Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 875: Starting from a young official, Masu who gave up scientific research

Chapter 875

Fang Xing said innocently: "Your Majesty, I don't know the minister!"

Nima! Who knew that the reporter would conceal the ins and outs of this matter?

If Zhu Diji hated this because of this, Fang Xing would prepare the family to move to the border, Ma Dan! Stop dealing with this gang of Ziyin people.

Will Sun Xiang be confused at this point?

Ha ha!

Sun Xiang was already going crazy, and the first shot of the East Factory was smashed. Will Zhu Di still trust him in the future?

Huang Yan!

Sun Xiang glanced at the calm Huang Yan: You old dog, actually said that your Majesty is in a very good mood today.

But this is true!

It's your Sun Xiang who figured out your Majesty's mind, and didn't dare to disturb his mood with such ruinous things, blame me!

Zhu Di narrowed his eyes slightly and said faintly: "Let's go away!"

Fang Xing tangled out with the officials, Zhu Di's face behind him was pale, his eyes locked on Sun Xiang.


Zhu Di was too frustrated, and this frustration was sent by the **** of the Dongchang Palm Seal who had just appointed him.

The chief **** looked at the incoming guards blankly, and then glanced at Huang Yan.

Huang Yan frowned and cast a sympathetic look at Sun Xiang, and then sighed insignificantly.

Sun Xiang just gritted his teeth, did not beg for mercy, did not cry, and was dragged out.

The sound of hitting the board came, and Zhu Di didn't even hear it, but just looked outside with a faint look...


"Xing He Bo is really chivalrous!"

Jin Youzi caught up with Fang Xing and said in praise.

Xia, your sister!

When Fang Xing was depressed, he said faintly: "Master Jin and you adults are participating in the grand event today. It is indeed Wei Zheng's second! Fang Mou admires it!"

Jin Youzi smiled: "There is nothing wrong, but it's not easy for those border residents, and they can't let their heart of serving the country be cold!"

Fang Xing said haha, "Your Majesty must have been sighing at Lord Jin for his loyalty, so Fang will leave first."

Jin Youzi looked at Fang Xing's back, with a gloomy expression.

Back home, Lu Changbo's paper was sent by Ma Su. Fang Xing saw that he had only made one math problem wrong, and said with satisfaction: "Wait for Fang Wu's news, if this person has no background, you can ask. Ask him if he wants to go to Peiping with his family."

Ma Su said: "The disciple asked him about some things about his family today, that is, dozens of acres of land, and all of them were rented out to others. He taught a few students at home, and he should be willing."

"That's good."

Fang Xing pondered for a moment: "It is imperative to move the capital to Beiping. For the teacher, I am going to leave Xu Fangda in Jinling, and then assisted by Tian Xiucai and the students, slowly spreading out in the south, and we have to return to Beiping and start from scratch. !"

Ma Su smiled and said: "Teacher, my disciples have heard from those people, there are also many people in Peking who want to learn science, but because the north and the south are separated, they have long been looking forward to it."

Fang Xing nodded and said, "Most of the students will stay in Jinling in the future. After they have completed their studies, they will report to your majesty for the teacher's association and let them start working as a young official."

Ma Su's heart was shocked: "Teacher, do you really want them to start at a young age?"

Fang Xing said: "From the beginning of the Song Dynasty, everything was inferior. Only high school books. This is true, but what you can learn is wrong. Moreover, thousands of troops are going to squeeze the single-plank bridge of imperial examination. They are officials, but those people might be officials? So the teacher has already discussed with Taisun. After that, students who come out of me have to start from a young age, and want to take advantage of the situation to become prosperous? No way!"

Ma Su said with piercing eyes: "Teacher, the disciple decided not to participate in the test!"

Fang Xing exhaled, tilted his head back, looking at Xu Kong and said, "You understand it."

Ma Su said calmly: "Yes, if the disciple continues to participate in the imperial examination, then science is actively bowing to Confucianism. Although the disciple dare not say that he would rather bend than bend, he is unwilling to enter that door!"

