Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 893: Zhu Di who suddenly attacked the busy Tongzhou Wharf

Chapter 893

It was still dark, but the Fang's inner courtyard was all awake.

The howling of Tudou made everyone unable to fall asleep, and they woke up safely, but they didn't cry.

Xiaobai yelled at the main room: "Master, I'm awake again in peace, let the potatoes live in peace!"

Lowering his head, Xiao Bai frowned and looked at opening his eyes, quietly and peacefully, flat his mouth and said: "Why don't you cry?"

Ping An just looked at Xiao Bai quietly, and then yawned.

In the main room, Fang Xing lifted the bedding of the potatoes, looked at the ‘map’ in the middle, and said with a headache: “I wet the bed when I’m so old, and cry when I wet the bed!”

Zhang Shuhui took the potatoes from Mother Qin's hand, touched her dried butt, and said helplessly: "Husband, all three-year-old children in other families have bedwetting."

Fang Xing watched the maid changing the bedding for the potatoes, and said angrily: "I know, I will buy a pig urine bag today and make some glutinous rice steamed... Forget it, the child is still young. I will talk about it after the age of three."

Tudou's cry gradually became low, but he choked up. After the bed was re-made, he fell asleep as soon as he put it on.

Fang Xing lost his sleepiness and asked Zhang Shuhui to go back to sleep by himself, while he went to the study.


Zhu Di is here, the team is huge, the team can't see the head at a glance.

Fang Xing followed to greet him, followed by all kinds of busyness, and finally ended up with a feast for the officials.

"Fang Xing asked for leave?"

The autumn in Beiping made Jin Youzi a little uncomfortable, and his nose was itchy.

Yang Rong just started to practice his new position, so he calmly said: "Xing He Bo has no specific affairs in the DPRK, he is not mingling."

Now all ministries are tidying up the yamen and running-in, and they are in a mess.

Only the few bachelors around Zhu Di are more relaxed, assisting Zhu Di with state affairs every day.

Yang Shiqi smiled and said, "I'm afraid Xinghe wants to be lazy. He stayed in the North for a long time, and his wife and children at home were negligent."

Jin Youzi pointedly said: "I have waited many times to leave Beijing, which one took my family with me? That's not how I came here! Isn't he more noble when he wakes up?"

Yang Rong's eyes were dim: "Everyone has his own ambitions. It's a good thing to be happy with Bo Lian's family."

Jin Youzi and Yang Shiqi looked at each other, and both felt a little dull.

Only the king who loves the family will trust you, and you don’t even care about your family. Then where did your loyal and patriotic patriots come from?

Home, country, world!

Yang Rong looked outside, the flames in his chest rising, he only felt that this was the Nine Heavens Clouds, and he could reach the billions of living people below.

The newly built imperial city looks majestic and majestic, with mountains and waters.

"It's a nice place!"


"Those so-called big names are all sturdy people. After the army is overwhelmed, it is just a shock, and immediately kneel down and please surrender."

Zhang Qi came back and took the family members to greet the old lady and the family members of the British government.

"Master Guo has gathered all the three clans of big names, as well as the so-called warriors, all brought to Nuer Gandusi, Fengchenghou is building roads, but he turned him over."

Fang Xing squinted and thought of the grasslands of Nuer Gandusi. If the concrete road can be built there, Daming's control will rise sharply.

"The old ladies and them should be here, let's go, let's go and welcome them together."

Tongzhou has been very busy recently, and the local officials have carefully dispatched government officials to maintain order at the wharf, lest they offend the families of the nobles who have moved.

After receiving the Zhang family's family, the old lady called Fang Xing to the side of the carriage and said, "Uncle, the fleet behind is from Taisun's mansion.

From Jinling to Peiping, it is a torment to travel by land, so more female families use the canal.

Fang Xing nodded and confessed: "Zhang Qi, this road is so dusty. I brought a scarf. You can use it for the old lady."

Zhang Qi agreed, and Fang Xing walked to the edge of the dock and watched the fleet slowly approaching.

The ship in front was full of guards. Jia Quan jumped up, his body swaying, relying on Xin Laoqi to pull him to his feet.

"I have seen my uncle."

Fang Xing nodded: "Where is Taisun?"

Zhu Zhanji did not come with Zhu Di, which made Fang Xing a little surprised.

Jia Quan said in a low voice: "Your Majesty ordered his Majesty to sit in Jinling and wait until Jinling is stable. So this time, he only brought family members to settle."

Fang Xing nodded, then stepped back, watching the maids and eunuchs begin to go ashore.

"Fang Xing..."


The harem people waited for a few days to arrive in Peking, so Fang Xing thought that Wanwan would also be with the princess.

Wanwan waved at Fang Xing, "Fang Xing, take me ashore."

Hu Shanxiang, who had just come out to stop Wanwan, was slightly blessed after seeing Fang Xing. Fang Xing hurriedly dodged sideways, not daring to accept the courtesy.

In fact, the ship has docked, but Wanwan had to wake up and pull it, or she would refuse to go ashore.

Fang Xing smiled and stretched out his hand, lifted her up in one hand, and...

"I feel fluttering."

Fang Xing smiled and held her, and then saw the Sun family.

Hu Shanxiang abandoned the honor guard. The court ladies and eunuchs hurriedly lined up the wall to block the outside view, but at the last moment, Fang Xing still saw an inquiring look.

"You don't need to be nervous here, it's safe."

Fang Xing saw that the guards were on the verge of an enemy, so he said something. Of course, they must not listen, otherwise how can they show their dedication!

After getting in the carriage, Wanwan refused to ride and had to ride a horse. Hu Shanxiang persuaded for a long time before she got into the carriage with her lips pouting.

"Fang Xing, come here."

Wanwan yelled in the car, and Fang Xing had to come over.

Wanwan looked left and right, her eyes gurgling, and she whispered: "Fang Xing, the eldest brother seems to have left behind to check the guards that Wu Xun had taken."

"Okay, I see, let's rest quickly."

The little girl must have eavesdropped on Zhu Gaochi or Zhu Zhanji, and then secretly told Fang Xing.

Wanwan yawned, then went back to the car and mumbled: "Fang Xing, you are not allowed to leave."

"Okay, I'm not leaving."

Fang Xing was just by the side of Wanwan's carriage, all the way back to Beijing.

Who was jealous of Zhu Di? This doubt has been circling in Fang Xing's mind.


Fangjiazhuang in Beiping is very new to Zhu Di~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He looked at the empty farmland, and asked a farmer, "What is planted in this land?"

The Zhuanghu saw two burly men standing behind Zhu Di, and said vigilantly: "Who are you?"


The guard behind him snorted and drew his knife.

But the farmer was not afraid, he stubbed his neck and said: "Come on, come to the neck!"

This is a stunned son, Zhu Di waved his hand, and then said: "The old man from the household department, I want to see the farming in Fangjiazhuang."

The farmer took a triumphant glance at the guard who drew the knife, "It's all potatoes, but you are late, and those potatoes have been harvested. It is estimated that they will be exchanged with Jinlingzhuang next year for planting."

Zhu Di nodded, "If you keep all the seeds, Fangjiazhuang will definitely not be able to use them up. What will your master do for the rest?"

The dealer shook his head and said: "I don't know this, but the dealer only gave a few catties to each to try it."

Zhu Di nodded in satisfaction, and then went to the main house.

Fang Xing keeps one hand. It's human nature. People who have no reason to find potatoes can't grow them.

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