Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 895: Beiping Zhixing Academy

Zhu Di's complexion is not very good, but it is not angry, but has some physical problems.

After the diagnosis, the imperial doctor said cautiously: "Your Majesty, the north is dry. You have to take a few more medicines and get some conditioning."

Zhu Di glanced at the worried Concubine Wang and said, "What kind of medicine? It will be fine in a few days!"

The imperial doctor looked at Wang Guifei in embarrassment, and the only one who could persuade Zhu Di in the palace was this one.

"Your Majesty, or just take medicated food, after all, the climate here is not as good as that in the south, so be careful in autumn and winter!"

Concubine Wang looked at Zhu Di's molting face and couldn't help sighing lightly.

Zhu Di waved his hand and said, "That's it."

After the imperial doctor left, Wang Guifei said softly: "Your Majesty, Taisun is alone in the south, do you want to call it back?"

After Zhu Di had a sense of urgency, Zhu Zhanji's status rose sharply and he was continuously sent out to practice.

"He is already on the road."

Zhu Di put the brush down and felt the depression in his chest dissipated a bit, so he got up and paced.

"Zhan Ji was young, but fortunately he never learned the Confucian style. He was quite decisive in killing and killing Fang Dehua."

When Zhu Zhanji started to write "Miscellaneous Learning" with Fang Xing, Zhu Di was watching with cold eyes, feeling it was just a pastime.

When the emperor grandson had a leisure time after studying, naturally no one would dare to hum.

After the contents of Professor Fang Xing were gradually disclosed, Zhu Di hesitated.

Mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography...

Zhu Di even wanted to exile Fang Xing's family to Nuer Gandusi to prevent Zhu Zhanji from being attacked by the literary crowd. But when Fang Xing's remarks were secretly reported to his ears, he pondered over and over again and put aside this idea.

Then there was a fight. After the literati found out that the Emperor Taisun was about to be taught by Fang Xing to be'crooked', they immediately turned to Fang Xing, and all kinds of open spears and dark arrows went into battle together.

"That one is bold and knows how to advance and retreat."

Concubine Wang covered her mouth and smiled: "Even the concubines in the palace know that there is an uncle Xinghe in the country, and his enemies are all over the world, but he has the trust of his Majesty."

Zhu Di's eyes are faint: "He wants to be a lone minister, and wants to start and end well. What's wrong with me perfecting him? In future history books, I hope to see Zhanji and his monarchs get together and flourish."

Concubine Wang Gui was confused and said, "With his help, Concubine Taisun can live better in that mansion."

Zhu Di was not interested in these things, he frowned and said, "What can children's love do? If Fang Xing looks at it, Zhan Ji will not pet that woman alone. In the future, even if the Hu family goes, she won't be able to come. Be the princess grandson!"

Concubine Wang sighed faintly: "It's all poor people, your majesty, the deep palace is lonely, the Hu family is kind, not irritable, and soft-hearted. It's difficult!"


Hu Shanxiang felt that he had a pretty good life, especially after arriving in Peking, she was in charge of the grandson's mansion without Zhu Zhanji, and the Yingyingyanyans were silent.

Looking at the gray sky, Hu Shanxiang put down his needle and thread and said, "Can those gifts be delivered to Uncle Xinghe's house?"

The maid bowed and said, "Princess Taisun, it has been delivered. The return gift from Xinghe Bo's family is being checked outside."

Hu Shanxiang frowned, trying to stop this neurotic behavior, but finally remembered the rules his father frequently said before getting married, so he sighed and picked up the needle and thread again.

This is a half-completed purse with a pair of mandarin ducks embroidered outside...


Fang Xing stayed at home as soon as he arrived in Peiping. For this reason, many people in the DPRK said that he was afraid of King Zhao, who would have the advantage of the home court.

Zhu Gaosui has been in Peking for many years, and even Zhu Gaochi is not familiar with him.

After the dynasty was dispersed that day, an official went out of the city to do business, but he saw a notice at Shunchengmen. Many people around were watching and some reading.

"...Zhixing Academy focuses on practical studies, mathematics, physics, chemistry..., this academy will enroll students in three days, and the entrance examination will focus on mathematics. Anyone who is interested can go to Fangjiazhuang to sign up. Deadline in the future!"

"Zhixing Academy? Isn't it the one from Xinghebo?"

"Yes, three days later, if you take the exam, you will be a student of the college."

"Then I have to go home quickly. The kid at home has learned that math for a long time."

"Yes, yes, yes! I heard that the college covers board and lodging without spending any money, but it recruits fewer people."

"Everyone who can get in is Wenquxing, of course not more!"


When the official heard these words, he strangled his horse, and then went back to the city, but the matter was gone.

Immediately this news spread throughout North Korea.

Yang Shiqi covered his forehead and said, "Here again! The official thought he had stopped, but..."

Jin Youzi sneered and said: "Fang Dehua seems to be kind, and ten cows can't be pulled back for anything that can be recognized!"

It is your opponent who knows you best!

Yang Rong said lightly: "Dozens of students can prevent Confucianism from turning over?"

Jin Youzi put down the tea cup and sneered: "But Fang Xing has published a lot of scientific books. As soon as the Peking Academy opens, how many more books will be sold? How many people will change course from now on?"

Yang Rong frowned and said, "Students in the academy cannot participate in the imperial examination. This is what Fang Dehua said. Isn't it enough?"


"Hahahaha! Interesting! It is really interesting to open Zhixing Academy to Peiping!"

Zhu Gaosui had just returned from the palace, and after hearing the news, he laughed horribly.

"Not being able to participate in the imperial examination is a misunderstanding, and he used the method of publishing and printing books to promote science. This is digging the foundation of Confucianism."

Zhu Gaosui sat down comfortably and said, "It's all about Jinling, but he actually got Beiping. This is not to make concessions! What do you think of not making concessions to Confucianism from the beginning of the Han Dynasty?"

Xie Chen caressed his beard and smiled: "He can be proud of him for a while with Taisun and His Majesty, but countless pairs of eyes are staring at him. Once he makes a big mistake, it is time to die."

Zhu Gaosui smiled and said: "This king just watched him die, it's better to be slower, too fast and less fun!"


But Fang Xing didn't feel the malice. He gave Ma Su the written textbooks.

"What Da Ming needs now is mathematics, physics, and chemistry. We need to use higher efficiency to produce things that others don't have~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and all these Confucianism can't provide answers, so you have to learn it in a good way!"

This sounded like a mantra, Ma Su was also respectful, but the potato sitting on Fang Xing's neck made the atmosphere a little weird.

"Dangdang! Dangdang! Daddy! Dangdang!"

Potato grabbed Fang Xing's hair and yelled, and the bell was lying at the door, dozing lazily.

Ma Su took these books, cherished and cherished his body and said: "Teacher, disciples will live up to your expectations and carry forward Fang Xue."

"It's science!"

Fang Xing was a bit against his will. In his heart, he wanted to call this knowledge Fang Xue, but in such a situation, he didn't want to be jealous of Zhu Di under the gunfire.

"Dehua, are you all right? Someone has come to sign up!"

Fang Xing got up and said, "Okay."

"Father! Get out! Get out!"

Tudou speaks more and more smoothly, just wetting the bed from time to time.

When he walked to the front yard, Fang Xing couldn't help laughing when he saw a lot of people surrounded.

No matter how jealous you are and how you suppress it, I have already sown the seeds. Unless it is a clear practice, science will be rooted in Daming, and no one can shake it!

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