Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 894: The inexplicable, domineering Ming

Chapter 894

Brothers and sisters, it's the last three days at the end of the month. Take a look at your monthly pass and put it in the warehouse!


Zhang Shuhui was a little surprised by Zhu Di's arrival, and she hurriedly took her family to greet her.

Normally the emperor shouldn't see the minister's family, but Zhu Di scoffed at those etiquettes.

After the salute, Tudou looked at Zhu Di curiously, then reached out and took out a piece of maltose from his purse and handed it over.


Zhu Di's complexion was a little dark, Zhang Shuhui hurriedly called Tudou over, and then asked the crime: "The potatoes are all spoiled by concubines. Your Majesty forgive me."


As soon as Tudou opened her mouth, Zhang Shuhui covered her mouth. She smiled awkwardly, thinking that the bell rushed out. Today this is a big trouble.

Zhu Di shook his head, looked at Zhang Shuhui deeply, and asked: "Fang Xing has only one wife and one concubine, what do you think?"

Zhang Shuhui's heart tightened, and she replied: "Your Majesty, the concubines dare not say anything."

"I promise you."

Zhu Di asked unwillingly to relax.

Zhang Shuhui clenched her hands and said, "Your Majesty, my poor husband is not good at seeking his own life. The family is peaceful."

This hint is obvious enough. Zhu Di nodded and said: "Well, Fang Xing does not hesitate for the country, I naturally see it, you are a good name, and serve as a good student."

"I'm leaving."

It seems that Zhu Di was here to ask this sentence, and then left, leaving Zhang Shuhui a little bit of no master, so he quickly asked someone to come and learn about Jin and Huang Zhong.

After Xie Jin came, he frowned and said, "Your Majesty's words... why are there some temptations?"

"Mr. Xie is right. Your Majesty will not come to Fangjiazhuang without any reason, let alone summon court wives without reason, this..."

Lao Zhu did everything in his own way, and the people below were also at a loss.

Xie Jin finally said: "There is no need to worry about this matter. If your Majesty has any plans, there will naturally be clues from Dehua."


The pastures on the grassland began to wither, and Alutai's confidence was restored.

Walking out of the big tent, Alutai's white complexion was very eye-catching. He looked at the sheep in the distance and said, "Why didn't the goods from Daming arrive?"

The counselor behind him whispered: "Teacher, this delay is so long, I'm afraid it's an accident!"

Alutai smiled and said: "Those Ming people who have received our money, if they dare to give up halfway, they will immediately send someone to the Ming people to spread the news. With the Ming Emperor's temperament, the family and the extermination are right in front of them! Hahaha!"

"Taishi, Mingren seems to be attacking North Korea, and the three parts of Doyan were also swept away by the demon. In Nuer Gandusi, Mingren is invincible. Taishi, let's be careful! Coming from the flank, we..."

"What are you afraid of?!"

Alutai said majesticly: "The Ming people will not enter the grassland until we and the Wala people have a victory or defeat, and the Emperor Ming is getting older. Since Qiu Fu's defeat, the Emperor Ming has not dared to let the generals out of the fort. I have to move the capital, and wait for these to be done, at least two years!"

The counselor said with joy: "In two years, Emperor Ming is two years old again, Taishi, at that time, let alone rushing into the battle himself, can he still sit on his horse?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"


Li Bin was stationed in the newly-built town slave city, and constantly sent small groups of cavalry to explore the surrounding area. When he encountered a small tribe, he gathered back—the herdsmen that Ming needed to graze.

The buildings in the town slave city are all cement brick houses, and Li Bin is very satisfied with this.

"From ancient times to the present, there have been a lot of things that have destroyed a city with a single fire, Xinghe Uncle!"

Li Bin looked at the people kneeling in front of the hall with piercing eyes, and said solemnly: "No matter what tribe you are waiting for, no matter how noble your bloodline is, everyone will either come to graze for Daming, or...above the wheels. All the men beheaded!"

