Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 870: Man, be cruel to yourself

Chapter 870 Man, Be Cruel to Oneself

"Your Majesty intends to start anew!"

Back home, Fang Xing summoned to learn about Jin and Huang Zhong, and said disdainfully: "Huang Yan's move is probably a test. After all, the Four Seas Bazaar is very profitable. The eunuch's eyes are hot and want to intervene!"

Xie Jin caressed his beard and said: "Your Majesty's move... Hey! Stacking the bed frame house! Why bother! To do so!"

Huang Zhong said thoughtfully: "Your Majesty's move is probably to double supervision."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "If Huang Yan hadn't barked, I wouldn't be interested in taking care of it. You haven't seen Huang Yan's face today, hahahaha!"

Xie Jin looked at Fang Wake with his cheek in his hand, and felt that this person was deep for a while, and hearty for a while, it was really incomprehensible!

Huang Zhong said lightly: "Uncle, the distress of Master Yang..."

Fang Xing's laughter stopped abruptly and turned into a wry smile: "If someone who hopes to sit in that seat, if he can't do a show, probably..."

"Probably the same as the old man."

Xie Jin laughed at himself: "The old man didn't know how to act, he committed sins!"

Huang Zhong also sighed: "Unexpectedly, Master Yang would also play with you, uncle, it is really depressing!"

Fang Xing thought for a while, and suddenly said, "Go and ask the people in the stable, there was something unusual that day."

Yang Rong bluntly said that he was being calculated that day, so Fang Xing ignored something.

Huang Zhong went out for a long time before coming back, his expression bleak.

"Uncle, Master Yang has already hinted us, but we all thought the problem was outside, so we didn't check our home."

"Who is at home?"

Fang Xing's eyes were cold and severe, and his voice was murderous.

J? Even if it was an order from Zhu Di himself, as long as he cooperated, Fang Xing vowed that he would slowly concoct him in the days to come.

Huang Zhong shook his head and said: "That day, the coachman of the Yang family asked for some lees to mix with grass fodder to feed the horses. The inside was drugged. After returning, there was a little left. The basin was still in the corner. The people in the stable just went to find Here, I took a closer look and found the kind of medicine that can make the horses gradually excited."

"Who gave the medicine?"

Fang Xing's heart gradually had some guesses.

Huang Zhong shook his head and said, "It should be the coachman from Mr. Yang who had dropped it himself."


Fang Xing couldn't help but cursed, only to feel chills in his back.

He took a look at it, and both of them had the same meaning in their eyes.

"Master Yang is telling us that he has difficulties, but he is not willing to cheat the Fang family, so he left a clue."

Fang Xing was speechless, and said for a while: "Who would have thought that it was his own hand, but to be honest, Lao Yang was cruel to him! At such a fast speed, he had to go to the Yincao Difu to take over if he was not careful."

Xie Jin smiled and said, "Yang Rong is taking his life in exchange! It must be him this time!"

Huang Zhong said: "So...the officials who are still impeaching Master Yang, aren't they...just as villains?"

"No, no, no!"

Xie Jin knows these things better, and he said: "Even if Yang Rong goes up, those who should be impeached will still be impeached. Of course, there is another method, such as recommending Yang Rong to serve as the liquor for the Imperial College."


Mrs. Xing Hebo gave a treasure to the princess grandson, which can be said to be an unparalleled treasure in the world!

The news spread throughout the Taisun Mansion in an instant.

Zhu Zhanji has a lot of women, so the sourness immediately permeated the entire Taisun Mansion.

Sun pulled his handkerchief and said with a smile: "Surely there is someone taller?"

The **** who came to tell the case smiled flatly and said: "It's not just that, how tall a person is, the whole person is clearly photographed, even the hair... the slave and maid are guilty."

"Reward him."

Sun's faintly ordered that after the eunuch's thankfulness left, his face turned pale.

"What does Fang Xing mean?"

The confidant maid whispered: "Is it supporting Hu's waist?"

"It must be!"

Sun passed the handkerchief to the maid, and a cloud of smoke rose up in the room.


Zhu Zhanji was dumbfounded. He was always outside, not knowing what had happened, until he was called to the East Palace by his own wife.

The crown prince glanced at Zhu Zhanji and saw that he was not thin, and then said: "You are the grandson, not the dude of a businessman."

This was a serious remark, and Zhu Zhanji immediately knelt on the ground to apologize.

The crown prince sighed: "Look at your father, no matter what it is, you will never let other women climb on my head. This is a sense of measure! Do you have any?"

Zhu Zhanji immediately thought of Hu Shanxiang, thinking that she was suing, so he raised his head and said: "Mother, the child doesn't..."

"Brother, what a big mirror!"

At this moment, Wanwan came out from the inside, happily, behind her two palace figures, carefully supporting the big mirror to come out.

"Hi...Is this from Xing Hebo?"

The prince nodded and said: "Yes or not, Mrs. Xing Hebo gave it to the Hu family, but the Hu family didn't dare to enjoy it, so she sent it here. What do you mean by Mrs. Xing Hebo's move?"

Zhang Shuhui and the prince are considered to be half of their best friends, so Zhu Zhanji will understand after thinking about it.

This is fighting injustice for Hu Shanxiang!

"Taking people as a mirror, we can know gains and losses, and history as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall, and don’t behave arbitrarily!"

The princess had a good impression of Hu Shanxiang, so she was a little angry.

Take copper as a lesson, you can get dressed!

This mirror is many times clearer than a bronze mirror and has many meanings.

Seeing sweat on Zhu Zhanji's forehead, he thought of another meaning and said: "Mother, Xing He and Uncle are afraid it is a misunderstanding."

Hu Shanxiang was fooled by the people around him. He thought he handled the matter in a timely and effective manner. Why would he send a mirror when he woke up?

Seeing the confusion on his face, the princess couldn't help but shout: "The woman in the inner house is not as clean as you think! That means is not much better than that of the palace, you can use snacks!"

Zhu Zhanji said dejectedly: "Mother, the concubine who instigated him was punished by the child, isn't that enough?"


The princess was so angry that she gritted her silver teeth and waved her hand: "Let's go to Fang's house and see, don't let Xing He Bo think you are an innocent person."

Zhu Zhanji got up and went out and met his father at the door.

Zhu Gaochi shook his head and sighed: "The family can't manage~www.wuxiaspot.com~How will you manage Daming in the future?"

Entering the hall, Zhu Gaochi said in a awe-inspiring manner: "These people should be punished severely in order to behave like you. Zhanji is still weak."

"Really? The concubine feels just right!"

The prince said with a smile but a smile: "With friendship and nostalgia, Zhanji is better than many people."

"Father, Wanwan wants to go to Fang's house to play!"

After listening to her for a long time, Wanwan had already lost her mind. Seeing that her father was coming, she took the opportunity to behave like a coquettish and go out.

Zhu Gaochi was pondering what the princess had said, and when he heard the words, he said casually: "Go go, go with your eldest brother."

With a cheer, Wanwan greeted her shrimp soldiers and crabs to run away, making the prince a little confused.

"The concubine was as carefree as Wanwan back then!"

Zhu Gaochi salivated his face and said, "A good wife must have been extremely well-behaved when she was young."

The crown prince smiled and sighed: "The Hu family is a good one, but he doesn't fight, doesn't scheming, and is played between applause."

Zhu Gaochi said disapprovingly: "Well, women, let them make trouble, can it turn the sky upside down?"

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