Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 869: Help from Fang's family

Chapter 869

Fang Xing's attention was a little less concentrated, and he slid around in the inner courtyard holding Tudou for a while, until Tudou pulled his chin so much that he became sober.

"Father! Father!"

Tudou was already super impatient, but Fang Xing's chin without a beard pulled him, otherwise he would have to show his skills today.

"Smelly boy!"

Fang Xing moved his chin with a grin, and saw Zhang Shuhui guarding the side with a worried expression on her face.

"I'm fine."

Fang Xing put the potatoes down and held them with a smile: "I forgot to give some gifts to the princess grandson. That girl is a pitiful girl. She was bullied in that backyard."

Zhang Shuhui said in surprise: "She's a concubine! Who dares to bully her? Could it be that her grandson didn't show her face?!"

Fang Xing couldn't help feeling that for Zhang Shuhui's keenness...

"Something like that."

Zhang Shuhui said angrily: "It doesn't look like Taisun looks like someone who dotes on his concubine and destroys his wife, but I didn't expect...that's all, the concubine will go here."

"Mother! Mother!"

Tudou was unwilling to follow Fang Xing in circles, so he yelled and followed.

Fang woke up from the inner courtyard and talked to Huang Zhong in the study.

"Your Majesty is afraid that he is disappointed with Jin Yiwei."

Huang Zhong was taken aback, and then said: "The most is to clean up, Shenyang is probably a reason for your majesty."


Fang Xing remembered something, but he was not sure.

"Your Majesty may start anew."

Fang Xing felt that Lao Zhu's sense of insecurity was too strong, but the sense of security of the emperors of the past dynasties was lacking.

"In the future, the Sihai Fair will not only deal with the business, but also the students of the academy. Don't take care of other things. As long as it doesn't affect us, let them do it."

Fang Xing is here to take precautions, and Zhang Shuhui has arrived at Taisun's house with a gift.

"My wife specially ordered that this gift is for the concubine Taisun, don't give it to the wrong person, then everyone's face is not good."

Mother Qin also came out of the palace, so she naturally hated Yu Jia and other eunuchs.

Yu Jia smiled bitterly: "How dare you, or just send it in by yourself?"

"My wife is in the car!"

Mother Qin was very grateful for the other party when she woke up, thinking that he was a nostalgic person, so she called the two wives to pick up things, and held Zhang Shuhui with her head upright to Hu Shanxiang's.

In the palace at this time, Zhu Di was questioning.

"Who is more reliable among the li supervisors?"

Huang Yan, as the boss of the Superintendent of Rites, hesitated for a while, filtered the people close to him, and then reported a few names.

Zhu Di gave a hum, and there was no more text, making Huang Yan's heart numb, wishing to know who had such good luck right away.

So after returning to the Superintendent of Li, Huang Yan put on a very tired look, and called the few people he had just told Zhu Di into the room.

Sun Xiang is not on the list. As the third person in charge of the Li Supervisor, his relationship with Huang Yan is not very good.

"A bunch of **** goods!"

After everyone was gone, Sun Xiang couldn't help taking a sip, his white and beardless face was full of hideousness.

Huang Yan, let's watch you jump around. After the crown prince takes the throne, our family can't kill you!

In fact, the fighting within the eunuchs is more severe, and the methods are more vicious and vicious.

After the few people came out with a grateful look, Sun Xiang had recovered his peace and looked like a Buddha statue.

"Sun Fo, I'll be partial to you when I wait for something to happen today."

Several eunuchs smiled happily, and Sun Xiang nodded, and continued to deal with affairs without expression.

His emotions were invisible, and he stood still, so the people in the palace called him Sun Fo.

Huang Yan walked out of the room slowly, looked at Sun Xiang with dignity, and said triumphantly: "Someone invites wine today, Sun Xiang, can you come?"

Sun Xiang put down his pen and said, "Thank you, Mr. Huang, for your kindness, but our family doesn't drink. It's offended."

Huang Yan snorted coldly, and said disdainfully after going out: "Let's see that you are toasting and not eating fine wine!"


