Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 891: Chen Jiahui's exhortation

Chapter 891

All the way slowly to Fangjiazhuang, located in the south of Beiping City. As soon as they entered the Zhuangzi, the households all knelt on the ground neatly, shouting that they had seen the master, the wife, and the master.

"All get up, today I'm tired, and tomorrow I will speak in front of the main house."

Fang Xing said while holding the sleeping potato, and Fang Derong hurried over to greet him.

The farmers who got up had different spirits, and an old man said proudly: "Master is back, the disgusting King Zhao must not dare to come again, hahaha!"

When Fang Xing heard this, he asked Fang Derong: "Has King Zhao harassed our house?"

Fang Derong smiled and said: "It's not considered harassment. It's just that we passed by our village several times and then stayed outside, pointing at the inside. The dealers were a little panicked."

"It's the villain, don't worry about it!"

Fang's reputation for magnanimity grew louder and louder. When he started with the dealer, this kind of business was not worthwhile, and Zhu Gaosui certainly wouldn't do it.

"Brother Dehua..."

Hearing this shout, Fang Xing's cheeks twitched, and seeing Tudou's eyelashes trembling when he lowered his head, he handed him over to Mother Qin.

Chen Xiao seemed to have improved a lot in his riding skills, and he actually made a beautiful turn halfway. It's just that he is too fat. When turning, the horse's legs are obviously soft.

"You are fat again!"

When Fang Xing and Zhu Gaoxu came to Peiping, they specially sent people to Chen's house and warned Chen Xiao not to speak out or meet each other, just to prevent Zhu Gaosui's means.

Chen Xiao dismounted with difficulty, walked over tremblingly, and said angrily: "Brother Dehua, sister-in-law and nephew are here today, you didn't tell the younger brother, is this breaking off?"

Fang Xing pointed to his face and smiled bitterly: "I just rushed back from Xuan Mansion and didn't return home. I went all the way to Tongzhou. How can I tell you?"

Fang Xing's face could hardly see the original skin color, and some sweat came down along the way, one black and one white.

After entering the house, Fang Xing threw Chen Xiao in the study room and went to the bathroom.

Chen Xiaoshu found Fang Xing's wine collection in a familiar way, and took out a bottle of red wine, but did not find what to open the bottle.

But this kind of thing is naturally not difficult for him, he finds a brush to poke in.


The brush broke, but the cork was only halfway in.

"Made! Come again!"

After tossing for a while, he finally slammed the cork in. Chen Xiao proudly prepared to take a sip, but saw a little man standing by the door.


Chen Xiao put the wine bottle on the table, showing a'kindly' smile, stretched out his hands and said: "Come, come to my uncle."

Tudou tilted his head and looked at Chen Xiao, then bared his teeth and smiled.

"Sure enough, a good boy! Come here!"

Chen Xiao was already married, and Fang Xingren gave a super gift when he was in Jinling.

It's just that after marriage, Chen Xiao was controlled by Lu Xiaoran. If it weren't for picking up Fang Xing today, the door would not be clear.

Tudou smiled innocently, then slowly backed away, shouting: "Dangdangdang..."

Chen Xiao said in amazement: "What are you clanging for?"

But when the bell rushed, the splashing water drops on his body and the shining sharp teeth made Chen Xiao's legs soft, and he shouted, "Brother Dehua, help..."


The bell is gone, and the potato is gone.

When Chen Xiao softened, Fang Xing was puzzled.

"Why is this kid so uncomfortable?"

Fang Xing felt that Potato was too much to toss, and he was very curious. The key was that there was a bell behind him.

Chen Xiao returned to his senses and said in a tangled voice: "Brother Dehua, it really is your kind, cheating!"

The two said a few words, and the sense of strangeness disappeared quickly, and Chen Xiao asked: "Brother Dehua, the move of the capital is a big deal..."

Fang Xing waved his hand and said, "Today you and my brother only drink alcohol. Tomorrow I will take Shuhui to visit your house, and I will talk with my uncle when that happens."