The man wearing a leather robe below listened to the interpreter and kowtowed his head desperately.

"Master Hou, he said he was going to graze in one place. The pastures have been abolished over time, so he can only live everywhere one by one. I implore you to let them go. He is willing to produce one hundred sheep and ten cows every year. Tribute."

Li Bin said blankly: "Let him go back quickly, I have promised his family reunion."

When the man heard this, he was not happy but was shocked, and a bunch of words rushed out.

What kind of family reunion, is it to reunite in the Yin Cao Jifu, right?

"Master Hou, he said the whole family will move in soon."

Li Bin nodded: "Tell him he can run, and he can run far."

Where did the man dare, just begging hard, saying that he hoped to go farming.

Li Bin nodded nonchalantly, and when the man left, he said, "He is a wise man and he has no ambition."

Some generals sneered and said, "If he dares to run, it would be interesting. Daming will not stop exploring. The further north, the harder it will be to live! Eventually he will come back by himself, otherwise he will be annexed. Those barbarians are comparable to Daming. Much tougher!"

If you farm the land, you are actually a tenant of the Ming Dynasty. At least one group of people will not starve to death or be frozen to death.

Comparing the two, smart people and people with no ambitions will naturally make a choice.

Li Bin's gaze looked sternly: "Under the world, is it possible that Wang Tu, Alutai is watching leopards, arrogant and arrogant. Was hungry, but ambitious, and waiting for them to fight, after the fight comes out, Daming will naturally let them know What does this mean!"

The north wind is gradually rising, and the grassland has entered a dormant period...


Fang Xing learned that Zhu Di came home and didn't respond, but asked Zhang Shuhui to go out quietly.

Lao Zhu is getting older now, and the angle of thinking about things is different from before.

"People who don't recognize this will suffer a lot!"

Fang Xing took his family for a tour around the city yesterday, and when he came back, he found someone to start work and turned the place next door to Li's house into Beiping Zhixing Academy.

"You need a variety of trees, and also, leave some places to grow crops. The students of the college can't divide the grains."

When he arrived at the main house, Fang Xing went in and took a look, and said, "The walls are opened, and the library and classrooms have to be rebuilt, but before that, they will use the original room for teaching."

Fang Xing looked at this three-jin mansion. Although there were flowers and trees, the layout was not suitable for the academy.

"Let's take a look, Mr. Xie, what if the academy is rebuilt on the side?"

Xie Jin had no objection: "If you have money, then spend it hard."

Lu Changbo had some doubts: "Mountain Chang, but here is almost five miles away from the city, students still have to live here!"

"So what's the problem? I live in a college and leave home every ten days."

Fang Xing stood at the door and suddenly looked back and smiled: "Let’s build another Zhixing Academy in Peiping, one south and one north, echoing each other~www.wuxiaspot.com~Mr. Xie, I believe there will be a day when peaches and plums will be all over the world!"

Xie Jin nodded, and then asked, "Dehua, the style of writing in the north is not strong, but rather interested in the Science Society."

Lv Changbo nodded and said: "Before I went to the north, I had a classmate from the north. I have been with each other for many years. I feel that there are few people in the north, and my temperament is rough. I really can't compare to a southern student in reading."

Fang Xing smiled and said: "Ours is practical science, we don't hum, we don't need to chant poems and paint, we are practical, and we will reap what we learn. This kind of place is suitable for taking roots in science."

Xie Jin's clothes tightly around him, and the wind in the north made him a little uncomfortable.

He has a small yard in the front yard of Fang's house. The day he moved in, he found Fang Xing's improved Kang bed, so that he would not have to risk burning charcoal fires in the house to keep warm in winter.

Older and alone again, from going to bed to getting up, the bedding is cold, just like this person's heart.

The local officials in Peking were indifferent to Xie Jin, and the failure of this former "first assistant" even became a conversation piece for everyone.

Turning around and looking at the empty courtyard, Xie Jin said solemnly: "Okay, let's take root here!"

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