the later Queen Mother, Lafayette, it would be another matter.

Going to war with the whole world, the Lafayette is indeed a masterpiece!


Li Maofang moved quickly. After Fang Xing came out of Fang Xing's house, the store had everything, and immediately began to decorate and remodel.

"What shall we call it?"

Li Maofang stood in front of this two-story building a little tangled.

It was the Fuyang Marquis who was unlearned and unskilled, but no one dared to point it out, so Li Maofang was left to struggle there for a long time.

"Under the east fence of picking chrysanthemums, I can see Nanshan leisurely, the mountains are beautiful every day and the evening, and the birds are returning. There is a true meaning in this, and I have forgotten to distinguish."

At this time, a scholar passed by with his hand in hand, and when he heard the poem he chanted, Li Maofang's eyes lit up, and his hands snapped, "Yes!"

"Picking chrysanthemum..."

When the entourage heard the name, his face suddenly couldn't be stretched.

"Caiju...Caiju! Hmm! This time is really talented! Just Caiju!"

The entourage had a face of earthy color, and after hearing that it was a gathering of wealth, he was relieved.


Caiju...Oh no, it's Cai Jicheng that is undergoing renovation, and the competition for Hu Guang's successor has also entered a fierce battle.

Yang Rong was very leisurely and even came to Fang's house, saying that he wanted to see the cute little potatoes.

Potatoes are of course cute, so they struggled when being held by Fang Xing.

"If you make trouble tonight, don't want to eat good food!"

Fang Xing threatened ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tudou slumped on his chest, muttering: "Father, bad silver!"

"Little Magic Star!"

In order to get acquainted with Tudou as soon as possible, Fang Xing carried Zhang Shuhui on his back and provided some snacks to Tudou every night.

The effect of this method is very good. Within a few days, the potato is called daddy very smoothly, and he can be hugged.

"Dehua, this is as easy as a wild crane!"

Yang Rong carried a wooden puppy in his hand and smiled at the potato.

Tudou frowned and looked at the wooden dog, and suddenly shouted, "Dangdang!"

Damn it!

Fang Xing quickly greeted Yang Rong into the lobby.

Just when Yang Rong felt inexplicable, a roar came...

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