Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 868: Fang Xing said many words, some people want to be unlucky

Chapter 868

"Zhan Ki?"

When Zhu Gaoxu was not paying attention to the potato, he touched his cheek and said with a smile: "The day before yesterday, he entered the palace. It seemed that he had invited an imperial doctor to take care of his body at home."

"Huh! The last time I saw you was fine, why did you ask an imperial doctor for some reason?"

Zhu Gaoxu frowned and said: "I heard that this kid got some good venison, let's go have a meal!"


The gatekeeper of Taisun's Mansion saw Zhu Gaoxu's face and didn't need to say anything, so he hurriedly called Yu Jia to come to treat him.

Yu Jia came here with trepidation, and when she saw Fang Xing was there, she let out a sigh of relief.

"My lord, uncle, please come inside, my lord will be here soon."

Zhu Gaoxu frowned and said: "Young and slow, what is he doing in the mansion? Isn't he playing with women?"

Yu Jia's face was wrinkled and she didn't dare to reply.

Fang Xing coughed dryly: "Maybe something is going on, let's go and see the venison first."

Yu Jia got the score as soon as he heard it, and went directly over Zhu Zhanji to call the shots: "Oh! There is venison, good quality, and some velvet antler. Lord, if you think it’s good, you can bring it back. It’s good to help you."

Zhu Gaoxu said impatiently: "What body to make up? This king's body is very good! Go! Get a grill, and today this king wants to drink."

Fang Xing said bitterly, "Master, it's still early! Drinking at this hour makes me dizzy all day."

At this time, he was in the front hall. Zhu Gaoxu did not go in, but pointed to the stone table in the yard and said: "Here, hurry up, set the fire up and bring out the good wine."

Fang Xing knew that once the prince's interest came, no one could stop it, and before Yu Jia was about to be scolded, he said, "Hurry up."

Just then Zhu Zhanji came over, and after seeing the ceremony, he ordered: "Go get some venison, and the soaked wine, get more."

The three of them sat down at the stone table, and Zhu Gaoxu said impatiently: "Look at your pale face. In the future, you will play less with women and train your muscles and bones more. Don't learn from your father. All of them have been broken by civil servants, and you can't help but feel weak! "

What can Zhu Zhanji, who has dark skin, say?

This is an elder, he can only answer with a wry smile to himself.

Fang Xing didn't like the taste of roasted venison very much. He ate a small piece and ordered roast chicken.

"Poor health?"

Zhu Gaoxu had already started drinking, and Fang Xing asked in a low voice.

Zhu Zhanji shook his head and said: "Brother Dehua, for the Shenyang matter, the younger brother was scolded by the emperor's grandfather, so he stayed at home for a few days."

Did Lao Zhu smoke?

Fang Xing felt that it was mostly smoked, and he actually scolded Zhu Zhanji for Shenyang!

Drinking in the morning, it is a challenge for the other party to wake up, so he sneaks and rapes and finally keeps his sobriety.

Zhu Gaoxu was also satisfied, got up and greeted people to prepare to pack.

The packer hadn't returned yet, but a maid came with a baggage in his hand.

"His Royal Highness, the princess Taisun heard that Xinghebo was here, so she arranged some gifts and said they were for Mrs. Xinghebo and potatoes."

Fang Xing was about to thank, but another maid came and brought two burdens.

"When Sun Bi heard that His Royal Highness He Xinghe Bo was here, he said that although his status was low, he was still very impressed, so he prepared some small gifts..."

Fang Xing looked at Zhu Zhanji with a little entanglement. Judging from the gifts he prepared, it was really a judgement!

Sun's gifts are all-encompassing, but Hu, as the princess, missed Zhu Gaoxu.

That girl is not stupid!

Zhu Gaochi waved his hand nervously: "I don't want a woman's gift, let's go!"

Fang Xing drew behind, Zhu Gaoxu was not wordy, knowing that he and Zhu Zhanji had something to say, so he got on the horse and left.

After Zhu Gaoxu left, Fang Xing said depressed: "Who is in charge of your mansion?"

"Yu Jia!"

"Where is the inner courtyard?"

Fang Xing asked with suspicion.

