Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 890: Tongzhou Gathering

The Qianli Canal connects north and south. In Daming, where the means of transportation are underdeveloped, the canal is the best circulation channel.

"Shan Chang said that the so-called ancestral law is only the law used to stabilize the current class interests. It is protecting the vested interests, and these vested interests are in control of this country. Who wants to shake the ancestors to become law? , That is to pay money from their purse, for this they are willing to deal with the devil, willing to sit by and watch the country fall!"

A fleet of ships traveled slowly in the canal, and on a ship, Li Ermao was arguing with Lu Changbo.

"How many good endings will the reformers have since ancient times?"

After Lv Changbo was admitted, after systematic study, Jie Jin felt that he could serve as a professor in the junior class.

As an avid science lover, Lu Changbo sold the land and followed the academy to Beiping with his family.

But Lu Changbo, who still has a scholar-official character in his bones, is incompatible with science in some respects.

"Wang Anshi shouted what his ancestors lacked the law, what happened later? Change the son with the mother, and the new law will be abolished! The Shang prince reforms the law, and the corpse will be broken after death!"

Lu Changbo talked eloquently: "The old man thought that the mountain leader was too awkward, and Daming was in a prosperous age. When you slowly try to figure it out, you must not rush to it, it will repeat the mistakes of Wang Anshi!"

Ma Su was sitting on the side reading a book, and did not participate in this debate.

Yue Baoguo was ignorantly playing Go with Li Jia, but Li Jia was distracted while listening to the debate, so Yue Baoguo, a beginner, stole more than a dozen sons.

Li Ermao is no longer as thin as he used to be. After supplementing the academy's diet and daily exercises, he is burly in shape, with piercing eyes and full of energy.

"Teacher Lu, the destiny is not enough to fear, and the ancestors lack the law. This may have loopholes, but it is Wang Anshi's worried words about the situation in the former Song Dynasty. The former Song Dynasty was already corrupted at the time. Not far away!"

Lu Changbo was a little confused, after all, more than forty years after Wang Anshi's death, the former Song Dynasty was attacked by those grassland aliens. The two emperors of Huiqin and countless women, including Diji, were driven northward like cows and sheep, and eventually reduced to alien playthings.

"The man is incompetent! The sisters are ravaged, the emperor is incompetent, and the former Song Pian'an is incompetent, and I am incompetent! I should reform and eliminate fraud and silence the world!"

Li Ermao said in a high spirit, and Yue Baoguo over there put down his chess pieces and clapped his hands: "Senior brother said well!"

Ma Su saw that Lu Changbo was a little embarrassed, so he smiled and said: "Meeting and fusion, this is the way of scholarship. Under the bright eyes, it seems that flowers are blooming, but in fact it is cooking oil. The crisis is hidden in these flourishing scenes. Therefore, the teacher taught us that we must be alert to safety, not to focus on our eyes, but to see the development in decades, or even a hundred years later."

"Being behind will inevitably be beaten. Daming is currently not invincible in the world, so we can't stop!"

Ma Su got up and took a look outside, and said with joy, "According to the boatman, it should be near Tongzhou."

On the boat behind, Zhang Shuhui had already begun to let the maids clean up and salute.

Tudou sat on the edge, staring blankly at the peace in Xiao Bai's arms, and suddenly shouted: "Er Niang, I'm peeing safely!"

Xiaobai sniffed it and praised: "The nose of a potato is brighter than that of a bell!"

The bell was lying on the bow, and when he heard Xiaobai's voice, he paced up.

Xiaobai put the nanny aside, changed the diaper for Ping An himself, and then kissed him, "Sure enough, she's a good-natured mother, she doesn't cry or make trouble."

Zhang Shuhui smiled and said: "This peace does not like to cry, it is much easier than potatoes."

When Xiao Bai was proud, Chuan Niang came in and said, "My dear, I will be at the pier soon."