Chen Xiao smiled and said, "It's okay, so I don't want you to be beaten by my mother tomorrow."

Fang Xing smiled, "I didn't enter the door last time, my aunt must be angry and wait for tomorrow's apologize."


The next day, Fang Xing calmed down the farmers outside the main house, and then took Zhang Shuhui and Tudou to Chen's house.

Although the Fang family referred to Xiao Bai as the second wife, Xiao Bai did not have much chance to show up in formal interactions.

All the way to Chen's house, the concierge still yelled familiarly: "Please come in, Master Fang."

Madan! Laozi's family is called Master, but you still dare to be called Master?

Fang Xing glanced at the concierge, remembering that before going to Jinling, he gave him a silver corner.

But the porter bowed his hands and smiled, just waiting for the reward.

Fang Xing threw a silver horn over like last time, and the concierge said triumphantly: "Thanks to Master Fang for the reward..."

This is the good of the family, even the old concierge dared to violate the rules of the family owner and directly ask for the ‘door respect’.

After entering the inner courtyard, Chen Xiao helped Ma to welcome him out, and Fang Xing hurriedly brought Zhang Shuhui to salute.

Ma didn't care about this, just stared at the potatoes, and said rarely: "This is the potato?"

So Tudou immediately became Ma's favorite, and even Lu Xiaoran who came out behind could not compete for favor.

"Sister-in-law come with me."

It seems that Lu Xiaoran has successfully won the approval of Chen Jiahui and his wife, so he is very active, and he is teasing Tudou with Zhang Shuhui.

Fang Xing entered the study, Chen Jiahui was reading, holding his face, and coughing dryly: "Dehua has been dangerous in the past few years. Now that he moves the capital, it's time to be quiet."

Although Chen Jiahui has been in Peking, he has heard about Fang Xing very often. Whether it is a court battle, a battlefield conquest, or his new learning, all are dancing on the tip of a knife.

Now that the capital is moved, the court will inevitably have a period of chaos, and Fang Xing can just take the opportunity to jump out and remain silent for a period of time.

"Your Majesty will arrive in three days. King Zhao has already started fasting."

Chen Jiahui finally used this news to tell Fang Xing that your enemies are all over the world, so let's stop for a while.

Fang Xing smiled: "Thank you for your uncle's concern. Now that the big deal is over, my nephew naturally needs to cultivate his moral character, teach students well, and spend more time with his wife and children."

Chen Jiahui sighed: "If your father is still there, I will be ecstatic to see you like this today, Dehua, walk safer!"

This is the love of his parents, and Fang Xing can only be taught respectfully.

"Your college is a good place to go. If I were you, I would definitely stay sick at home to recuperate and wait until the wind and waves are calm before coming out."

Seeing Fang Xing feel a little puzzled, Chen Jiahui said: "The King of Han is gone, but there is also King Zhao! You remember, the prince will not be smooth sailing, there is no rival prince, then...it is dangerous!"

Chen Jiahui's words broke the problem that Fang Xing had been avoiding all the time: in Zhu Gaochi's years of prince career ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ those opponents...many of them were arranged by Zhu Di.

At least he didn't stop it!

Fang Xing smiled bitterly: "Uncle, I know, I'm just stuck in a situation and can't help myself."

"Since I met Taisun, my nephew has been unable to get rid of this whirlpool. This is not a dispute that can be resolved by quitting."

Political struggle has never been a treat for dinner, and since you are in the game, you are endlessly dying.

"My nephew’s academy shook the big tree of Confucianism and turned Taisun’s teachings into their eyes of apostasy. After several conquests, the so-called non-expropriated country was wiped out, and great benefits were obtained. This is the civil servants. I don't like to see it."

Chen Jiahui shook his head: "The next thing is all things that can be dealt with. The thing you offend the most from those people is new learning! If you don't learn new things, you will never escape hostility in your life."

Fang Xing said frankly: "It's not just hostility, but the enemy of life and death!"

It moved the rice bowl of Confucianism and shook their orthodoxy. How could it be as simple as hostility.

"That will be... a battle that won't end unless one side falls!"

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