Fang Xing smiled bitterly: "The good fortune and misfortune here are hard to say, that's all, you should go home and tell your family not to go your own way."

In the afternoon, after Ma Su returned home from the academy, he told his mother and wife about the decision.

Liu rubbed his eyes that were astringent because he had done too much needlework in his early years, and sighed: "Su Er, your teacher is pedantic, and there is a majesty who is here for his mother, and his knowledge is short, you The teacher agrees."

Naturally, Zhao did not dare to make any comments, so Ma Su quietly told her the reason for the incident while she was going to cook.

Zhao cried the dishes in the pot, smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "Why do you need to explain to your concubine, your husband?"

Ma Su said with a light smile: "You are my wife, husband and wife, how come I am expensive and you are cheap!"

Zhao's body leaned back, leaning in Ma Su's arms, and said dreamily: "Before marrying in, the concubine still has some worries, worrying about the husband and those old-fashioned literati, screaming for his wife and children every day..."

Ma Su whispered: "That's a rotten scholar, the teacher said, the majesty of a man does not come by berating his family, naturally, there is no need to cover it."

Zhao Weizheng said when she got married that Ma Su looked inconspicuous now, but he was Fang Xing's eldest disciple, and she was kind to Zhu Zhanji, and she had to suffer until that time.

But now it seems that although life is not extravagant, and there are no hordes of servants, it is simple and warm.

Such days are not bad!


The next day, when I woke up early in the morning, I heard that someone was visiting.

"Master, here is a young woman."

Fang Xing was eating breakfast, watching the potatoes while eating.

Zhang Shuhui has eaten up and is about to take the potatoes.

Xiaobai is drinking porridge...

Two pairs of eyes were watching Fang Xing, Zhang Shuhui calmly, Xiao Bai was wronged.


Xiaobai is about to face childbirth soon, and his mood is not stable, so he whispered: "Master, how can a woman come here?"

Fang Xing felt that he was more wronged than Dou E, so he asked the maid who reported the letter: "What is that person's name?"

The maid did not know that she had made a mistake, "The man said it was named Li."

"It must be the leader of the wolf soldier. Go and see for your husband."

When Fang woke up in the front hall, he couldn't help being dumbfounded when he saw Li Mengling coming alone.

Girl, somehow you take two people by your side!

"I have seen Xing He Bo."

The wild and untamable Li Mengling, when facing the'Devil God' Fang awakened, she also put away Jieyu.

"Yesterday, thank you Xing and Uncle for helping me. The little girl came to thank you."

This hand is not standard at all, Fang Xing said: "Li... Your lord is joking, but it's just your Majesty who is observant of everything, and Fang dare not take credit."

This Li Mengling does not have an official title, and everyone feels that it is not good to call it ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the end, it is vaguely called Lord Li.

Li Mengling immediately stared and said: "Yesterday the little girl asked Master Jin, Master Jin said that it was all due to Xinghe Bo. The man must speak truthfully!"

Ouch mom! Is this woman so straight? !

Fang Xing glanced at the knife outside the door, and coughed dryly, "It's over after this matter. What is Mr. Li looking for?"

The old fellow Jin Zhong, before he knew Li Mengling's character, how could he dare to take credit, otherwise the grape trellis at home would definitely collapse.

Li Mengling said sternly: "The little girl is here to thank Xinghe Bo, and secondly, I want to ask Xing He Bo. The Ministry of War said that I was going to transfer my department to the northern Tuntian. The girl was not willing, so she asked Xing He Bo for advice. "


Fang Xing felt that Jin Zhong was too staid, so he said, "Fang feels that it is better for your department to go back. When Daming needs it, he will requisition and issue, so that both are taken care of."

Li Mengling nodded and said, "That's right! We won't go farming!"

"But you can't go to the Ministry of War, can you?"

Fang Xing said helplessly: "Let's go back, I have a memorial here, but I can't guarantee the success."

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