Zhang Shuhui was joyful in her heart: "I don't know where her husband is at this time. Can Tudou remember his father?"

Tudou frowned and said, "Father..."

The ship in front had already begun to approach the dock, and Fang Derong led people to greet him.


Seeing his father who had reunited after a long time, Fang Derong couldn't help knelt and choked.

Fang Jay Lun shouted: "Get up quickly, there are Madam and Young Master behind them, is the car ready?"

Fang Derong pointed behind him and said: "Five bullock carts, two for the two ladies, and the remaining three for your father."

Fang Jielun said: "One is for Mr. Xie and the one for Mr. Lu, two are used to pull things, but the master said that the students of the college are not allowed to develop any delicacy, and they all walked back slowly."

As he was talking, the ship behind had already docked, and Xie Jin was the first one to come out, and he had to rely on Ma Su's support to stand firm.

Then came the maids. After they stood firm, they dared to let Zhang Shuhui and others go ashore.

Zhang Shuhui watched as the potatoes were lifted by Mother Deng and slipped ashore, and then she came back and took Xiao Bai and Ping An.

As she was about to go ashore, a group of people came in the distance.

Zhang Shuhui had just landed ashore, her body still swaying, a big hand supported her amidst the shouts of the master and the teacher.


Zhang Shuhui looked up and saw Fang Xing who was in the dust, and she couldn't help shouting in surprise.

Fang Xing grabbed Xiao Bai with the other hand, and laughed: "Hurry up and hurry up. It's finally here when you get ashore. Let's go, let's go home!"

Tudou was held by Mother Deng, and when she saw the bell circle around Fang Xing's side, she suffocated a sentence: "Father!"


Fang Xingdale, let go of Zhang Shuhui, went over to pick up the potatoes, and said triumphantly: "My son still hasn't forgotten! Hahaha!"


Okay! This is uneven pampering!

Fang Xing hugged the potatoes, bowed his head and kissed Ping An’s face in a daze, and smiled: "Get in the car quickly."

Turning around, Fang Xing handed the potatoes to Mother Deng, bowed towards Xie Jin and said, "Mr. Xie has worked hard all the way."

Xie Jin looked at the potatoes with eager eyes, waved his hand and said: "It's not hard, there are people waiting all the way, the food is not bad, the old man has made dozens of poems, what hard work!"

Fang Xing followed his gaze and said clearly, "Mr. Xie is going to hold his grandson?"

Xie Jin was helped by Fang Xing to go to the bullock cart, and sighed as he walked: "Yes, a letter from the child, although Hu's filial piety, he has been pregnant before and has started the vows."

In a family with strict rules and regulations, you can't move around during the period of filial piety, but pregnant women are not in this range.

"Congratulations, Mr. Xie!"

Fang Xing laughed and said, "Hurry home and congratulate Mr. Xie today!"

Xie Jin kicked high~www.wuxiaspot.com~ got into the bullock cart with a kick, and then beckoned, "Do you want to take the car with me?"

Fang Xing looked back, and Tudou was following Zhang Shuhui to get into another car.

"Tudou, take the car with Dad."

Fang Xing nodded apologetically to Xiaobai. Ping An is still young and cannot leave Xiaobai for a long time.

Zhang Shuhui smiled and asked Mother Qin to bring the potatoes.

Bell hesitated, and finally got into Xiaobai's car and lay in the front of the car.

Tudou was held in a tangled way by Fang Xing, Xin Laoqi yelled, and the convoy began to set off.

Everyone on the dock saw that this team was not easy, so they just looked at it from a distance.

One of them suddenly remembered something and exclaimed: "That's Xing He Bo!"

Someone at the pier was pleased to hear it: "Oh! It was a pity just now, I would help move things if I knew it."

"The pulley block we are using now is said to have been invented by the old man Xinghe Bo. We have to do it without paying any money!"

"That is, how much effort has been saved by this pulley. The old man Xinghe Bo knows everything. It must be sent by God to assist His Majesty."

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