Hu Shanxiang didn't expect Fang Xing's support to come so quickly. At the moment she saw Zhang Shuhui, she was in the backyard, and she almost broke into tears without any relatives.

"I have seen the princess grandson."

Because there was a princess in front, Zhu Zhanji took the initiative to remove the title of empress grandson, and both inside and outsiders called Hu Shanxiang the princess grandson.

This is filial piety, and Hu Shanxiang also thinks it is appropriate.

"Mrs. Xinghe Bo, please sit down."

Hu Shanxiang's face showed the first smile of the day, which made the bird's tail relax a bit.

Your Highness, although the Sun family is good, you have to take care of your concubine Taisun's face!

Zhang Shuhui smiled and said: "My husband came home and told his concubine about being a guest in the mansion today. In the end, he brought the gift back with a bag. He didn't know that he blushed, so the concubine came quickly. It will last long!"

There was something in these words, the bird's tail shook his body, and when he looked up, he saw a comprehensible smile on Hu Shanxiang's face.

No one has no regrets. The isolated and helpless Hu Shanxiang just chose to avoid, avoiding the indifference and pride.

Now Fang Xing sent support through Zhang Shuhui, just to tell her that you are not alone!

"Mrs. Xing He Bo is polite. His Royal Highness often talks about Xing He Bo. It can be seen that the two families should be very kind..."

Zhang Shuhui couldn't help feeling sympathy and pity when seeing the desertedness in the room.

Do evil!

After talking and laughing, Zhang Shuhui got up and left after expressing the Fang family's position.

After Zhang Shuhui left, someone sorted out the gifts she had brought, and was shocked.

"Princess Taisun, look at..."

Hu Shanxiang was looking at the window in a daze, and turned around when he heard the words.


A mirror higher than Hu Shanxiang was carefully supported by two eunuchs at this moment.

The mirror is edging in solid wood, and there is a base underneath, which can be fixed on the ground with nails.


"This is a treasure!"

A court lady could not help exclaiming when she saw the other Hu Shanxiang in the mirror.

Who has seen such a clear mirror?

Who has seen such a big mirror?

Damn it!

Several eunuchs looked at each other, and the alarm bells rang in their hearts.

Is Xing He Bo here to reach out to support the Taisun concubine?

Will this be over?

The girl in the mirror has a slight sadness between her brows, her expression indifferent.


Fang Xing was called into the palace. He thought it was Zhu Di looking for him, but he didn't expect it to be Huang Yan.

Outside the Superintendent of Li, Huang Yan looked a little proud of the spring breeze. As soon as the two met, he smiled and said, "Uncle Xinghe, let's drive to Beiping next to the Sihai Bazaar."

Fang Xing's heart slammed, and he became more clear and enlightened. He said coldly: "Bun Bo doesn't have the most people in the Four Seas Bazaar~www.wuxiaspot.com~you go find someone."

Huang Yanran: "Uncle Xinghe, don't abandon your business for private purposes, aren't you in charge of specific things?"

Fang Xing frowned and said, "As much as you take, you should bear the great responsibility. You should look for those who take more money!"

You don't give face? !

Huang Yanyin said: "Xing He Bo, this matter cannot tolerate you to shirk!"

Fang Xing saw an **** coming out of it, and said, "Don’t take the chicken feathers as an arrow. Your Majesty has the world in mind, and you will never act like this, Huang Yan, you said that Ben and you should go to your Majesty’s to face each other. ?"

Huang Yan's face was gloomy and said: "Xing He Bo, don't make mistakes!"

Fang Xing glanced at the eunuch, and said, "Fang's dignified Guochao Xing and uncle, can you be a castr who can make your fingertips? Go to Nima!"

He actually cursed! ! !

Huang Yan clutched her chest, feeling a little difficult to breathe!

"That's the teacher of His Royal Highness Taisun, Duke Huang can relax a little bit!"

Sun Xiang passed by with a casual smile, and then his voice floated. Huang Yan was so angry that Huang Yan hurriedly called for an imperial doctor.

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