Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 861: Refined bells, dangerous potatoes

Potato was very proud and giggled.

Accompanied by this laughter, the bell rushed violently.


After seeing Fang wake up, the speed of the bell reduced, and then he put all his feet on the brakes on the ground.

But after it saw Yang Rong, instantly, its back arched, its eyes were sharp, its front paws were swinging in tandem, eager to flutter.

"Bell! Go back!"

Fang Xing shouted, but the bell was roaring at Yang Rong, the sound from his throat was reminiscent of killing.

Yang Rong was forced by the bell, and said with a dry smile: "Dehua, your dog has killed a thief!"

Fang Xing saw the bell and didn't buy it, and said helplessly: "Yes, but someone can clean it up."

Speaking of Fang Xing and putting the potatoes on the ground, the kid ran over staggeringly, grabbed Bell's neck, and giggled.

Bell's roar stopped, just standing, letting Potato toss himself.

"Master Yang, please."

Fang Xing stretched his finger to the front hall, Yang Rong pointed to Tudou and said, "Where is the child?"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Bells naturally have their own ways."

As he was talking, Bell lowered his head, bit the potato's clothes, flicked his head, and ran to the inner courtyard with his mouth holding the potatoes.

Potato hugged Bell's neck with his hands, and laughed all the way.

Yang Rong looked stunned, "Dehua, is your dog mature?"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Almost."

"Fang Xing"

Hearing this voice, Fang Xing smiled bitterly: "The princess is here."

Yang Rong smiled and said, "This is good for family members!"

These words were very meaningful, Fang Xing smiled and said, "I dare not call the family a good one, but it is no utilitarianism."

We won't wake up, and don't bother to get close to the Prince's family in this way!

I haven't seen it for half a year. Wanwan grew a lot taller, but she still stood in front of Fang Xing with a smile, and Yang Rong was ignored by her.

Fang Xing frowned slightly, looking at the person wearing a light pink dress, Wan Wan said, "Where's mother?"

There was no one behind Wanwan. She also frowned and said, "At the door, Sister Zhang said she was going to go shopping in the city. It was a spring outing."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "The weather is good today, it's suitable for a trip, you all go."


Wanwan slipped into the inner courtyard.

Yang Rong remembered what Fang Xing had just said, so he took a sip from his teacup and took the opportunity to sort out his thoughts.

Is Fang Xing mocking me? Still admonishing me!

Don't use nepotism to make trouble!

It was just a moment, when the teacup was put down, Yang Rong smiled and said: "Don't hide from Dehua, the old man has hesitated recently, it's all fame and fortune."

Yang Rong seems to be calm and low-key recently, and people who don't know think that this person is indifferent to fame and fortune.

But Fang Xing knew that there was no one who could be indifferent to fame and fortune in this world.

If there is, then it can definitely be called holy!

Therefore, the appearance is indifferent, the heart is worried, this is the true portrayal of Yang Rong.

Fang Xing covered the teacup with his hand, feeling the hotness, and said faintly: "Today's Majesty must be on top, watching with cold eyes."

Don't need to talk too much, Fang Xing has done his best.

Yang Rong got up and smiled: "The old man already knows it, but I still have to listen to it from your mouth to feel relieved. That's it, I still read the sage's book in vain!"

Fang Xing smiled and arched his hands: "People who are not addicted can not be with each other, Fang will naturally understand."

Yang Rong arched his hands and said: "Dehua is elegant, the old man knows."

After Yang Rong was sent away, Zhang Shuhui came out with the potatoes in her arms, while Xiao Bai was more tragic and needed to rest at home.

"My husband, don't worry, my concubine has already agreed to Xiaobai, and I will let her pick a place next year."

Fang Xing smiled bitterly: "The little girl is acting like a baby, but you are wronged."

Zhang Shuhui smiled and said, "What's the problem? Just treat it as raising a girl."

The two smiled relatively, making Wanwan a little depressed, and shouted, "Go away!"

It's almost early summer, and the summer in Jinling is not something ordinary people can bear, so there are many people traveling by the tail of spring.

Zhang Shuhui wanted to go straight to Mochou Lake, but Fang Xing thought that she had been staying at home for more than half a year, so she said she wanted to go to the city and stroll around.

Jinling City has changed a lot in the past few years, business is gradually showing signs of recovery, and the flow of people is like weaving.

Tudou pointed out from the car and called out, "Mother, go! Go!"

Zhang Shuhui shook her head, and Tudou shouted at Fang Xing who was riding outside: "Father! Father!"

Fang Xing lowered his head and asked, "What are the potatoes doing?"

Tudou pointed outside with an anxious look on his face: "Go! Go!"

Fang Xing laughed and said, "Shuhui, come down, and take advantage of the good weather to stroll around, and buy some cream powder or something."

Zhang Shuhui hesitated for a while, but Wanwan was tinkering with her: "Sister Zhang, let's go down. After sitting in the car for a long time, Wanwan will fall apart."

After getting out of the car, Mother Qin hugged the potatoes, and Mother Deng followed behind, while Fang Xing was sandwiched by two women, one large and one small, and it was pure labor.

On a spring trip, apricot blossoms fly all over the head.

The apricot blossoms are gone, and some are just the scorching sun.

After visiting five garment shops and three powder shops, Zhang Shuhui is finally satisfied.

"Husband, let's go quickly."

Zhang Shuhui pursed her lips ashamed when she saw that Fang Xing had already carried a lot of things in her hands.

Why! The woman's family is really a natural purchasing mad!

"Next! Next!"

At this time, Tudou became impatient and struggled to get to the ground. Fang Xing saw it and said, "Let him down and lead him."

Mother Qin hesitated for a while, and finally put the potatoes down. The little kid immediately became happy and ran away.


Wanwan also followed out ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and shouted with a change of face.

Suddenly, Grandma Deng disappeared from Zhang Shuhui's side.

Fang Xing rushed out a few steps, just in time to see Mother Qin blocking the two men with her back, and Tudou still smiled under her protection without knowing the danger.

The two men grabbed Mother Qin's shoulder, and the other was about to walk around.

And Mother Deng appeared at this time, even a little faster than the knife.

The man who came around saw the potato, and Mother Qin was pulled back by her shoulder, and she fell backwards holding him.

Reaching out, the man believed that he could grab the potatoes.

Tudou thought it was playing and kept smiling.

The light flickered, and a blood flower spurted out of the man's shoulder. Mother Deng had taken the sword into its sheath and supported Mother Qin.

"Broken silver!"

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