Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 877: Tianjin 3 guards, interesting!

Chapter 877 Tianjin Sanwei, interesting!

Let me declare that the chapters on QQ and Chuangshi are sometimes released late. This is a system problem.

The jazz boy is fine, no eunuch.


Sailing on the Grand Canal in summer is quite refreshing, at least not as stuffy as when at home.

Fang Xing poked his head out in the cabin to look at the back, then turned around and said, "Master, we all have to see you when we get to the north."

Song Jianran was very unwilling to stay in Jinling due to the large number of Zhuquewei.

Zhu Gaoxu was wiping his new knife. After the original one was given to Potato, Fang woke up and gave him a good sharp knife. He couldn't put it down so far.

Pulling out a piece of hair without changing its color, put it on the blade, and then breathed in forcefully.

"Good knife!"

Zhu Gaoxu looked at the split hair and said with joy, "Dehua, you are really interesting!"

This person is thinking about killing the enemy freely. If someone taught him at the beginning, he would definitely not fall to this point.

Fang Xing thought about this in his heart, but said in his mouth: "Master, we have all passed through Cangzhou, and Tianjin Guard is ahead. The news of the whole army must have arrived before us. Those people in Tianjin Guard still don't know what happened. I think, if there is an uproar, we still have to be prepared."

Zhu Gaochi reluctantly put the knife into its sheath, and then said with disdain: "Nuer Gandusi has Li Bin watching, plus the side walls everywhere, if anyone dares to make a mistake, it just happens to be packed together!"

Here is full of confidence, but Yang Rong on the next boat is admonishing the Yushi who is accompanying him.

"This time it is the king of Han. Your duty is to check. If you find it out, you should be quiet, understand?"

Several yushis were a little upset. One of them, Sun Yu, said: "My lord, the king of Han has an unstable temperament, and he was quite old in the army earlier. What if he shelters? Can we bear it?"

Yang Rong stroked his beard and said, "What are you worried about, isn't there still the official and Xinghe Bo! Han Wang will certainly not go his own way!"

His seat has been fixed, but he needs a credit to stabilize it.

If it was in the past, then just follow Zhu Di Beizheng once.

But now Alutai and Wala have entered a stalemate, but Ming is not easy to get involved, so the rare peace time has arrived.

The people expect peace, but military commanders and aspiring civil servants do not!

Where is the merit of not fighting? Where does the title come from without fighting?

Sun Yu blinked his eyes and said, "If it’s okay to say that the guards in various places, but Tianjin Guards and Xuanfu are not easy, they are all generals supporting the army, and we only have Jubaoshan Guards. If the incident happens suddenly, let’s how to respond?"

Yang Rong shook his head and said in a deep voice: "You only saw the danger, but you didn't know that the people would be safe, and the soldiers would be safe. Daming has been a country for many years, and he has both grace and power. If anyone dares to ascend, how many people do you think will respond?"


Tianjin, formerly known as Haijin Town, is an important node for the transportation of food and grain in the north.

Zhu Di crossed the river since then and raced south. Later, after successfully ascending the throne, it was renamed Tianjin.

Tianjin Tianjin is the ferry crossing where the emperor crosses the river.

Then, because it was close to Peking, Zhu Di made it possible to build a city and set up three guards.

The so-called city is actually better than Tuweizi.

On this day, the sergeant guarding the city was drowsy in the sun.

"A boat is coming!"

A stern shout awakened these sergeants who hadn't experienced battle for a long time, and the swords and swords were on the head of the city, and the voice was full of voices.

The Haihe River can lead directly to the sea, and if the enemy forces come from the sea, it would be a massive invasion.

"It's a boat from the inland river!"

A sergeant with good eyesight pointed to the distance and shouted, and the people's heart was calm.

When he saw that the size of the fleet was not small, a hundred household officials on the front of the city said with a solemn expression: "Go, inform Lord Zhu that it is the Palace of the Han Dynasty."


Tianjin Sanwei, Zhu Xian is the commander of Tianjin Wei.

The command of the left guard Wang Duwei and the command of the right guard Li Yuanzhi happened to be out of rotation today.

From afar, the fleet pulled aside and anchored, and then groups of sergeants began to go ashore, even with artillery.

When Zhu Gaoxu's ceremonial battle was fought, the gate of Tianjin City was also opened.

Zhu Xian was the first to leave the city, but Wang Duwei and Li Yuanzhi refused to give in, and some disputes occurred.

"Be safe, but Han Wang is here!"

Zhu Xian has a headache. Everyone knows Zhu Gaoxu's character. When the news came some time ago, he thought that Zhu Gaoxu would go to Xuanzhen first, but he unexpectedly came to Tianjin Wei.

Wang Duwei said indignantly: "I have the least number of left guards, Mad! But I am not corrupt! Even if he is Majesty, I am not afraid!"

Li Yuanzhi just sneered, and the three of them stood outside the city, waiting for Zhu Gaoxu's arrival.

Zhu Gaoxu didn't like Tianjin City, and he always felt that it was too deserted.

At the gate of the city, Zhu Gaoxu said impatiently, looking at the kneeling area, "Can the camp be arranged?"

"Master, it's alright."

"My lord, it's all right a long time ago."

Wang Duwei's words made people irritated.

Isn't this saying that Tianjin City has long known the news that Zhu Gaoxu is coming?

Zhu Xian got up and laughed: "The king, the world official only learned about the news that the king is coming, so he reorganized the camp and residence. Go and see if you are not satisfied, the craftsmen are ready."

"Into the city!"

Zhu Gaoxu lost his patience, and the whip in his hand was about to move.


The Tianjin three guards are not affiliated, no one can control who, this is determined by historical reasons.

Therefore, Zhu Gaoxu's residence was finally settled in the barracks and rejected the yamen vacated by the three commanders.

"Get the roster right now!"

Zhu Gaoxu shouted before going to take a bath.

Fang Xing smiled, pointed at Yang Rong, motioned for them to negotiate on their own, and then left.

At this time, Zhu Xian noticed Fang Xing, who had been silent all the time. He hurriedly asked: "Uncle Xing He, the prince has worked hard from afar, and there are some slaves and maids here under the official, thinking..."

"what are you thinking about?!"

Fang Xing did not hesitate to dispel this dirty idea: "This is Tianjin Wei, where's the servant girl?!"

Zhu Xian stood there awkwardly, Yang Rong also said: "Three adults, hurry up and send the roster to www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wang Duwei arched his hands and said, "Master Yang, there is an escape under the government. But it had already been reported to the Dudu Mansion. "

Li Yuan straightly smiled and said, "Who knows if you get any benefits from it? Haha! I'm gone, go back and get the roster."

Wang Duwei said angrily: "Li Yuanzhi, you..."

But Li Yuan went straight to Zhu Xian after speaking, Wang Duwei saw Yang Rong's faint expression and had to stomped away.

"This Tianjin Sanwei is very interesting!"

Fang Xing left a word and went to find Lin Qun'an.

"It makes people look around. If there is an abnormality, report it immediately without delay. At the same time, you can only take turns to rest in the camp and be ready to do it at any time!"

Lin Qun'an said in surprise, "Uncle, isn't it?"

Fang Xing's chin swung to the front left, and sneered: "Whose person is that? It doesn't look like a beggar!"

There was a man sitting under the eaves, with a broken bowl in front of him, which could be ignored.

A murderous intent flashed in Lin Qun'an's eyes: "Uncle, should we start first?"

Fang Xing shook his head: "There is Yushi, there is no evidence how we can do it."

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