Zhu Zhanji said in a puzzled way: "Hu's is in charge, and a few mothers help to line up."

There was some dissatisfaction in this tone, and I thought he had only prepared Fang Xing's gift for the Hu family, and Zhu Gaoxu was secretly annoyed by the omission.

This baby still doesn't understand the twists and turns of the inner courtyard!

Fang Xing's inner courtyard is simple, but sometimes Zhang Shuhui will use some careful calculations, which can be regarded as a kind reminder to Fang Xing by the head of the inner courtyard.

"Does Shenyang have other backgrounds?"

Fang Xingshen asked Shenyang at a turning point, and Zhu Zhanji thought for a while: "No, it's half of my family's son."


Fang Xing suddenly thought of a possibility, and his whole body was chilly!

"I'm going back, don't worry about this, just think about it carefully."

Fang Xing felt it was best to let go.

Zhu Zhanji nodded blankly, his trust in Zhu Di made him never think of the reason for this.

Before leaving, Fang Xing hesitated and said casually: "Since the Hu family is in charge of the inner courtyard, somehow you should put some trusted people to help her!"

Zhu Zhanji sent Fang Xing away, frowning and calling Yu Jia.

"Who is around Hu?"

When Yu Jia reported the names of several eunuchs, Zhu Zhanji suddenly realized!

"All go back! Where did you go back! You let the bird's tail go to Hu's side to wait, and then pick a few powerful ones, and go steadily, and those mothers, all deduct three months of monthly money, Tell them, not as an example!"

Yu Jia was dumbfounded when she heard the words, but didn't dare to refute, so she agreed.

After Zhu Zhanji left, Yu Jia asked the people present.

"The Concubine Taisun gave a gift to Uncle Xinghe and missed His Royal Highness."

Yu Jia looked at the sky speechlessly, and muttered: "What's the matter! Doing a ghost in front of Xing He Bo, don't they know that Xing He Bo values ​​Concubine Taisun?"

Yu Jia knew that Fang Xing was not very cold with Sun, but she admired Hu, and even gave a gift with good meaning to the wedding.

But Fang Xing from Sun's place assumed that there was no such person.

Although Fang Xing couldn't interfere with Zhu Zhanji's inner courtyard, he could click a sentence at a critical moment, which was a hundred times more powerful than those people's small movements.


Hu Shanxiang was a little confused, watching Yu Jia's angry face let people pull out the eunuchs whom she had always considered good, just outside the hall, convening people to watch and play the board.

This must be what Zhu Zhanji meant, so Hu Shanxiang just frowned slightly, trying to persuade him.

But when Yu Jia spoke, she knew it was not easy.

Looking at the people who were waiting for the Hu family, Yu Jia said faintly: "Everyone must remember. By your Royal Highness's side, you can't tolerate anything inside and out. Remember it! Fight!"

"Puff puff!"

Hu Shanxiang sat inside, his face pale.

At this time, Quewei came in with a few eunuchs, and the maids and the maids were all in front of him when they saw him.

What a handsome eunuch!

"His Royal Highness ordered that the servants and others will wait here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hu Shanxiang nodded, I don't know why.

After the board outside was finished, I heard Yu Jia shouting: "Come here, send them all back!"

Everyone present knows that these eunuchs have been accounted for in their entire lives.

Being beaten by Zhu Zhanji means a mistake, and being sent back means a big mistake.

"What did they do?"

Hu Shanxiang finally couldn't help asking.

The bird's tail leaned over and said, "Concubine Taisun, there is also His Royal Highness in front of you today."


Hu Shanxiang was sad in an instant, his eyes flushed.

Upon seeing this, Bird Tail persuaded: "Princess Taisun doesn't need to be sad, those people have been bought."

Not for the benefit of others, who would dare to fool his master?

Recently, Zhu Zhanji often went to Sun's side. The eunuchs thought, according to Hu Shanxiang's disposition and Zhu Zhanji's impatience, there must be no one to bother about this matter.

But who ever thought that Fang Xing said something more, this matter will make a big deal.

Immediately there was news that a concubine was being punished, and Hu Shanxiang was not sad anymore, it was just indifferent and indifferent.

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