Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 876: New Fengbo was born

Fang Xing's idea is very simple. Since the army is going to be stopped slowly in the future, why are you sending these wolf soldiers to the north now?

"...The minister thought that it is better to return to the place of origin, otherwise, after a long time, everyone will be lost. What is the use of staying?"


As Xiaobai's childbirth was getting closer, Fang Xing paid less and less attention to external affairs.

"Xiao Bai, eat less!"

Fang Xing snatched the cakes in Xiao Bai's hand, frowning and said, "It's about to give birth, you are still tossing!"

Xiaobai said innocently: "Master, I feel hungry."

"That's an illusion!"

Fang Xing asked him to take away all the snacks, and then asked Mother Deng to take Xiaobai out for a stroll.

Jiao Huang came again as an old acquaintance. After checking Xiaobai's pulse, he said with joy: "Uncle Xing, rest assured, both mother and son are good."

Can you really feel your child's condition through pulse diagnosis?

Fang Xing felt that this matter was a bit unreliable, but seeing Xiaobai's carefree appearance, most of it was fine.

With Zhang Shuhui's experience, the preparation work is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Zhu Zhanji sent some medicinal materials and said enviously: "Brother Dehua, you haven't been celebrity for a few years, it's a blockbuster!"

Fang Xing had no children a few years ago. For this reason, many people in the outside world think that Fang's family is probably going to die.

Unexpectedly, starting from Zhang Shuhui, this child was born in series.

Fang Xing said triumphantly: "I am able to retract and unwind freely."

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "Someone in the city bet this child, betting whether Uncle Xinfeng can come out."


Fang Xing said with a toothache: "Men and women are the same. If you don't have it this time, then you will regenerate next time."

Uncle Xin Feng, whom Zhu Di promised, could not run. It was the great joke of the Guochao that he ran, so Fang Xing was calm.


Xiaobai's production is like a summer thundershower.

The family was sitting together for a meal. A moment ago, Xiao Bai was still struggling with the plate of lettuce salad, and the next moment his chopsticks dropped, "Master..."

Two hours later, the second young master of the Fang family was born.

Holding this crumpled child, Fang Xing, the father of the second time, calmed down a lot: "Just call it Fang Sheng, with a nickname of Ping An."

After entering the delivery room, the two stable women were explaining the precautions to Xiaobai with a smile, and smiled after seeing Fang awakened.

This uncle's family gave birth twice, and they were called both times, and the reward was generous.

Xiaobai's sweaty head looked not as weak as Zhang Shuhui was when she gave birth. On the contrary, she was a little excited.

"Master, what is the child's name?"

Fang Xing took the towel, gently wiped the sweat off her face, and said softly: "The big name is Fang Sheng, and the nickname is Ping An."


Xiaobai thought for a while, and said happily: "This name is good. Anyway, it's Uncle Xinfeng. It's the best in peace and security."

Fang Xing looked at Xiaobai, who was still wearing a girlish breath. He held her hand and slowly said: "Yes, Ping An will be Uncle Xiaoyao from now on, and you are also Mrs. Uncle."

The son is Uncle Xinfeng, and of course the mother cannot be treated as a concubine.

Zhang Shuhui also came in, and asked Wen's wife with a smile. After learning that Xiaobai was in good health, she smiled: "Husband, the concubine just ordered the family to go up and down, and I will be called the second wife Xiaobai from now on."

Fang Xing saw that Xiaobai's eyes were a little smug and mischievous, and said with a laugh: "No matter, she looks like Mrs. Uncle in this way, so let's be safer."

According to Zhu Di's intention, when Ping An grows to ten years old, he can receive the title of Earl Xinfeng.

This title is fixed on Xiaobai's child, so no one said anything in advance.


After Zhu Di learned the news, he rewarded him with a wish, which has a profound meaning.

Newborn Uncle Xin Feng is still feeding, Fang Xing took Ruyi and said: "Your Majesty's meaning... It is generally hoped that all this life will be safe and sound."

Zhang Shuhui held the potatoes and prevented him from grabbing Ruyi.

"Husband, there are two children in our family, one and two uncles. This is more or less a taboo. Your Majesty meant to be wronged and safe."

Fang Xing handed Ruyi to Mother Qin and said with a smile: "Life has never been the same. The title of husband is definitely more than this. The future of Tudou depends on his own efforts. As for Ping An, it is the same. His good fortune."

Fang Xing has the Academy, Daiichixian and Sihai Market, and Xu Qing's canned food business.

After Daming's commerce began to fully rejuvenate, Fang's industry would naturally increase.

"Father! Father..."

Tudou struggling to get to the ground, rushed into Fang Xing's arms.

"Father, brother! Brother!"

Fang Xing hugged him on his lap and said with a smile: "Yes, it's the younger brother. Tudou will be the eldest brother in the future, so he should be fine."

Potato leaned against Fang Xing's chest, muttered, and slowly closed his eyes.

Zhang Shuhui smiled when she saw it: "Tudou was happy last night, so she went to bed late."

Fang Xing was holding the potatoes, thinking about peace again, suddenly felt that he had a lot of responsibilities on his shoulders.

Being a father, not to mention providing children with good food and clothing, a stable and good education is always needed.


"Congratulations to Uncle Xinghe, not only has the family added a new son, but also a new Feng."

Fang woke up to attend the meeting and thanked him by the way, but Yang Rong saw him as soon as he showed up.

Yang Rong looked calm, as if those things had nothing to do with him at all.

Fang Xing smiled: "I'm still a nanny! Where's the new Feng Bo."

Yang Rong heard a little coldness, his expression finally changed.

"Xing He Bo is a double master, and it can be regarded as Daming's second share."

The wrinkles on Jin Zhong's face were piled up, and he smiled brightly.

When Fang Xing saw him, he smiled, and said, "The youngest son of Lord Jin's family must also be rich in Fuze. The younger generation should be close."

Jin Zhong's smile became brighter, and the wrinkles on his face could almost clamp the copper coins.

"Everyone should bear witness to what Dehua said! When my boy is older, he will be sent to the academy. Dehua can teach him well."

Jin Zhongyi immediately clamored to settle the matter.

Fang Xing said sternly: "The old man has worked hard for Daming, so Fangmou should take this matter! Never regret it!"

When Jin Zhong heard the words, he stretched out his hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fang Xing smiled and gave him a high-five, and everyone around him applauded.

Lao Jin probably didn't live for more than ten years. His son Jinda was young. If he died early, Jinda's future would be worrying.

Raising a child is a hundred years old, long worry about ninety-nine!

There is a great horror between life and death, but for the sake of children and grandchildren, most people can ignore this horror!

Jin Youzi said with some envy: "Xing He Bo can learn from others in the future. There will be one for each of the two Beijings."

The Xu family was ready to do this, but Fang Xing shook his head and said, "It's still early days. Besides, Fang has no ambitions and prefers the children to be around."


Today Zhu Di first mentioned the progress of the Peking Imperial City. Listening to that, it will take a long time to move the capital.

After the relocation of the capital to Nanping Jiaozhi and North Korea and the North, no one opposed the move.

Zhu Di seemed to be in a good mood, even with a smile on his face.

"All the ministries should pay close attention to the matter of moving the capital, and the second is to clean up the guard station in the north. I see that the time is just right, so let the King of Han go, Yang Rong, you go to assist..."

Zhu Di's gaze turned to the absent-minded Fang Xing, frowning and said, "Go, Uncle Xing!"

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