Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 902: Your Majesty, let's send a fleet to explore

Xuanweisi and Manlajia in the old port together became an important supply point for Zheng He's fleet, as well as a strategic location to guard the throat of the strait.

Fang Xing said solemnly: "Your Majesty, the minister has one thing, I implore your majesty for permission."

Jin Youzi was speculating about the reason for Fang Xing's so seriousness, but Fang Xing squinted and couldn't help but shudder.

The next thing Fang Xing must go all out to do, whoever dares to confuse, it must be for enmity.

What is it worthy of Fang Dehua's fierceness?

Zhu Di also noticed Fang Xing's emotions, and said, "Come on."

The king will not promise you anything in advance, it is a curse to promise.

Fang Xing thought for a while, "Your Majesty, the minister has heard that there are countless novel species on the opposite side of the sea. Can Daming send a fleet to open up new routes and collect species?"

Is this the only thing?

Jin Youzi felt that Fang Xing regarded himself as a villain and opposed everything.

But Zhu Di said solemnly: "What are you looking for?"

Zhu Di's reaction was quick, and he immediately realized that the matter was not easy.

If it is to explore the route and search for new species, Fang Xingda can say it directly instead of being so cautious.

"The minister heard that there was a thing on the other side, which was very resilient and extremely tough. This thing is very important to the Academy and Zhu Fang."

"How important is it?"

Zhu Di was groaning, he knew that what Fang Xing valued must make everyone stunned.

Fang Xing said sternly: "Your Majesty, if you can find that thing, the minister thinks it is more important than bringing the Japanese kingdom into the Ming Dynasty."


Zhu Di was horrified and moved, and the Japanese nation became the Yingzhou of Ming Dynasty, which not only made the Japanese pirates disappear, but also added a piece of archipelago and the silver mountain on the island out of thin air.

And Fang Xing actually said that the thing was comparable to the Japanese Kingdom, so in terms of value, it would have at least tens of millions of taels of silver!

Is it worth it?

But Zhu Di knew that Fang Xing would not aimlessly, let alone fool himself.

"That thing can only be grown in very hot places, such as Java. The academy is currently studying some things, and Zhu Fang also needs this kind of thing."

Yang Rong said bewildered: "Xing He Bo, what do you mean by what you said?"

Fang Xing said: “It’s gum. This kind of thing can be widely used in all aspects. Without this thing, many ideas of the Academy cannot become reality. It will make people forget that they are sitting in the car."

"In a word, this kind of gum will make Daming reborn."

Jin Youzi shook his head and said, "Xing He Bo, before seeing those things, what you said are just castles in the air."

Yang Shiqi also disagrees with taking risks, "Xinghebo, the new route represents a risk. If you encounter wind and waves, Da Ming cannot bear that kind of loss."

Fang Xing gritted his teeth and said, "The minister only needs a few ships and hundreds of people."

This is a must!

Yang Rong was about to persuade, but Zhu Di said, "You wait to get out first."

After the people went out, Zhu Di said: "Let's talk about it, what is that thing? It's worth your risk."

If the fleet fails, not to mention conscience, pressure from the ruling and the opposition alone can dissipate Fang Xing's accumulated advantage in front of him, and at the same time, the future of the academy will also cast a shadow.

Fang Xing said: "The wheel is only one item. The key is a power generation thing that the minister is developing. It must be wrapped with this thing, otherwise it will kill people!"

"Power generation?"

Zhu Di thought of something in a daze, but couldn't catch it.

"Yes, power generation."

Fang Xing said, "Your Majesty, do you still remember that the ministers led thunder and lightning on Jubao Mountain?"

Zhu Di sat up abruptly, and asked anxiously: "Are you talking about lightning?"

Fang Xing nodded and said: "The two are the same. We can't use lightning, but they can make electricity that can be controlled. And its application is wide. Your Majesty, let me give you an example. If there is a machine that can instantly pass through The rubber-wrapped cable directly connects to Jinling. What do you think?"


The chief **** was looking down at his feet and was taken aback by the sound. He raised his eyes and saw Zhu Di slapping the table.

Zhu Di was very excited. Of course, he didn't think that something like the telegraph would definitely be possible, but he saw a kind of hope.

"The boat and the people are all out from the middle of the court, and the three of them can also go with them."

Zhu Di slowly said, "I only ask you, what will happen to the college?"

This is a chicken that lays golden eggs!

Facing Zhu Di's gaze, Fang Xing calmly said: "The academy nowadays officials rarely stretch out their hands to take care of things, at most they teach classes and help those students give pointers."

Zhu Di remembered the last time he saw what those students did at Jinling Academy, he closed his eyes and said, "Can Jie Jin have complaints?"

Fang Xing didn't dare to neglect these words, and hurriedly responded: "Mr. Jie teaches and disciplines in the college every day. In his free time, he drinks some wine with the housekeeper and others, and then writes poems."

"He is happy!"

Zhu Di immediately made a decision: "Xie Jin's family is in Jishui, right?"

The **** immediately responded: "Your Majesty, it's in Jishui."

Zhu Di nodded: "Send someone to pick it up."

Fang Xing understood in an instant, he said: "Your Majesty, the Academy is originally in charge of Mr. Xie, and the minister's disciple, Ma Su, is just focusing on teaching students."

Zhu Di soothed his beard and said, "You have to do your best to teach good students in the academy."

Fang Xing was taken aback, and then quickly responded.

After leaving the imperial city, Fang Xing returned to Fangjiazhuang in a hurry.

"Please understand that Mr. Come, and let the three of Huang Jinlu come right away."

After the trio of Huang Jinlu had gone through the turmoil of the Japanese Kingdom, they could no longer return to their original state of life.


Huang Jinlu’s wife and children had a very comfortable life while Chen Mo and Liu Ming stayed at his house, just waiting every day.

What are you waiting for?

Chen Mo couldn't sit still, and went to harass Liu Ming who was reading every day.

"I want to go home!"

Liu Ming doesn't answer~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now he is not the desperate guy before.

"What are we waiting for?"

Chen Mo snatched the physics book in Liu Ming's hand and shouted angrily.

Liu Ming said slowly: "Wait for the news from Uncle."

Chen Mo looked up to the sky and sighed: "Then shall we stay here all the time? Even going out to sea fishing is better than this kind of life!"

Liu Ming said faintly: "Uncle gave us a lot of money, and there is no shortage of money. If we run around... Jin Yiwei's prison is a bit empty."

Chen Mo sneered: "You are scaring me! You must be scaring me!"

Liu Ming glanced at the physics book Fang Wakeman sent, and said helplessly: "We are killing people and setting fire in the country of Japan, and we know a lot about those private matters, spreading out will hinder Daming's reputation!"

When Chen Mo thought of his days in the country of Japan, he couldn't help but slumped in his chair, and sighed, "What is the difference between this and the imprisonment? I stay locked in this way for the rest of my life. I'd rather go out to sea and be entangled in the wind and waves! I won't be wronged if I die!"

At this time, Huang Jinlu came in, unable to hide his excitement and said: "Go, uncle has summoned us!"

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