Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 889: Surrender everywhere

Chapter 889

For Fang Xing chased into the grassland with only a few hundred people, everyone in the Xuan Mansion had mixed opinions.

But one thing is for sure.

"That Fang Xing is a daring one. Alutai hates him. If he is discovered, he will only be shivering in the sheepfold for the rest of his life."

"But don't forget, Fang Xing protects the shortcomings! The magnanimous name of Fang Dehua is not false!"

"That Fang Xing has already entered a memorial, and it is said that he wanted to seek justice for Zhang Xiao, and he got rid of his military status."

"In recent years, few people have been able to get rid of military status, and Fang Xing also intervened in the sensational Yue Baoguo."

"This person must be reported, sir, Yushi will find our side soon. I heard that the previous surrender was lenient, what shall we do?"



Fang Xing couldn't sit still anymore. He wanted to return to Peking and go to Tongzhou Wharf to wait for his family to arrive.

"Missing family?"

Yang Rong came in and saw the black lamp blazing, so he went to light a candle.

Fang Xing smiled and said, "I have some thoughts, especially the two sons. I wish I could hug each other hard."

Yang Rong sat down and said, "Your potatoes are interesting. The young ones are still in their infancy. In the future, they will be Xin Fengbo who sits on an equal footing with you."

This teasing did not exchange Fang Xing's smile. He said faintly: "What I am worried about at the moment is your Majesty. If the number of military households can be reduced, that would be the first step."

Yang Rong shook his head and said, "The side walls are not easy to reduce! There will always be enemies of this and that kind on the grassland. Just like the Song Dynasty, there will always be an endless stream, and in the end there will always be one that can unify the grassland."

Fang Xing raised his eyebrows and said: "Isn't Zhuquewei's record enough? As long as you gradually change your outfit, Xuanfu can eliminate at least seventy or eighty thousand people here."

"At the moment, 10,000 firearms sergeants can destroy the city and the country. Daming only needs two or three hundred thousand troops. Who can be the enemy in the world?"

Yang Rong smiled bitterly: "I know I know, but don't forget, the power of firearms is great, and the muzzle can be externally as well as internally. Your Majesty must be thinking about these things, so I have been pondering it so far."


Fang Xing said disappointedly: "So this is a circle. If you want a stable military spirit, you must first allow the people to live and work in peace and contentment, so that the ambitious people have nowhere to hide. Although Su and Qin will not be able to move in his rebirth, the second is the military's teaching. The officer must be sent. Those generals will be replaced every few years. Where can he rebel!?"

Yang Rong pondered for a long time and praised: "Dehua always sees things so thoroughly. It is true, but it is not a temporary work."

Fang Xing said firmly: "Tai Sun is still young, we can all afford it!"

"Yes! Taisun is still young, and you are still young. After the students of Zhixing College slowly climb up, Dehua, you have to be careful, cronyism is a big taboo."

Fang Xing smiled and said: "The college is not just mine. Most of the students recognize Taisun. They say they are friends, rather than being Taisun's team."

Yang Rong sighed: "When the old man is old, he can probably look down upon seeing the flourishing age."

Fang Xing said meaningfully: "It depends on what the heyday is."

"Zhenguan can be called a flourishing age."

Fang Xing smiled and did not refute, but said: "Far from the Han to Tang Dynasty, this is the flourishing age. Nowadays, there are still foreign races peeping on the grassland. Where is the grassland? Even though the lame Timur of Samarkand is dead, But his descendants hindered Daming's expansion."

Fang Xing can't wait for Timur's death more than ten years later, so that he can personally participate in this war of the century.

Yang Rong looked at Fang Xing with worried gaze, "Dehua, it is not empty talk that a belligerent is dangerous, a poor soldier, only devastation is left behind."

"How is the Emperor Qin Hanwu? What is left behind?"

Yang Rong stared at Fang Xing with piercing eyes.

After Daming went to war everywhere and achieved a complete victory, his heart was always worried.

Fang Xing provided firearms and new methods of warfare, as well as how to tear off the mask of ‘shangguo’.

But Zhu Di was ambitious and wanted to develop Daming into a great country that moved from the Han to Tang Dynasty. The two hit it off. From the beginning, it is almost undisguised.

"Da Ming can't stand the toss!"

"So we should toss other countries!"

Fang Xing retorted: "Resources are limited. If we don't take it or fight for it at this time, we will delay the future. Our children and grandchildren will suffer for our short-sightedness! We will feel more pressure because of the emergence of a country comparable to Da Ming. ."

"And my dream is to kill all the forces in the bud before that, until Daming becomes the king of the world and a great country that makes foreign races tremble!"

Yang Rong sighed slightly: "You are right, but have you ever thought about it. If you go step by step, how can you control those places? How can you ensure that the overseas territories are loyal to him in the future? Cultivated careerists!"

Fang Xing raised his eyebrows: "Regardless of the precautions, even if the overseas territory is split, the meat is rotten in a pot, and it is the place of our Han people!"

"No matter how the same ethnic group fights internally, when facing foreign enemies, we should work together. If the Ming Dynasty declines to the point of being trampled on, it is also to blame, at least there are territories overseas, and we can suppress other countries! Make sure that we Han people forever. Yongchang."


Yang Rong reads poems and books, but the other side wakes up such an unheard of thought. He shook his head and said, "Too radical, too radical!"


Since that day, Yang Rong has become a little silent, looking for Fang Xing to read from time to time.

After Fang Xing ventured out of the customs and returned to Qin Zhuan and the others in Xuan Mansion, some people surrendered one after another, leaving Guo Yi and Jin Yu shameless.

But Zhu Gaoxu's sense of accomplishment was overwhelming, and he personally went to various places to inspect and deter, and for a while, even the same place was full of rumors.

"People from Datong have also begun to surrender, Dehua, your risky blow really worked."

When Fang Xing was about to go out and chase after him, Yang Rong was opposed to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but Zhu Gaoxu strongly agreed. If it weren't for him to sit in the Xuan Mansion, he would definitely not let Fang Xing be more beautiful than before.

Fang Xing was looking at the map, calculating when Zhang Shuhui and the others would arrive.

According to the departure time stated in the family letter, Fang Xing judged that Zhang Shuhui and his party could arrive in Tongzhou after at most half a month.

"Xuan Palace has moved, and this represents your majesty's will, Master Yang, I want to return to Peking."

Yang Rong said: "Calculating the time, your Majesty should be halfway there, and we have to go back and wait. As for other border towns, it is not something I can wait for. Otherwise, if there is a life event, some people would dare to say that moving the capital is to put your majesty in. In danger."


Fang Xing said disdainfully: "Those people can always put their thoughts on the heads of official business. Your Majesty is in Peking, who dares to mess up?"

Old Zhu is the emperor at once, can you show him a mess?

"But when the Ming Dynasty moved the capital, it doesn't matter what auspiciousness is, but the atmosphere must be more peaceful, it's **** and too ugly."

Fang Xing looked out the window, and Xin flew to Tongzhou long ago.

"I don't care about this, I just think about where my wife and children are..."

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